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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Here it is.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHmvkRoEowc
  2. Oh i got the PM...it`s just been a couple of weeks of early release, band concerts, field trips, track meets and year end child placement conferences, for my sons ..even though i have went by the post office i haven`t stopped...And i didn`t want to bug you till i actually had some info.. i got all that stuff on a shelf in the garage and the only place it will go is to you.....well.....unless i forget where i put it. :lol:
  3. Before ya get your chonies in a twist this thread was only on the second page..so technically not dead YET..
  4. Pertronix is the shit ,,so simple and it wakes the engine up immediately ...i could go on and on about Pertronix i just love the system they have developed ,,.. And this is coming from someone who likes messing with points..
  5. Was facebook ..AND... Twitter closed this morning.???
  6. So i have been forced to drive the wagon quite a bit trying to put 500 or so miles on new rings before handing keys over to " professor peel-out " and i will have to say... Dattolac is the perfect name cuz holy shit these things do drive pretty smoooooth... In bad news the lower tail light bolt wouldn`t come out so the old one is now broken ..i have all the parts,, but broken none the less.
  7. My son got this at the swap meet for $5.00 and since the tow hooks are now covered up i installed it for him this morning..wooden buck was made so i could cut it short enough to be able to mark air dam from back side ..The tow hook was used and bent and the cars frame isnt at a 90 degree angle to bumper but i used a wooden pole and it`s pretty straight now. His car is now one step closer to his idols car that he fell in love with at Canby last year ....Except not red or old. Aaarrrr !!!...where`s me box of treasures..!?? Why, on the front of the car sillys. Cars new theme song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2jYP7RcwJk&list=FLEvtBQOY3je0JcpqnTxJg1g&index=2&feature=plpp_video
  8. If you go to ( or call ) a nut and bolt dealer they can usually direct you to a local bender..try a truck parts dealer, that`s where i got mine made while i stood there, for just less than $60. and since you can hold them up to the original there`s no guessing if they will fit. the lowering blocks can usually be purchased locally also ,,because they use them to lift trucks.. So having a double use they sell alot of them,,which means the blocks are usually on the shelf.
  9. nice write up ...And you got those spacers priced good to to help out your fellow low buckers.. :thumbup:
  10. bananahamuck

    Mt. Rainier 2012

    http://calendarscripts.info/gas-mileage-calculator.html :ninja:
  11. I spent so much energy trying to get the 4 cars ( that didn`t make it ) that i forgot the camera by the phone...Hope someone took a few of kens monster 620 ..And it was a good Datsun turn out They may have been mostly yours but one of the best turn outs so far this year..
  12. Yeah by your video that`s what i thought you ment ,,, :)
  13. yeah wasn`t sure what the heck that weird glowing orb was for a while this morning ..The reason the lizard mobile is clean is because i was washing the mold off the west side of it today.. :lol:
  14. By freeing up throw bearing do you mean it wont ever get out of gear.?? If yes, the clutch plate probably has rusted to the flywheel try to start truck in gear and on the ground ,, if that dont break it loose drive around holding brake hard enough to stall engine...Sometimes having a couple friends push while starting will help get it rolling . but you will probably still end up replacing disc shortly
  15. My son shot some pictures today after getting home from his track meet ..there were more but mein veehickle was in zee ways.
  16. I can tell you have never driven through Montana .. :lol: When a guy from Montana says it`s a long ass ways away , they aint bullshittin.
  17. Holy crap, is this the start of the zombiepocalypes Logical1 was alluding to in the interview ? OP was only a member for 3 days.. :rofl: :rofl:
  18. Cool car, there was a stock one of these at the Olympia Nissan show last summer and i thought it might have been the sweetest car there. Welcome to Ratsun You should try to make the Planet Of The Datsuns show in May it`s pretty close to you.. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/42299-planet-of-the-datsuns-meet-may-20th-des-moines-marina/ Pics from past events http://www.bleachgarage.com/events.html
  19. Both shows guest starred ,,, Ricardo Montalban.. Ok i got nutin. And for posterity the " bag of weed " song is playing on the Family guy show right this second.. Top that..
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