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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Damn man, can't believe you're having so much trouble getting that trans out. once you pop it loose and have the tunnel over un screwed from the floor, the shove the tailshaft up the tunnel cover, roll the transmission so it clears the torsion bar, and viola! Took me and one other guy 4 minuets to get it out after we unbolted it. Took 20 to get it back in.
  2. Whoa, whats up with all the GA guys showing up all of the sudden?? This is awesome! Import Alliance is going to be at Atlanta Motor Speedway this year if everyone wants to meet up early in the morning and roll out there together. It was a great freakin meet last year.
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. FiveSeventyZee


      You have no idea how much I've been fantasizing about this goon all day...its torture. I don't have the funds right now. Can't get to atl...can't get the goon back....can't even pay for it unless I get Jr sold lol


      also theres a diesel 720 in Socal that I've had my eye on. If I sell Jr chances are I'd go for that over the goon. the 312, has the cool rarity/age factor to it but I've been really itchin to get behind the wheel of a truck again. lol, damn...

    3. Cleopatra Jones
    4. gtmule
  3. No pictures for this update. i've been driving it for the last few days and had issues with it not starting well when cold. Worse then ever. Finally found that the choke arm came off the choke flaps and it was flapping around. They were always closed when i'd look in the air cleaner, but as soon as I'd hit the key to start it, the vibrating would rattle the choke plate open and it would run like a wounded dog. Finally fixed it and it's back to normal. I now notice that when driving highway speeds (60mph ish) and braking, or when i hit a hard bump on the right side and start braking, I get a nasty grinding and vibrations throughout the truck. It also feels like the brakes are dragging afterwards. I did a quick inspection and found nothing odd to report. No bearing play, no un-even brake wear, new everything on the brakes. Not sure what's going on with it. I know one of my front drums is warped, but I'm not going to replace it because I think I'm going to spend my tax money on either front disk, put it towards a sweet LZ23, or bodywork/paint. Not sure, just need these parts to last a little longer until I can find a full time job locally.
  4. Flickr > Any other. I pay for the yearly subscription for all the unlimited features, and it's worth every penny. Quality over photobucket and any other hosting site is great. For example... The clarity of flickr _DSC0213 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr VS. Photofuckit
  5. Factory 720 mags. Came on some specific trim, but I don't remember??
  6. Nahh, too small. Use the screws as a reference for size. Looks about the right size for a license plate.
  7. I had a grease seal on a U joint fail that didn't drip, so that's one thing to consider. It slung grease all over under my bed, but I didn't notice until it was too late. EDIT: Nvm, looks like you found it.
  8. Chances are the parts store just gave you the wrong one. Tell them you need one that is apx. 36'' long. Any good parts employee will figure out what that is within about 2 minuets or less. (At the very worst)
  9. Where are you finding the rebuild kits for $40?
  10. Toss in your 4 speed, bring the 5 speed to ATL, and pay Master-o-turbonics to rebuild it. He's done a couple so far.
  11. Hitch has a very nice woody wagon that he's been trying to sell. It's super sweet and stock as a rock.
  12. Awwww come on guys, read the steps ;) http://autocheck.dealermade.com/report.php?SID=5017185&VIN=3GTEK23329G153098 ^^new link. just paste your VIN in the URL in place of the one there now
  13. Mine's build date is 1/75. Is it possible it was built and sold as a '75, but registered as a '76 for that very reason?
  14. Any Road Atlanta stickers you have let me know please! I'll take em off your hands for sure :thumbup: I'd love to get reproductions made to redistribute to some locals here in ATL.
  15. I'm more curious then anything. I like to call my truck what it is. Call me crazy, but it bothers me that there's even a shred of a doubt. The DATSON is on the titlemax paperwork from mid 2000's, not the title ;) Thank GOD. Sounds like mines a 75 then, because I do have an EGR pod on the dash, no self-retracting belts, or belt buzzer.
  16. The sale data above says 'date of delivery' = 1975, I'd assume that's when the owner picked it up? Or maybe that's when it was brought to the dealer, so why don't they have the date of sale if that's the case?
  17. I've been curious for a long time. The underhood tag on the firewall lists 1975, but I believe that was for emissions standards? It's long gone, so I can't go back and look again. It's titled as a 1976, but I just got all of the original registration from the previous owner today (Hitch) and it was sold as a 1975 via the warranty booklet, but the owners manual is for a 1976 and all of the information in the owners manual says 1976. The vins in BOTH booklets match, but the years are off. :geek: I also have paperwork from Titlemax from 2006 stating it was titled as a 1976 'Datson.'
  18. Steel. It's pretty shitty where it counts. I had to take a grinder to it in order to get the ports smoother properly. The actual construction isn't bad, but they did a piss poor job getting the holes drilled to match the ports on the carb and manifold.
  19. Import Alliance is coming up in April! Atlanta Motor Speedway
  20. Mmmmmmm LZ stroker built to the sky for cheap.... mehhh wish I had a grand and change SHIT

    1. '70dime


      we should split the cost, and take turns with it.

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