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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Yeah, the wheel is a ZX wheel. I mean the cap. lol I pulled it off the steelie and fitted it on the datto rim. Specifically, I'm curious about the cap
  2. Found this in the woods at monkey girls house. It was on a steelie that was EXACTLY 100% identical to my 210 steelie for my spare tire. Just wanna confirm it's datto before flaunting it.
  3. My family is for the most part good drivers. Dad is by far the best with no accidents or tickets on record (EVER). Brother is a moron ricer who drives like an asshole. I'm young, but so far have no tickets or accidents on my record. Never so much had a cop look at me funny, and I drive a straight piped jap mobile
  4. Totally pwned a child molesting ex marine. Classy as fawk

    1. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      Errrrrrrr hmmm ..... what to say .... what to say ?

    2. MicroMachinery
    3. RedBanner


      there are no ex-marines.....







      No ex-chomo's either well done, where when and how?

  5. Holy cow, that's some history! Wonder if the shop is still around?
  6. In order to get one made, I have to get a rough model made first Guess I need to hit the tools and make a random little cut out for him. Hopefully he can make me a few. At least enough to distribute for reproduction
  7. Thats great. Beats my car by about 30 PSI.
  8. Wouldn't that effect the balance of the braking force too much? Those calipers are pretty big.
  9. reps for being a modest Either way, we're gonna have to make sure this thing is road worthy soon.
  10. Next time I see you, I'll buy you a half a tank of gas. That should hold you over until you get this problem sorted out.
  11. It's not a blank, it was a BB gun, and this is NOT a movie. 911 did get called, and they did take it very seriously. It was a hostage situation as far as the police were concerned and someone could have been shot with a REAL gun. No one got hurt, but take into consideration this: what if someone that didn't know it was a joke grabbed a knife or had a REAL gun on them? Sugar coat it anyway you want it, but it was a stupid ass prank and could have gotten someone seriously injured OR killed.
  12. Yes, someone lost their job and several are fired pending review. How could this remotely be considered a good prank? It could have been deadly. What if someone in the FD was a war vet? Of course, it's likely their first reaction would be to grab a blunt object or a knife and attack the assailant. A prank that could have turned deadly. Wanna see a REAL prank? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9Ha8ewftx8&feature=channel_video_title http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-C8ARFCC6RM&feature=related
  13. Exactly what I was thinking. That dude could have been SERIOUSLY fucked up.
  14. SO the local firehouse did this to prank the noobiez, and then uploaded it on youtube It was taken down promptly, but someone saved it and re-uploaded it before it was removed. This is just something you DON'T do. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Xbnu2Sijq0&feature=player_embedded
  15. So it was not the input shaft seal. After tightening up the oil pan when I did the clutch, I no longer have a clutch that feels slippery, and no phantom oil drip. Did some painting on the front, polishing some stuff. Replaced the PCV valve and a few other odds and ends. Cleaning it up pending sale, so the rising sun will go I think, and the hood will be primed to match.. Soon I'll be driving another Datsun. Something much classier, and much older, and Gloria will have the down time she deserves. Until then, I'm working on a GM 1 wire alternator mounting to the little A-series.
  16. Sorry to hear that :( My dads a biker, and I worry a lot about something like this. I'm always keeping my eye out for the local bikers. Some guy almost ate it when a dipshit changed lanes on top of him in traffic. I chased the ass a mile down the road to tell him to learn to fucking drive. Gotta watch out for everyone because no one's watching out for you.
  17. lulz. Ground to the valve cover.... mike is thinking L series again. This is an odd problem. The strange thing is, I think we've covered about every area Out of curiosity, what plugs do you have?
  18. Boob post time? Cannons at the ready................ Lulz firing innnnnnnnnnn......................................
  19. So this opportunity turned into shit. I spoke to a tech this morning and found out after offering me a job, they hired someone ELSE, and never bothered to mention a damn word to me. Whatever, the job search is on! The zone is one of the worst, most god awful places I've ever had to work. Applying at all the local shops and I'm gonna call them and bug the shit out of 'em till I get a job
  20. Damn, wish I knew you needed it earlier. I just threw a complete glovebox away last month.
  21. metalmonkey47

    My 72' 521

    Welcome! Body looks pretty solid
  22. I want that car..... I wonder if it has an owner, or if it was part of the cars stolen and never recovered? I bet if it was, I could get it as an abandoned vehicle dirt cheap
  23. You didn't know It's a special edition Z31 from 1988, where only 650 were imported in the US market http://zhome.com/History/SSZ.htm
  24. You guys tell me! This was sitting at an abandoned land where a man had been (so I was told) stealing cars and storing them on his land. Previous owners were given notice after the man was convicted to come recover their cars, and some never did. I saw this one, along with an old ambulance in a shed Didn't wanna get much closer on abandoned land. White rims, door handles, and matching front bumper. Here's another pic of a google images shiro for comparison
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