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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. AWD turbo monsters Always wanted one. Don't often see those kind of numbers on a stock truck. Almost 300HP and over 330lb-ft torque as claimed by owners.
  2. I learned everything I know about Datsuns from Ratsun. Including you in some cases. I use the search feature
  3. Theres a simple answer to that: It's Ratsun. I respect the opinions and advice given by people here. Honestly, i wouldn't post this on any other forum, because this is the only one that actually provides me with any resonable advice. Especially DTP, Indy, and 510freak, but thats all strictly PM shenanigans mostly. The forum is more then just a Datsun community. It's soooooo much more then that. "how is this adding to our Datsun community?" It's not. Thats why it's in general. Honestly, read through all the threads in general discussion, and you'de be surprised how many threads are irrelevant, un-interesting, and not beneficial in any way. As said by DTP via PM: ^^ that kinda stuff really mellows me out when I'm in a shitty mood. I don't know anyone that can calm me down and change my perspective other then some of you Ratsun guys.
  4. Ratsun is the best forum on earth Full of car enthusiasts here to keep the Datsun dream alive. No need for appologies, I need a good laugh
  5. Just so you guys understand where I'm conming from with this, I am not some disrespectful teenager with no respect for my mother. This is far from the norm for me, however NOT for my brother. I've already sat down an hour ago after it happened and explained to my mom and appologized for my harsh words and all the stress I put her through tonight. I'm a mama's boy. I love my mother, and seeing my brother take advantage of her eats the shit out of me, so tonight I figured I'd finally stand up for her. She was pissed at first, but once I explained myself and that I was not intending on letting her get hurt nor put stress on her over this, she gave me a hug, we exchanged kisses on the cheek, and all is fine. I am NOT like this normally and don't usually speak like that around her. I just kinda started breaking up once I saw what was happening.
  6. ^^Yup, it's his car club. If you ask me, it's not much of a club. They all drive POS cars (for the most part) with cheap mods that don't hardly even justify calling it aftermarket.
  7. Meh, if I didn't already know my mom was okay, I would have beat the shit out of him. He didn't come at me at that point, so I stood my ground and kept myself calm as I could. My brother has no respect. I have to do what i can to keep her safe from the little dick. I was walking away, and he came at me. I got into it woth him because he threatened me. I won't fight him in front of my mom unless theres no other way. He just doesn't get it.
  8. Words are words. How do words make anything different? He treats my mom like shit, and I defend her everytime. He has no respect, so I do what I can to keep him in his place. How is that make me a bad person?
  9. As a pre-curser to any of this, it is essential that you read the story before watching the video. Trust me, it's worth it. Alright, this is for you guys at Ratsun and SoFresh. It's got a bit of a story behind it. My brother has an attitude problem, and he shows it, but this really tops it off. The little fucker pushed my mom into a pile of my engine parts so i decided to record the aftermath. Here's the story: It starts early this morning. I wake up at 6AM on the dot, ready to go to work and show up early. I always get there early, because I like to sit for a few minuets and eat my breakfast before clocking in and working. I got up this morning in particular, and my brothers shitty little Hyundai Tiburon (fail wheel drive) is parked like... 2 inches from my bumper. I could not get out. My mom went down stairs and asked him nicely 4 times to get up and move his car so I can get out. He starts yelling about how I shouldn't have parked my car there (I was working on the brakes last night) and how it was my fault that I hadn't put my car in the street. Fast forward 30 minuets, I'm late for work, and STILL haven't left yet. I'm caught in traffic behind school busses trying to get there. Fortunately, I don't get written up for being late. Right before this video was recorded, he was complaining about how he broke the lip on his car and needed the garage so he could pull it off and fix it. I knew he didn't need the garage, but whatever. I have my L/Z20 parts laying around from mocking it up earlier. I move it over and make room for him to pull in. He goes flying into the garage like the ricer faggot he is. Opens his door into a jack stand. PISSED. And I'm secretly LOL'ing inside. He grabs the sheet metal I have on the floor near my engine that I scooped the oil dry onto and throws it into the driveway. Shit is EVERYWHERE. Grabs the jackstands, goes running to the closet with them and on the way there..... FUCKING BAM! Smacks his freshly painted fender with the corner. Deep ass dent, and a major gash. He goes off. Louder then i've ever heard him yell and more pissed then I think he's ever been. He knocks my mom into a pile of my parts, screaming and I'm on the edge of knocking him sensless. he's throwing my parts around, I'm sure stuffs broken, but I will get my revenge. After my mom gets up, I started recording..... Here is the video.... The video stops recording because my mom got ahold of it and stopped it. I went after my brother, he came after me with a tire iron, and you can guess what happened from there.... Enjoy! Sorry the videos so shitty, I was trying not to make it obvious I was recording
  10. Just got into an all out brawl with my brother. ON VIDEO!!!! Fucking win!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. I'm BLUE
    3. INDY510


      I hope that wasn't your Nikon you were holding

    4. metalmonkey47


      lol noooo indy. cell phone

  11. Post more pics VK! I'd really love to see you make this thing work. It would be the coolest 210 ever
  12. SWEET! I saw one of these at the local junkyard on the shelf with a pricetag of $75 on it. I shoulda snagged it. Went back a few days later with cash and it was gone :(
  13. I love the console and the seats
  14. LOL good eye! That was at my neighbors house. We were changing the bandages. he's a doctor, so we had no problems. Hurt like a bitch when the bandages were caught on the staples though!
  15. Don't scroll down if you're easily sickened...
  16. Surgery sucks ass. I had surgery on my left hand ring finger more times then I can count. A few years back I had it perminantly fixed. They took a bone graft from my wrist and fused it in my finger and screwed it in with a titanium plate. Then I broke the titanium and had to have rods inserted I should get a picture of this wreck of a finger
  17. Excited to see how this turns out! Subscribed
  18. Hey man, shoot me a PM when you get this, it won't let me reply back to you about the EFI stuff

  19. No :( I still hear air in it, but I'm still bleeding and praying. I can bleed the shit out of up, and close the bleed screws, and the brakes are stiffer then ever. After a few pumps it's loose again. FML
  20. Yup, it is now. I got the master pretty well bled now, So I'm bleeding from the screw on the master, and my setup looks like this :
  21. Indy, it was the exact same, but i did it in a vice with some clear hose because I don't have anything else as pretty as that to bleed with I've pumped it PLENTY, but all the air is coming out the top of the res, not the bottom http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lf3ac60ccI
  22. More then I can count. I just got off the phone with '70dime (pierce) and he said it's normal, and saw the same problem, but says that I should just gravity bleed it, and crack the bleed screw on the side to get the air from in front of the piston
  23. Someone come help me with this brake problem! I'm out of Dr.Pepper and have no ride to the store :(

  24. I need this figured out ASAP, so I'm starting a new thread. The cars in pieces behind me, it's almost 8, and I work in the morning I pulled my new master cylinder off to bench bleed it again, and when I used my dowel to compress it, the reservoir for the front bled fine, but the res for the rear is bubbling up inside the resevoir instead of bleeding out the bottom line. It literally is not pushing any fluid out of the bottom where as the res for the front brakes is bleeding just fine. Bad master cylinder? Or am I doing something wrong?
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