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Status Updates posted by bananahamuck

  1. so you think your gonna get-er done for Canby??

  2. does nissan still sell 90 degree bent hose that hooks the inlet with the pipe that goes to intake.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. bananahamuck


      You just have to duct tape around the hole..



      That`s what she said

    3. jrock4224


      go to st petes er ask fr my wife .... she can glue anything shut...i woke up before the glue dried on my mouth

    4. bananahamuck


      She probably did it while your sleeping because she would need a frickin step ladder to reach your lips if you stood up.

  3. Man, was i error coded tonight ..i feel violated somehow :D

  4. Tryin for the triple post

  5. just noticed your avatar ,, hmmm nice

  6. You may have to many cars when someone asks you about a car and you dont remember even having it

  7. I saw you were asking about parting a 620 ...if tour in Washington state , you should contact Tdaaj he might have your part, follow link below and message him. He buys & sells just about any used part you need..


  8. But i dont want the other sticker guys mad at you for posting in general either , though

  9. So does this mean your not going to post in the general section??

    Because you haven`t hit one i want (yet) and and like the thinking out loud way that one is done..

  10. It was actually the first time i tried to get it right..I must have rolled the screen up and down 8 times..the vowels are just in the funkiest spots.

  11. Should have been Leery of dentist that sells ivory animal figurines at the reception desk.

  12. need suggestions on cheap carbon remover for my head,,you think a bucket of diesel overnight will do it

    1. bananahamuck


      You were giggling just typing that in weren`t you.



    2. bananahamuck


      you have message awaiting your arrival.

  13. tomorrow the twin`s diapers get delivered and there`s like 6 huge boxes you can`t leave in the rain..Maybe monday.

  14. I was going to surprise you guys this morning at yer shed, but it was just to damn cold..

  15. you do mean 510 wagon right??

  16. i cant find my long distance number to call ..i might let you have wiper arm if you come and get it.

  17. t was like camping with alot more shoveing .

    1. DatWifey


      Were you guys in the dark for a few days at your place?

    2. bananahamuck


      yes till 6:00pm


      I was off youtubing just now

  18. No pictures cuz i aint started ..Bought me some of those Mklotz G20 front disc adapters, but here`s the part you may not dig..87 4AGE and 5speed probably corrola rear also.,,real frickin loud total beat looking hot rod.

    Might even put radiator in trunk Ah la rat rod style.

    Totally Bare bones..not nice like yours

  19. Theres so many awesome 521 builds on here !!You guys are blowing my mind

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jon521


      true story. makes me start wondering about doing more to mine.....

    3. tdaaj


      you should build that blue 521

    4. bananahamuck


      Securing my engine for the 411 tomorrows..

      now just need to figure out hw to fiance the twin 40s..

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