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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. :rofl: no such thing as "get rid" of Datsun stuff. Only clear out space to store moar
  2. yup, I've checked the booster as well, by plugging the booster vac line and driving it around the block. I still loose brake pressure. It does have a check valve as well, and I did verify it as well
  3. NO! That guy was super abusive to his car. The last thing he needs is a poor 510 to treat like crap. We warned him if he tried to drive the car home, he risked serious engine problems. There was antifreeze dripping from the exhaust. Made it halfway down the road before he was off on the side. Looked like he threw a rod
  4. lollllllllll no that would have been more interesting. He blew a headgasket.
  5. Struts and brakes eh? Come with calipers, spindle, rotors and all?
  6. Thanks! I'm hoping she will be white again soon. It's gonna be a hot summer! No, this is my younger brother. hes only 15. I've posted it on craigslist like... 4 times? I took it down within a day of each time. Although now, I may have run into a situation where I won't have a choice but to let it go :(
  7. UMMMMMMMM...............................

    1. Jennifer


      ....need someone to help you put your wheel back on?

    2. Monkeygirl47


      Ummm I love you :).

    3. Jennifer


      haha your cute monkey girl!!


  8. oops, forgot I posted this here. All my IGN components are brand new. Cap, rotor, coil, everything except the dizzy. Firing order is dead on. All the parts look the be in perfect shape. No arcing, faulty parts at all from inspection. IGN coil's resistance was spot on MSD's specs. Box and coil are both brand new. It almost seems like the problem may be timing related, because with my VAC advance connected, I have the same symptoms X10. Heres an old video after a fresh install of the box with the vac advance connected. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9r_oQroJHVQ
  9. Cool Looks better then my block offs. I took a piece of thin steel and cut it to match, then used some exhaust sealant to seal it up tight.
  10. LOL I spit my Dr. Pepper out when I read it. :( So now I'm extra mad at Indy
  11. I would win if I could afford to go... over 1500 miles
  12. Now staring MM47 :rofl: We have a secret club going on
  13. Why don't you just tell us how you REALLY feel?
  14. Did izzo earn his title yet?
  15. Is this all recent? Have you done any work under the hood recently?
  16. He's okay, I trolled his Vulcan forum and read up a little more, since he won't answer his damn cell phone. The frame is NOT actually bent, however the radiator is broken, and both rims bent, as well as possible front fork damage. Insurance will cover it, which is good since the rims are powder coated and cost about a grand each, and only available from Kawasaki.
  17. It's just a flesh wound I'll bite yer knees off!
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