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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. What kind of condition is it in? Seems kinda steep to me
  2. ^^^ :rofl: Isn't that the TSA's job? "Ma'am, I'm gonna have to check those boobies..." "WHAT?? *Slap*" "Ma'am, it's for your own health"
  3. Now have a rising sunny ;)

  4. DANG. I was right about to do that jayden
  5. Raced a 350Z... and LOST! lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Burabuda


      at least you didn't bs us!

    3. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      I raced a skyline once ,,,




      My Z looked like a pace car in his rear view mirror ! lolz ,,, ( respect )

    4. metalmonkey47


      lol no way I could BS ANYONE into thinking a Z beat my 210

  6. Bookmarked! I've always wanted to go to 5lug. They are sooo much better!
  7. I would never do that. Quite the opposite actually. I'd love to have 6lug over 4. My 4 just fall off too easyily
  8. Cheating.....

    1. Laecaon



    2. Zeusimo
    3. Pumpkn210


      What is deleting?



      And I will take Oics for a thousand alex!

  9. And this was while you were driving your 510 everyday right?
  10. LOL I was JUST about to post this thread! Guess Ratsun'ers all think alike :rofl: I love this close knit community we have here.
  11. Dang, I opened this thread expecting to see someone jumping their Datsun! I am dissapointed. Datsunkid, sounds like you may have sucked some stuff out of the bottom of the tank. Anytime I hear of someone running an old tank like that empty, I usually recommend a new fuel filter and a quick inspection. As old as these cars are, you have to be careful not to run the tank empty, because any sediment that's settled in the bottom of the tank is sucked into the fuel pickup. Usually the filter does a pretty good job of catching it all, but sometimes a little makes it by.
  12. It's lookin real nice Skib
  13. Unrelated pics are unrelated... I'll return later when there moar Datsun stuff to poast OH And the story of the sticker: My brother hooked me up with a form for "Amber lights" permit and registered us for legal use of emergency lights through the state. Not sure who you would have to talk to in other states, or if it's even available for that matter, but it's cheap and cool.
  14. Yes, it has a centripetal advance right below the points/pickup(for elec dizzy) Can you describe the problem in greater detail?
  15. tons have mate! Spoiler? Nah. Coilovers and rims are all u need :P
  16. Lol skunk, still gotta get the lights. The permit was only 2$. :D The engines a z20e. Pretty Damn close though. Still trying to decide what to do with it. Probably going lz20
  17. All answers to this thread can be found here: Seriously though, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVsgyn7Vx6U http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwscXEGp2E4&feature=related
  18. Valve covers gonna be sanded and resprayed, cuz it turned out like shit. But I love the color
  19. Really? Thats all? I'm definitely gonna go get some one of these days! I'm not worried about breaking Craftsmen tools, because when I do, all I gotta do is walk into sears and they give me a new one no questions asked.
  20. nice!!! My dads tools are all craftsman. I wish I could afford them
  21. Just puttin it out there, The 310 was FWD with an A series. Maybe it's possible that the L series was FWD for some random vehicle??
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