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Status Replies posted by Logical1

  1. Found baking soda $25 for 40lbs. That should be sufficient.

  2. Found baking soda $25 for 40lbs. That should be sufficient.

  3. Found baking soda $25 for 40lbs. That should be sufficient.

  4. Guage away.... You can guage away, stay all day..... If you want to na na na

  5. Got a POS flat bed 620 for next to nothin yesterday.. Ratsun Work Truck in the making!

  6. just spilled beer all over my bosses desk.... hope no one notices the smell

  7. listening to white and nerdy why making a gundam....... yeah

  8. Do you like gladiator movies?

  9. arrrg out of beer and beerthirty in ohio is upon me...... sad face

  10. Got side swiped by a uninsured, no license driver. The dime & I are ok but she needs body work...

  11. ahhh drove the datsun to work today i wish i could drive it all day long

  12. i need movie sugestions

  13. OMg just downloaded the ROM for my all time favourite SNES game from when i was a kid... Wings 2: Aces High. FTMFW

  14. Finned L series Valve cover? I think yes!

  15. Goin to get my Steam Engine today! WooooooooT WooooooT!

  16. Narrowly escaped becoming the THIRD wrecked 510 i know of today...Stupid idiots driving ACROSS parking lots...

  17. Hahahaha unguarded computer! Nismo Dr is one hell of a sexy man

  18. Cause I'm leavin' on a jetplane, don't know when I'll login again.

  19. "Only in math problems can you buy 60 cantaloupes and nobody asks what the hell is wrong with you."

  20. Cops=0 Me=4 Just got back from court for 'blue looking lights' Did my research, got it dismissed. Why fight the law? Use it!

  21. Just because you can't remember the reason not to stick a knife in the toaster doesn't mean there isn't one.

  22. Just because you can't remember the reason not to stick a knife in the toaster doesn't mean there isn't one.

    1. Logical1


      I get in enough trouble with pre-buttered bread in the toaster... euphemism? Maybe ;)

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

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