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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Get some lunch and park around Greenlake ,,........ Bounce a bounce a bounce
  2. What i should have demanded was you use Oregon-locos-enomiics ... It's where i get help from others to watch video ,, only watch half-assed ,,, not even finish watching video ,, then afterwards say i deserve the whole 55:17 back because i am entitled to them and would be the only one that would ever really truly cherish those minutes ,, then turn around and resale those minutes for a profit.... Yeah,,,,,,,,,,,, i wanna use that method next time
  3. Typical Bernie-onimics you young people seem to love so much...............You ask me to watch video ,, i do so very intently ,, but when i go ask for what i have earned i hear there will be no 6 minutes ,, most likely because you already gave MY 6 minutes to 9 other members ever though they did not even click on video.. On the spring roll thing.. and unlike your hope-y change guy ,, i cannot give you something i do not have,,, But you know in your mutherfucken heart ,, even as old as i am,, if you showed up here at 11:30 at night wanting me to go with you to get a springroll,,,,,,,,,, i would probably go ..
  4. I aint defending him from being a dick face ( cuz he was called at least twice and said he was "to tired" to come) but i think he makes less than you even now. Those heavy wage people are the lead cashiers and shit like that I got a sighting but i can't divulge it because i would have to edit out all the surroundings so we can get the deal done,, before someone else also sees it.,,, i will say it is shaped like a 510 4door // fuck you guys
  5. So he is an attorney and a radio talk show host and you believe his hour long sharn?? :rofl: Less than 5 minutes in ,,,,,,, he says these ( referring to Weimar and Chinese constitutions) are all paper documents,, and what do they have in common with our constitution ?? They are all paper documents ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, hmmmm i guess if you don't listen to what he's saying most of the time he makes great points..
  6. Jesus Christ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, who does that? http://i.imgur.com/LNU7vov.mp4 .
  7. Who's going through the international district and can pick me up a couple spring rolls??

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bananahamuck


      I have some frozen ones in a bag!! I want freshly made








      and i want one now!!




    3. EastBay521


      make a tutorial on how to make them

    4. bananahamuck


      Make?? I didn't get this fat by taking the time to learn how to make food,,, and i'm not changing now.

  8. Seattle?? Why not just ask someone closer,, hell if you asked around you probably could have been entertained while having them done while a few of us threw crap and criticized every move person doing the job,,,,, made.. Oh. Now i see :blush:
  9. Can't we all just go back to hating Rick like the olden days??

    1. bananahamuck


      Cuz he's the real dick here..







      Am i right??






      you know i am.





    2. flatcat19


      We're dicks. He's an asshole.

  10. 3700 Or whatever,, collected for raffle 5000. something from Jdong $8700 . Less $1000. (being very generous) Ricks costs less the college money that was owed $3700. $4000. How is that so confusing?? All values have been rounded as i'm only on computer trying to figure out why FATs 4x4 sounds like a 12 gauge shotgun going down the road............... if it matters i think i fixed the problem
  11. After talking to Boner at Canby we went to the trouble and got EDLs to be able to cross border to be able to go to this in Vancoober BC .. http://the510realm.com/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=28977 so may not make it over there again this summer.. BUT MAYBE Going to try and sell one of my 60s Ford pickups just to make it up there ( middle sons university costs coming soon ,,got our cash flow pinched pretty hard ),,, but if i can sucker,,,,,,, find a buyer for them ,, i may be in fat city enough to make it over there for the day.. For what it's worth,,, we are more of a mission taco type group to tell you the truth.
  12. And hey i found another better single rubber brake line grommet/holder thing if you still need.
  13. Let Jrock say his peace,,as this is HIS thread You wanna stick your head in the sand till this blows over so he can pull the same shit again,, so be it You wanna have the mods edit your thread for better content ,, go do it .. I gave,, very little but i did give,, and it sucks Al made at least a $4000. profit off others charity,,, not to mention the irreplaceable NOS parts..
  14. Thanks man..... i have always real liked minilite type wheels.. You know there may be huge amount of Datsuns over here but that gold Z of your friends, and your Z are in nicer shape than any i can ever remember coming out to local stuff,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, oh there are tons of Zs here,, but not sure why they hate us lowlifes so much.. There was actually 2 more Datsuns that aren't in that picture We made "roadster guy" park in the dark. :D But when cruise night includes hillbillies in deuce and a halfs ,,,,,,,,,,,,, kinda scary
  15. Well i hope you don't book a cruise ship tour the same way man. And i guess you forgot about Dre,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, autograph i texted you to get for me when you were in Oakland. Hey whatever happened to the hole up in the front corner of the garage?? Did you get it fixed?
  16. I went and threw a set away today for the sole reason i don't like people telling me what to do...... :lol:
  17. No-one mentioned whoever made your "plate" spelled little Miss wrong.
  18. 2eDeYe" post="1395656" timestamp="1466640585"] Jeeze-us dood !! Watch where you're sticking that thing!!
  19. Hey at least i tower over mini Coopers Me and the baby of my family drove to Auburn the other day just because needed to run some gas through it. .
  20. So my hive in the 56 F100 swarmed today,, into neighbors tree.. in hive and on their way to my dads house,, going to be switched out to a newer one if they don't beat cheeks again
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