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Everything posted by crackerjack69

  1. Ya I know, I was trying to figure a way out there to get it a while ago, lolz. Woulda trucked down in my friend's 620, but now it stuck in 5th gear :(
  2. L16 chain has a different amount of links. PM sent.
  3. I want an L16 to put on a stand and build outside of my truck, without having to take my truck off the road. I've already got a couple heads sitting around, so I'd prob be most interested in a short block. Depends on price. I have a nearly perfect 620 dash (2 small cracks) if you're interested for trade. I hate to get rid of it cuz I just got it, but I'd rather have a badass motor than a flawless dash. And they don't take fishtanks or cinder blocks at the liquor store.
  4. Go for it man! Be sure to mount the seat on the roof, and wire in an x-box controller to fly-by-wire! Be aware that engineering a custom suspension requires a certain amount of "engineering expertise": and some serious $.
  5. A Datsun's as good as a girlfriend. You wake up feelin sore, dirty, and broke.
  6. I have the evaporator and blower assy, and the lines, and the accumulator. But don't have the compressor or condensor.
  7. This kind of news makes me wanna drop my job and help. Anyone who needs a job aught get their asses down there an make a difference.
  8. Fucking epic. One of the better stories I've heard in a while. Keep it comin' man!
  9. Just go to JY and getta electric fan and shroud, put in line w/ temp sensor :P
  10. If you in P-town, I gotta fan shroud that u could have. Tried to get one for mine, cuz it's MIA, but got the newer one, won't accomodate my '72's radiator hose configuration. As mentioned earlier though, shroud doesn't seem to make huge impact on this particular motor.
  11. Oregon 77 Datsun 710 $900.... http://portland.craigslist.org/clk/cto/2557094924.html Wish I could scoop this up :(
  12. Had my account cleaned last year. they gave me a temporary credit for a lesser amount, and credited the rest after the investigation (about 4 days). I didn't have to pay anything, but very inconvenient! Hope all goes well for you.
  13. I'd buy one for $10... Elephants are pretty chill.
  14. You can rent a paddle boat at Promontory Park for cheap, me an my girly had fun. There's a cool tunnel that goes under the highway, and then a kinda lagoon area w/ a sweet rope swing! Alot of people out on the lake though :( Alot of falls around Multnomah falls that are private, if you hike way in, there's cool spots under falls no one goes to. Most folks just pansy out and go to the main ones. Worth the hike, but keep an eye on the clock, I gets friggin DARK out there once sun sets lol. Hope you's twos have fun!
  15. Welcome to Ratsun! Get some pics up 'fore they stone you lolz...

  16. "Glisten PC" @ Por15's website. Works on polished aluminum ;)
  17. Too smooth surface=paint no sticky good. Im gonna get me a powder coat setup :P Por15 makes a clear-coat btw...
  18. to make the power rear window.

  19. I've been dreaming of doing this mod as well, mentioned it awhile back. I was planning on using the 4runner stuff, it's good to hear that's been done on a rig before, so I know I'm barking up the right tree. As soon as I make it back to PnP, I'll pull one of the 4runner window regs and walk it over to one of the 620s in the yard, see what kind of fitment/clearance isssues there may be. the way I envisioned it, make a box that bolts to inside of cab so as not to disturb the bodyline outside. I believe it can't be done, and look clean. And you're totally right about the airflow, think how awesome it would be w/ all 3 power windows comin down at freeway speed... hold on to your hairpiece! Thank you for refreshing my drive to pull this off, and if you dive into it, I'd love to watch the build thread.
  20. When I went to put your old cam in, I found the cam sprocket would not go on. Everything I read points towards tensioner falling. It's still sitting where it should be, but maybe was crooked and jammed? Dunno, anyways while fiddling w/ I heard the chain jump a tooth on the crank sprocket. Watched Hainz's vids, and now gonna go get parts, and do a buncha work on the front of my motor. Thanks Ratsun, I save so much time and money working on my Datsun becuase of all of your skills/experience.
  21. I changed my cam tonight and the pully wouldn't go back on. Checked the tensioner and I could see it was in place. While I was poking at it, I heard the chain skip over a tooth, lol. The tensioner must have gone a little crooked and got jammed, but didn't fall :( Which really doesn't matter at this point because I'll have to take the cover off to fix the timing. Good chance to polish the front cover, and replace chain, crank seal, and water pump :D I suppose my point was... This video series is excellent and gave me the confidence I need to start overhauling my L16.
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