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Status Updates posted by bananahamuck

  1. Im sorry Canada

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. 510kevin
    3. 510kevin


      say....."out and about in a boat" funny if yer from canadia....or minnesota!!

    4. datzenmike


      We have tastier beer and our women aren't as wide.

  2. Kenny G I want my music back

  3. I think you need to post up a no troll parking sign cuz otherwise you get this type a deal right here..


  4. I got here to late and i had a BUNCH of new gifs to egg it on

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bananahamuck


      Plus winter time usually has better fights




      Ill just wait

    3. DatWifey


      haha. you'll be ready for the quick-draw huh?

    4. bananahamuck


      God i need to get a life





















      For reals

  5. I am probably not going either..long show on Saturday at Olympia Nissan

    maybe i will have to take you up on the Sunday night BBQ sometime this winter.

  6. Ok im really confused now

    where am i posting this to??

  7. But maybe this isn`t status at all because if it was it would show out on the front page

  8. Although here i am post whoreing your status LoL

  9. I know i keep post whoreing your 620 thread but ever since Ted told me about it i`ve been staring at it on datsunminitrucking at the old add.. seriously

    holy shit!!

  10. Going to the Sonic meet??

    or work got ya down

  11. Where are the pictures of your car i can`t seem to find any other than your muffler video.. is there a thread.

  12. How much shipped to 90210

  13. Who`s the goofy looking guy in your avatar

    kinda creeps me out........LOL!

  14. Was without innerwebs since the 17th

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. nismo dr

      nismo dr

      with out crabs since..... shit

    3. bananahamuck


      It`s going to take ALOT more than that to over power the stripper toilet paper vision still in my head..

    4. Pumpkn210


      Something Something Complete!

  15. Big box came in mail today i thought it might be bomb but it wasn`t :)

  16. Forgot to tell you thanks for info....so um


  17. Went to the new transformers movie and guess WHAT!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ptown green

      ptown green

      start a thread about it

    3. bananahamuck


      Ok i didn`t actually go to movie ..but i did see the commercial

    4. DatWifey
  18. Northwest historics at pacific raceways tomorrow and Sunday

    1. bananahamuck


      You younger guys that have never went to one of these you really really need to check it out



  19. I thinks your new events page is pretty good idea, didn`t post in it cause it looked like your still working on it but good way for some of us to see all those Cali cars..

  20. Hey,doood i can`t seem to find any build up info on yer car.Do you have a build page? cause i can`t steal your ideas if i can`t find-um

  21. You got f***ed by an oven full of witches?

    1. Jassifrass


      I love that movie

  22. Hey, you made the realm..go to events then to canby ( not pics ) page three behind yellow coupe

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