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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. My son Albert is definitely getting a haircut before Canby..
  2. Needs moar sauerkraut.. On another note,, i just eat 3 of those and i think i'm going to pass out..
  3. I'm i the only one that came here to see what needed body part he had tried to cut off over night .. no-homo?
  4. What`s your size on that wheel?? The always in April swap is in Portland in a couple weeks and i/we could scorched earth policy the fuck outta the place for you one.... We usually go as a group so at probably 8 eyes searching for ya one...
  5. So.. Good price...check Money to buy...........check Close to my location...check Motivated seller....check 15 year old son wants as first car....... not so much. :no: sorry man , by his reaction i think he`s more of a car guy... :hmm:
  6. I don`t know shit about 620s ,, so i have a couple questions ,, is this a longtail 4speed ?? Does it have single point distributor or dual point?? About all i know is there is cross over years about when this was built,, and that is why i ask..Well that ,,,, and it`s a good deal.
  7. don`t go making fun of my beach towel,,,, i'll cut you man.
  8. So wanted to give +2 for awesome amount of enginuity and effort but i had to deduct 1 for welding splatter,,, :lol: ,, beveling the parts as Wayno suggested is a great way to disguise poor welding skills ,, because you can grind all the nasty-ness off,, refill , grind smooth and no ones the wiser... but seeing the not quite finished product is better than just seeing it done for me.. :thumbup: :thumbup:
  9. Cuz my son has a daily driver 79 that he had to have because he saw pictures of the Fudpucker-mobile.. His wagon and his parts wagon...and freakishly not in that order.... :rofl:
  10. Fix it ?? Hell maybe get your self a couple ladies,, that way there would be one on each side of the hump.. :D
  11. colorbox: So in the pictures there doesn`t seem to be much trucker love down there ,, or did you just not get many pictures.. I am also going to send out a preemptive " im sorry " to Philcus for asking about trucks,, so he wont punch me in the face the next time i see him..
  12. Yeah i saw Boner didn`t have " Honky Lips" spray painted on the side of his wagon in the pictures,,, so i guess i was wrong after all.. :lol: What? nobodies ever seen the movie vacation,,,,, .... i worked on the boilers for HUD housing complexes up in west Seattle / White center in the mid 80s through the early 90s ,,, and i can say for a fact , it wasn`t like livin on the north side down or down by the water nowadays ... ...and that aint no shit..
  13. I would do the Edmonds -Kingston to avoid the sometimes Seattle traffic nightmare.. it`s not that hard to find your way once you get on the Kingston side.... and unlike going through west Seattle,, you dont have to worry about being stabbed inside your car .. :rofl: The southworth does drop you off only a couple miles from meet though..
  14. Is that your final answer?? cuz http://bit.ly/10T06Zs
  15. Those ZX struts you have should be killer on this..
  16. I got this one outta a 79 wagon , it is the same length as longtail ,, or close enough because we replaced it with one a year ago with no problems.. We could try and get it to you if you go to the freakers ball on the 30th in Kelso...... I am not really a seller more of a trader ,, so maybe we could follow you to your shed you say you got all this free b210 shit in and let us see if we can pick some corn outta it.... ...............Or i could just give it to you if your going to be a dick about it. Or,, since the new thing is to rape fellow Datsuners,,,,,, since i had to take it outta the car already... but i don`t have any way to haul it ,, or pick it up off the floor myself ,, so if some fellow Ratsuners could come over and do all that for me ,, i could up the price to you $800.
  17. About an hour down scenic twisting backroads driving to get there, cars running tip top at the moment, have gas monies,, and i still aint going. Hey Red76 are you planning to stay longer than 8.23 minutes this time.? :poke: :D
  18. 100 isnt that bad it seems like most of those old motors i have run into were pretty loose .. But the zero sucks.. It pops when your driving around like a bad valve .. i drove around an old chevelle that had a burnt intake valve for awhile by just unplugging that sparkplug wire. ( yes i was young and dumb :lol: ) but it did stop the flames from coming out the carb constantly... although the cylinder being washed down with gas probably didn`t help the engine any. Pontiac power aint that bad,, but if that needs parts you will pay through the frickin nose , And ,,,,and , the picture you show for final product is pretty damn tasteful yet on the cheaper side..
  19. The couple fishermans kids got those turboed sr5s with their crabber monies and they couldn`t 4 wheel for shit .. Although it might have been that they were new trucks and had never been on their sides ,,, so they didn`t take a run at the problem ,, like the rest of us could.
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