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Everything posted by crackerjack69

  1. ixnay on pulling the valve cover, just remove the oil cap and look in. I like to put my finger in on the cam and rotate the crank pully till I feel the lobes coming, then align them the rest of the way to 10 and 2 o'clock position by sight. Once you are at TDC, remove the distributor cap. You will have followed the plug wire from #1 cylinder and observed where on the cap is #1. The rotor needs to be directly under #1 on the cap. If it's not, you've found the problem.
  2. What kind of dizzy was in there before??? Matchbox style is clocked differently than the L16 dizzy. Put motor at TDC and check under cap to make sure rotor is directly under #1 on the cap. If the rotor is too far away from the terminal on the cap, it won't jump. Might have to re-clock your oil pump.
  3. http://www.davidcmur...at//620tech.htm Select your '74 M/T service manual. The "Body Electrical" section starts at page 386 (type 386 in the PDF file's page number box) Or scroll down under the FSM, and there's a PDF w/ just the diagram. Have fun! Now you'll never have to ask a question again :D (kidding)
  4. Yep. I love mine. Real easy to install, and reliable performance. I've been removing the module when I park for long periods of time. Makes it a little hard to steal my truck :D
  5. Just got my SU's and manifold in the mail today. But I've got L16, so already have a line to the IM.
  6. You can come over again and get one from me if you like, as long as you promise to stop breaking your Datsun :P
  7. LOLz, the peice the bolt is snapped off in is called a cam tower. The peice that the bolt holds in place retains the cam in the towers. Say you wanna pull the cam, you'd take that retainer off, and slide the cam out the front off the head. So... as far as necessary goes, I'd give it aboot a 9 of 10. Have you tried using a punch to get that bolt out? Or perhaps an "easy out"?
  8. My SU's finally arrived today :D Thanx Mr. Ermish, you the shiz.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. crackerjack69


      I've examined the other 3 sets I got on here. Though one set is 2 bolt, they are not like the ones I got. The other 2 sets appear to be 4 bolt roadster carbs. The 2 bolt ones have 610 etched on them on the flat part where the carb model goes...

    3. RedBanner


      buy a set? or rebuilt a set? $?

    4. crackerjack69


      "The cheif says he hasn't understood the dialect you're using."

  9. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/195-hei-wiring-pics-w-writeup/page__p__2812__hl__%2Bmklotz+%2Bhei__fromsearch__1?do=findComment&comment=2812
  10. Merry "Christmas-is-finally-fawkin-over-with" Day!!!

    1. Str8_69
    2. MikeRL411


      Unless you're in Canada or Great Britain, then it's "Boxing Day" and the frenzy starya all over.

    3. bananahamuck


      Damn that Mike Tyson

      He has corrupted everything.

  11. So, oics of the new steering wheel or it's off a Honduh :P
  12. There's a 24'' hutch in the yard where I keep my Dattos :D I want, but he won't sell.
  13. Traded some 620 parts to Plumbob for this Specialized Fuse ''16 inch for my kiddo :D
  14. Put up a pic. Which bolt? Broke flush w/ the block... Or???
  15. Put em in photobucket, then copy the IMG and paste it into the box on here. Real easy :D What motor, any upgrades? Are those bucket seats or no?
  16. Got my son a "Where's Waldo?" book. I hope he finds Waldo, cuz I sure as hell can't.

    1. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      Russian Version = Look in Bar or Gutter


      American Version = Look in Burger Joint


      Ratsun Version = look in a datto ,,, yo !!!


      Jamacain Version = Detained at airport with weed


      Columbian version = look for the guy with all the white powder on him !



    2. bananahamuck


      My sons were into "I spy" books.

      Now those things will mess yer mind up.

    3. philcas1987


      wheres atom? haha


  17. Good thing you never ended up selling me that kit awhile back :D Gonna cam it?
  18. The way I heard it is the laws in Japan were forcing you to retire an engine at rather low mileage. So they were imported and sold here as low mileage motors. Many of them had peanut heads from the factory in the JDM.
  19. SSS had A87 in the usual spot and 219 on the front under the inspection plate.
  20. The coil will still fire even if it's not an EI coil. You need to un-plug the module from that stock harness. Scrape off some paint on your wheel well next to the coil. screw the module down right there on the clean spot you made (keeps the new wires short). Make a new wire from coil - to module pin C. Make a new wire from coil + to module pin B. Connect the 2 wires from distributor ( W to red, G to green). I can come over if you need help?
  21. LOLz, A87 is a stock head... Engineered by the manufacturer specifically for use on an L motor... The person who told you you'll blow your headgasket is smoking crack :D
  22. t bear, if you get the remote module dizzy, you can do the GM 4 pin module. It's real easy, I just completed mine. Works grrrreat.
  23. It's currently on the shelf waiting to be installed on my 620
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