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Everything posted by yenpit

  1. Well, I do not think ANY of these guys, have said "THIS IS EXACTLY THE PROBLEM!". Nor have I ever said that. You too, might be correct. Social media must be taken with a grain of salt. I firmly believe that vax injuries, related to the Covid jab, are real. As I have mentioned before, I have personally seen what anybody that believes vax injuries are possible, would agree. I lost a couple friends to Covid, an older lady with NO PREVIOUS ISSUES, gets massive heart issues? A very close friends daughter is now in a wheel cahir, having had no previous issues & the doctors have no explanation. Now, mind you, ALL of these people will NOT even consider these symptoms could be related to the jab. That is their decision. My brother was FORCED by his job with the NFL to get the jab. He was a healthy homeopathic follower (health related) & would not have done it on his own accord. He just got over a 3 week health issue, but he will NOT even consider it could be due to the jab. I do not give any of these people a hard time, not even my brother. That is likely one reason I "vent" here................to learn & to offer thoughts & theories. Some agree & some don't. I accept that 😉
  2. I have read that "vax injuries" vary, between countries, regions, etc. But this video is clear, that it is cardio based, so perhaps the Greek physiology has been affected harder than others............??
  3. You can not get an engine rebuilt these days "on the cheap". By that, I mean the days of a good rebuild for under $3000 are long gone. You MIGHT find something less thaan the $5000 you have been quoted, but you ALWAYS get what you pay for..............if cheap, likely too good to be true! Look up Lanny or Larry Ritz in Ohio, on Facebook. They can & will rebuild your L20B, but you will need to ask those guys how much 😎 Tell them TJ in Denver sent ya!
  4. THAT has got to be the best compilation video yet!!!!!!!!!!!! Made my day!!!!!!!!!! 😂😝🤣😎😁😂😝🤣
  5. He is all over the internet, just gotta pay attention to conservative views!! I post his stuff on my FB page all the time. The left main stream media has likely stopped posting any of his stuff, cuz it is all true & they can't figure out how to demonize it!! His podcast has been very successful!! You should search it out & watch it!!!!!!!!! 🤭😉😎
  6. This is actually Mike & he is NOT acting!!!!!!!!!! 🤣😆😝😂 "KABAM!!!!! (that was Mike's head exploding)
  7. Well, there are Biblical prophecies, regarding "a man", a prophet, that steps up & fights for his people, near "the end times". I am not an expert on scripture, so I can not quote, but if you are interested, I can get more info (I'm pretty sure you would not be seriously interested, but that is OK!) 😉🙏 The other angle, is that Trump DOES have a pretty good sense of humor (which is healthy & often obnoxious) & like the eclipse video (above), it is a strong jab/poke for the left, which Trump is quite good at doing!! He knows that it infuriates them & he obviously does not care, obviously is not afraid of them..............😎👍 I think he's just DREAMY!!!! 😂😘🤩
  8. Mike, are you ok, after seeing this? We got yer back, my friend!! 😎👍
  9. So the basic Datsun electrical ignition switches on the steering column are the same throughout the 1970's. Most had terminals on the switch, like BZT8FS is showing, thus a plug on the dash harness. Some had soldered wires with a plug on the end of the short harness, I think like the B210......?? I am aware of two different MOUNTING styles, which do not interchange............one had a single mounting screw (early?), the other had two mounting screws (late?). You can purchase the 240Z repop ignition LOCK assembly online, comes with the electrical switch, bolts right in to the 70-73 510, plugs right in. Biggest differences are that the repops are a single sided key & because the 240Z lock assembly is on the right side of the column, the round ID plate OFF-ACC-ON-START is backwards for the 510. Simply pry the ID plate off & rotate 180deg, mount on left side of the column, done!!
  10. I did too, when I was in SW Michigan, but old school & harder to find these days!
  11. You can buy a "metal grommet tool" at Harbor Freight etc, comes with the pliers to install the metal grommets!
  12. Yes, same for the 521...........few inches wider at the sides/doors! Problem with tracing, is the trans tunnel is moulded, so it does not sit flat when laid out............. I got a NEW carpet kit in the box, for the 521, but I think I want the rubber mat, cuz it will be more of a work truck/hauler, being a flat bed!
  13. I might have turnsignal lamps.............what front valence are you using? Early 1968-1969 with SMALL lamps or later 1970-1973 with the LARGE lamps? I have been installing Acura Integra wiper motors..............good clean USED ones, cuz I have the wiring schematic drawn out. FYI the new aftermarket wiper motors do NOT have color coded wires & I have not attempted to figure them out. If you are going to use the Acura motor, you will need the triangular mounting plate & articulating arm, which I will also have!
  14. Where did everybody go?? Last post here was Saturday!!
  15. I have never referred to any of my cars with pronouns! 😂😆🤣
  16. The 280Z 280ZX 2+2 models had a standard 6 bolt pattern, like all the other L20B -up & L24 L26 L28 L series. It is a good heavy duty upgrade for the coupes, but CORRECT, I do not know if the 240mm pressure plate will fit inside the earlier small bellhousing.............
  17. I think all of these flywheels have the same OD.............thus the same starter, yes? So overall diameter should not be a problem. The disc size of 200mm, 225mm & 240mm is on the face of the flywheel. But I suppose the largest 240mm PRESSURE PLATE could cause a potential issue, cuz it will likely be "beefier", but the 240mm WILL fit in all of the 280Z/280ZX bellhousings.
  18. Nice! I was hoping to find a 521 windshield, in case I need one! So far, sitting outside, the glass on my 521 has not cracked...........knock on wood!!
  19. OK, I will try to aim my rocks, so as not to break your glass! 😜 But my point is..........maybe you WILL read something & at least re-consider the situation. I post what I post here & on Facebook, to give people the opportunity to consider what I post, not necessarily to change minds. Most of my liberal friends watch only main stream media, so my postings MIGHT offer them another angle to simply "consider". I have been accused of "...........attempting to change minds", but that is the liberal way of handling..........confrontation! But then they don't listen to anything. I truly do not care what they do 😉
  20. I met Paul a couple years ago at Road America! Having glass shipped SHOULD make you nervous!! 😂 Pray you locate a NEW one, from an experienced shipper................I flat out will NOT ship a front or rear glass, cuz of the labor/cost to package it & THEN the responsibility of it getting to you not broken is my responsibility, as the shipper!! I'm a classic car guy & the British shop where I worked years ago, would order a TRUCK FREIGHT package of windshields & eaily 25% of the time, they were broken!! Most carriers will NOT cover if broken. Here's something that I HAVE done in years past! Let's say YOU locate a new windshield here in Denver. You buy it, they can drop off at my shop & we can carefully load it up in our race trailer & BRING IT to Road America in July. I have "delivered" many Datsun parts to the race track, in our trailer. 2 years ago, I sold a pair of NOS Mustang II (yuck!!) front fenders to a guy near Road America. Although we were NOT going to the September race event, I asked around Denver & found another racer going. He loaded them up in his trailer & brought them to Road America, the buyer picked them up at the track, was happy & the racer got compensated for his actions!! Worked out perfectly!! There are lots of racers, going to Road America, multiple times a year, that are good guys & willing to help..................
  21. Hey!! What ya doing in Plymouth?? There isn't a race, is there????? 🤣😆 Hope all is well!! 😎
  22. Welcome! Did you buy it from Paul? I think I answered a question of yours on one of the Facebook pages, regarding rubber seals?? We might be vintage racing, as usual, at Road America in July, maybe September. If you have not been to one of the vintage race events, they are spectacular!! LOTS of earlier 510's & Z cars!! TJ Denver CO
  23. Yer sarcasm is searingly hot................. 😂😆🤣 As some of us have continuously pointed out, the judicial system here in the USA, is currently a two tiered train wreck, favoring the left liberal democratic side of politics & law, against literally ANY conservative ideologies. AGAIN, the left "own" the WH, the Senate, the DOJ FBI CIA etc, thus they are handling things how they want to, with no interest in conservative beliefs. If you actually read & listened to what we are saying & posting ("8 min in I was done!"), then perhaps you would scratch your chin & think "Hmmmmm, maybe there is a problem in the good ol' USA!!??". All of these entities are currently run by woke left democratic socialists & they are trying to bury conservative views & beliefs. I think one of the best examples that perhaps you CAN relate to, is the NYPD young cop that was killed by an illegal immigrant, that was released with no bail, after committing other crimes prior, that SHOULD have led to jail time..............NOT led to being released immediately, only to kill a cop!! Are you watching or paying ANY attention to this situation?? It is a disgusting 🤮 display of the lefts "paid off" DA in NY, by the name of Alvin Bragg. He is 💩💩💩 His policies are created by the left, his policies are put in to law by the left, his policies are supported by the left & look at what happened! The scary part, is that the liberals continue to elect & keep these SCUM in office. Why? Because they are BLIND, they only pay attention to main stream media & are not aware (enough), of these actions. Why? Because main stream media is left, so they are grossly uneducated (or grossly ignorant & STUPID), regarding today's current status. Period.
  24. I posted this to try to show HOW our judicial system is screwed in this country. Apparently, Schlicter is NOT a Trump supporter..........he is a lawyer that sees the judicial issues we have as a country.
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