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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. If by listed agent you mean name on sign,, go around them and contact reality office directly and tell them what you want..OR send a female ( or two ) over to " check out " the listing and have her make it really clear the cars are a big problem with purchasing property,, have them bring conversation back to "junkers in front yard over and over..It would only take an hour or so.. Then wait a week or so and give ole lazy lister a call... profit and for the record i have done way stupider things to get cars in the past....sometimes the stupider the plan the more likely it will work.... :lol:
  2. Well yeaaaah,,,,, did you see that thing? :lol: << to not scare away the new members
  3. Dude saying your on another website that Tristin posts on ,,, is like saying your typewriter has a space bar.. :rofl: :rofl:
  4. bananahamuck


    It says .Novato CA there seems to be quite a few ratsuners around that area ,,,somebody help the kid out..
  5. You might want to watch your vernacular with those guys from Boise , when a young fellow says he`s ready to " hook up " it means more to them..
  6. FAT510s car has been "home for the holidays" since he got a ticket for using a camera in a school zone with emergency vehicles present... :excl: ... I know you think it wasn`t your fault but as a parent I know it will always be your fault ,,Sooo,, drive safe your parents will live longer ... and so will you. // End of parent rant, // Do you think you are going to be able to catch the caravan up to Canby this year??
  7. People come to Oregon for the scenery but stay for the flooding..... :D For some reason our water table must have dropped because my front yard used to flood at least 3 or 4 times year for weeks at a time ( so that little shed up front was an island) but now water soaks into ground in a couple days... :confused: :confused:
  8. Someone should organize a tri-cities sleep over in July......it would be about 4 hour drive for many of us ...make it happen

    1. bananahamuck


      We could have an area for goats as well..

    2. flatcat19


      All the goats are always taken. :forever alone:

    3. Str8_69


      how many goats ya'll got in dem there 3 cities eh

  9. I get pretty much the same thing every year... :wub: :wub:
  10. An industrial suppy company would probably have them no problem,, and you should be able to buy individuals and not "kits" like the box stores have..
  11. And a merry Christmas carol to you my good sir.. Google song title it is very fitting to pic
  12. Nope,, not by the hair of his twin-turboed car.. Phixius lives just up the way from my house .. i don`t go by there unless the bodies are stacking up and i need to dispose of them in a "woodsie" type area..
  13. I consider 185 a skinny tire ,,,but it was the widest one they sold ( and the only 60s series ) so it was the only example i could give,,,,,which in itself is a example of how hard it is to find tire size you might want... :)
  14. I see people posting that 13"s are easily bought at tire rack.....Well yeah if you are buying pizza cutters,, but any tire other than 70 series are almost non-existent... You can buy 185/60/13 track tires for $141. dollars which i would never consider cheap,,and if you notice can`t be shipped to Wa or OR. . If you buy 13 inch rims try to buy them with good tires already on them..In case your thinking im just hating,, my son and i both run 13s on our rigs. I have a pile of wide13s but like most people that have them stockpiled ,, would never sell. Save yourself the headache and go at least 14" ...which are becoming an endangered species too but there`s still lots around....for now.
  15. ^^^ seriously?? Do you really believe if Kobe Bryant or Lebrone James or Ben Wallace were 5' 9" they would be in the NBA no matter how much "productivity " they put out..?? :rofl: :rofl:
  16. See that thing your staring into???? Push yourself away from it , trust me,, in the late spring when the twins can start going outside again ,, i drop 20# without doing anything at all but getting off of it and walking around.....BUT rain and cold weather comes ,,so does pounds.... ...I can verify the weight because having heart surgery a long ass time ago my doctor and cardiologist bring me in for weighting like a steer on more than a regular basis .. The doctor told me to go to nutritionist but they don`t have one on the rez that`s close by so i have to go all the way up to the Muckelshoot Rez to see her..And that`s just to damn far (edit) although if you lost 20# my 14 year old son would probably be bigger than you
  17. Warsaw ,,,as in Poland.?? cuz that would make sense.
  18. A couple more ,,and in the second from the last,, Austin dealership photo i think there`s a truck to the left of picture,,,,but don't know those well enough ,,Little help?? And is it a Sunny on the left or do i need to delete ?? And as a bonus ( because i loaded it already :lol: ),,, a British.??? redneck geerage
  19. I was thinking more Dr Oz and no not from Englandland ,,,,,,,,im from ,,,,,,The internet Got most of those from a thread about old or defunct dealerships and gas stations in the UK ,,but there`s over 640 pictures and just posted Datsun ones http://www.flickriver.com/groups/1261441@N23/pool/interesting/
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