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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Good news is that the super cell just breezed past us, and we got nothing! Kinda disappointed though Theres some small cells coming, but nothing like what just came through. Ken, the Storm hasn't made it through Tennessee yet, but they're saying it will be in NC and TN in a few hours. It's fucked up a lot of stuff I hear... just glad the datto is okay!!!
  2. lol NO I don't know him. I found that trolling around youtube before I even had my Datsun. Figured it was fitting
  3. For all you west coast Ratsuners, keep the south east in your thoughts tonight. Especially the Alabama ratsuners. We have a supercell thunderstorm tearing through 'bama right now headed towards Georgia thats killed an estimated 100+ people already. (according to the news) A 1 mile wide tornado already tore through Birmingham and left it in shambles. The super-cell is on its way here to Georgia, so I'll be pulling out my Nikon and getting videos We're expecting 100+MPH winds already tonight and theres been several tornado's touched down in the area.
  4. Probably not scrap, but since the cracks are already affecting the water jacket, do you really wanna risk building an engine that may just be a dud in the future? As cheap as Z blocks are, it may just make more sense to look for a new block. Just my 2 cents though.
  5. Got pictures by chance? Depending on how bad they are, I would say it may not be worth screwing with.
  6. :rofl: Pretty sure theres gonna be TONS of detonation if he gunned it
  7. Soak it in PB blaster. Pound on it around the the center of the hub to break the rust off the studs. It takes time, and it's not easy but you have to be patient. Or you could just do this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H--f_K3xY1E
  8. Here you go. FSM doesn't state 1980 specifically, so I'm assuming the 1981 is going to be the same. Save it to your PC and you'll be able to read it much better.
  9. Oops, sorry about the delay, I forgot. I'll get it right now..
  10. :rofl: Wonder what they used as a turbo mani
  11. Well, if I stuff the Z24 crank in it, then I'll be almost the same displacement as the L24 that they're on, so I figure they'd run fine. they want 300 for all the glass, so i think the carbs are gonna be WAY overpriced. Hell, they want 1500 for the whole car. And it's not even complete.
  12. Saw a sweet S30Z at the local J/Y. Thought about snagging the front lip for the 210.

  13. In salvage hunters JY. Anyone need a part? I thought about snagging the Hitachi's for my LZ20 build
  14. Lookin good so far. the fact that you drove 9 hours for these old boys makes me think that this is gonna be one badass build
  15. Dude you need to chill out. You're taking this thread WAY too seriously! If you don't like the car, don't build one like it. Jesus dude. Have you looked at most of the cars on here and all of the "ghetto" ways that people go about repairing their car? This is Ratsun dude, not Ferrari forums. I suppose you would also try to convince me that this is a POS? I suppose it's a sin for him to park next to a better looking car?
  16. Motivation is easy. Set yourself a goal and achieve it. Get it ready, running, and on the road in 30 days or you'll have to get rid of it to me Seriously though, the best motivation is from looking at your project and making a list of things you wanna do with it. Where do you wanna be with it by the end of 2011? Better hurry up and get wrenching!
  17. I think I phrased it wrong I meant, your setup on your A series with the side drafts. Was it the stock SSS setup, or an aftermarket setup with different manifolds to the carbs? Your sure look like SU's, I just pulled pictures from the Datsun 1200 wiki
  18. Shenanigans... They're happening again :rofl: QUICK!! Someone post boobies!
  19. I know a guy that will sell you a manifold and turbo cheap! Custom made out of a engine hoist boom :rofl:
  20. Its funny that you know that off the top of your head... I know the quadratic equation :rofl: -B+/- √B2-4AC ------------------------------------------------------------2A ^^Thats not easy to do on a forum
  21. Here's some Hitachis that are similar to the SU's (According to Datsun1200) How'd this post get me neg repped?
  22. Thats an interesting swap wayno. How did it run with the SU's? And what did you do for a manifold?
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