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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Okay... so which 4 of you decided to play shenanigans with my phone number from my craigslist add last night?

    1. metalmonkey47


      Lulz were had and all had a good time

    2. Laecaon


      check insomniacs?

    3. flatcat19
  2. The world is full of stuck up, rich, spineless pussies. This is seriously stupid. DC SHOES SUCKS. /thread ^^Exactly. +1
  3. I might be able to get a 210 head sent over (gotta talk to the guy) but that may be delayed Hope it all gets sorted out man
  4. Go to Autozone, rent a flare tool and bender, and buy a role for $25.
  5. Just got a call about my craigslist add. Guys local, has a 210, and is on Ratsun. FATE INTERVENES. ollz

  6. Listen to FlatCat. Also post pictures and tell us where you're located. East coast vs. West coast does matter.
  7. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/996-jason-grey-info/ Read up!
  8. Odly, I was never a big fan of Fender mirrors on trucks I like them more on the Classic Coupes (210, hako, 510, 610, etc) Looks good on that truck though. OEM ftw
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. metalmonkey47


      lol will do! Maybe i'll light paint it. Better check lug nutz

    3. RedBanner


      Ollz yeah check them nutz, they seem to be a problem area

    4. Laecaon


      swap in a hayabusey when you get it!

  9. You gotta watch this.. a fan of Forza or not, this is epic. I WILL be buying this game the day it's released. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvimE0aNFOg&feature=player_embedded#!
  10. Datsun's aren't Vietnamese Just teasing :P Welcome to Ratsun! Post pics if you haven't already! We like pictures of Datsun just as much as we like our own Datsuns Enjoy your stay mate
  11. I remember you sending me links to that shit Looks like you did an awesome job putting it together
  12. Gapped to .54 as per MSD recommendations. Is it possible that it has to do with flooding because of an improperly adjusted float?
  13. still has a funky sound. Clears up after driving it. Diaphragm isn't leaking, but should i change it anyways?
  14. I shut the car off, and started it up to make a new video and the noise is now much quieter.
  15. Changed the oil earlier and flushed radiator since it was time. Filled it up with some 20W-50 like always (burns a little) and used a Bosch 3400 filter. After starting it, I've heard an inconsistent rattle from the engine. Took me a while, and some freaking out, but eventually used the screw driver technique to narrow it down to the fuel pump. Here's a video of the sound: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aP5AO6eBAmw The sound is NOT coming from the oil pan, block, etc. Using a screwdriver to the ear technique, I found it at the fuel pump. Nowhere else. Couldn't even hear it unless the screwdriver was directly on top of the pump. Is it replacement time for this fuel pump? What causes one to make these noises? Is it unsafe to drive like this?
  16. Stock metal is pot metal I think. Plastic would be flimsy and cheap. I think a nice Aluminum would be really nice, since it can be polished or painted.
  17. I hope this doesn't turn out like that Ratsun Fender emblem thread :( These things are seriously sweet! One day, I'll have a 510 and that gauge cluster
  18. My syncro in 2nd is gone, so during a down shift into 2nd, I usually rev match (double clutch) Works great with no grind!
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