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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. You and me both my friend. Good luck on your search for a round eye sunny.
  2. A VK45 210??? Don't post tomorrow, POST NOW!!!
  3. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? A scrap yard let in a car without proof of ownership????? The local yards won't take a car in without proof of ownership or a scan of your drivers license. I support the idea of kicking in his door and chopping off his nuts! Theives like this are low life pieces of SHIT and deserve the same fate as the car. I'm sorry to hear of the fate of your car :( When i first saw that it was stolen, I was praying for a safe recovery, but unfortunately, it saddens me to see that it was put to death inhumanely. RIP POOR DATTO
  4. My 210 is such a POS. AND I STILL LOVE IT!!!

    1. Pumpkn210



    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      BEAT-HER 4 LIFE FTW !?



    3. Pumpkn210
  5. I just have the two. The others were released WAYYY before I even knew what a Datsun was I've only been in the Datsun game for just over a year.
  6. lol mines temporary. And I really kinda like it. I'm going back when my resonator comes in. I'm upsizing the exhaust from 1 1/2 to 2'' for the LZ I'm building. Kinda playing with the idea of a turbo....
  7. YESS!!! I hope they're out soon I have 30+ 510's so far.
  8. Nope, fluid level stays the same. I'm at work right now, and when I drove here the brakes felt better then usual, but when I parked it last night they were scary soft
  9. Why not take the dash, frame, and all OUT of the car, and fab up your own dash out of super lightweight Aluminum? Thats gotta be good for some serious weight reduction. My 210.... not a lot to see here. It's gutted but I'll get moar oics tomorrow... Z31 power seats, Prosport gauges, etc.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63UnvWhQgxU
  11. First off, it was a reman. I bled it some more and it tightened up and was super powerful, but after a quick drive it's loose again. All the lines and bleed screws are tight. Wheel cylinders are not leaking either, however I DO have this sound coming from it (see video below) Sound to you guys like air in the cylinder? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lThpuLc-9QY
  12. Too bad the weathers gonna be like shit today! And I'm pretty sure I'm working on sunday Need a new job. lol I'll have to PM you about this in a bit. I really wanna get that floor welded up!
  13. The last week or so, I had been having issues with soft and weak brakes. I checked everything out and determined it must have been the master cyl, so I ordered one, and installed it. Old one was gunked up, leaking and in shit shape. I bench bled it, installed it, and flushed/bled the brakes at each wheel as well as the master cyl before any of the wheels. I noticed it's gradually softened up again. It's intermittent though, sometimes worse then others. Out driving in the rain today I slammed the brakes, and when I got on the brakes next, I noticed it went almost all the way to the floor before I got enough braking power to stop the car. I got it home, and checked the fluids. Topped off still. I opened up the bleed screw on the master and bled it a little bit, got a few tiny bubbles out, but not hardly anything. I drove it and it was super stiff and powerful as hell, but again, first time I stepped on the brakes it was soft again and I had very little braking power. Only thing I can think of is that there may be an air lock in the master. Input and suggestions?
  14. I've got plans to change up my current exhaust setup, and my local exhaust guys cut out and straight piped the A series with 2'' pipe, for the larger LZ that's going to go in sometime. For the time being, it's straight. It'll change in a short bit, when I make the final descision on the final muffler plan, but for now, here it is! Not as loud as it seems though. Before... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoUZDTeVWsM and AFTER! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! (Kinda annoying. Need to get the shit done!)
  15. You still owe me and monkeygirl oics mang.... You're holdin out on me!! ollz
  16. That would be wicked! BTW, Charlie we still need to get together and get the floor pan in your 620 welded up!
  17. Why not just build a garage? Keep hitchgirls 210 and the dime in there until the dime is driving, then swap it up a little bit.
  18. Datsun is shedding her outer coat! Getting ready for a nice fresh coat of paint. White!!

  19. Yup, you're 100% right! The rattle can is enamel and lacquer doesn't stick. My ignorance really saved my ass here. The lacquer is nearly impossible to sand. I'm literally peeling the whole car. Some spots harder to do then other, but hey, easier then sanding. The paint this time around is gonna look 200% better then now. I'm going down as far as I need to in order to get the body as straight as possible. I'm searching for a new driver fender though. Old one is JUNK. Moar oics... Details: Both fenders were sanded to the bare metal, other then passenger which isn't gonna need it, since it's nearly 100% perfect as it is, and needs only a few dents smoothed out.
  20. Sooooooo dana, you gonna tell us about this sweet Datsun you found?? i want info on what you're gonna buy and hide from the wife!
  21. Just invite Datsun friends over I think I may have a home for your other 620 soon too. You got my number man, whenever you're free we'll get the engine in that dime!
  22. \/ \/ \/ what she said

  23. No, what's below it is. What's flaking is the lacquer
  24. Thats the rattle can you're seeing. The primer..... vanished I think! It just flat out isn't there. A lot of the reason that it's coming right off is because it's really thick. I sprayed that fender as my test fender. Then primed it, and sprayed on MORE. I was never planning on keeping that fender. I just can't find a parts car anywhere to rape body parts off of.
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