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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Project Z car has officially started! Cept we still haven't gotten one yet... least the motors built

    1. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      hahahaha ,,, what the hell ?




      That's like saying surgeory officially started ,,, but we haz no patient !!!




      ollz ,,, nice man ! your gonna love it !!! :-D

    2. hellamikey


      now put that motor in a 210!

  2. I really have had a strange craving lately with all the trans thread that have popped up to disassemble a transmission and learn in the process. They are my weak points, as I don't know/understand fully the way they work internally. I faintly remember trying to reassemble my '73 Honduh bike's trans/engine that was integrated, and found it to be quite exciting lining up the kick start shaft, shift forks, and all the weird little thing. I have an old 4 speed that I got with my Z20E that seems like a good candidate. Are there any important MUST DO steps in the first steps of dissembling? I really don't wanna fuck anything. Better safe then sorry
  3. PM me your address and name, and I'll mail it free 'o charge as soon as my check comes in. All I ask is that you pay it forward to someone else in the future when they need something :P RATSUN.NET ftw.
  4. ZOMG this reminds me... Totally still have mine! To-jam and earl was the best game! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UExsRds7RlE
  5. lol whoaaaaa. Well you can have the one off my 210. I don't think I'll be needing it.
  6. I'm at 230K almost on teh Datto. I've put on another 10K this year since may. I think I've done good!
  7. How about the struts/rotors/calipers,spindles etc? NVM just read the original. They're gone :( Guess I'll go too pull-a-part
  8. Nice! I like old gauges. I'm out of money, but might be interested in some in the following week!
  9. Seriously. That's dangerous man. You coulda hurt a Datsun
  10. Dammit... lolz I was just about to send it when I saw that. Nice jump yello!
  11. Indy, I really dig your car that low! Keep it up! I mean.. err... down.
  12. Seems like the only way to fix it is the right way. You can always have the freon vacuumed out and then repaired, and re-filled at a lower cost. The A/C capacity on these things is nothing compared to a newer car, so it should hurt ya too bad. I think it's somewhere around 20 OZ. If you do decide to do it yourself, gimme a call when you're ready for the freon and I can cut ya a deal at Autozone.
  13. No thread views Surprised. WATCH THE VIDEO!
  14. Sounds like timing. Mine did this when it was retarded. (the timing, not the car :P)
  15. lol sucks mang. Glad you're okay.
  16. http://vimeo.com/27010709 Yup, they've done good again. They make absolutely awesome videos.
  17. Dammit... I needed that. lol Good catch mang!
  18. 3,999 Say whatttttttttttttt?

    1. Skib


      then youl have 10,609 moar posts to catch up to where I am right now lulz

  19. lulz that bunny was ....dare I say.... cute? Fuck yeah man. Her handle on here is monkeygirl47 mang. You should know this!
  20. Hmm.. guess I need to pull the carby and dismantle it for closer inspection and write down the jets. Should I order any gaskets?
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