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Status Updates posted by captaingamez

  1. If a slave or master isnt working, does that not mean it either has to be leaking past the seal or there has to be air in the system though right?

    1. .sunlover


      It doesn't have to lose fluid to be bad. I had one on my 521 that somehow let air in after I bled it. Had to pump it up to limp it along, changed it, and problem solved.

    2. 510T


      I had a master go bad with no leaking as well.

    3. .sunlover


      Also had one in my old 720 that somehow built up too much pressure. Clutch would start to slip, I would crack open the valve, bleed off pressure, top it back off, then back to normal for a couple days. I changed that up to the 84 system, master, and weird added midway bleeder valve, and no more issues

  2. 2 new master cylinders, 3 new slave cylinders. I have never spent this much time on any hydraulic system in my life. they all keep leaking.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. INDY510


      always get a new copper washer for the slave hose

    3. flatcat19


      Can you find CENTRIC brand parts there. Never had an issue with CENTRIC. Install them on many customer's cars.

    4. MikeRL411


      Cone washers AKA Voi Shan Washers in the Aerospace Industry!

  3. Anyone ever had a brand new slave cylinder fail within a mile of their house?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. harlow426@mail.com


      I have a new lifetime autozone slave. Outta the box if I manipulated pedal just right I can/could get it to bleed down. When I have time I am rebuilding an original so I KNOW it is good.

    3. MicroMachinery


      Even puppies are born dead.

    4. Kirden


      Damnit... need a like button for that micro

  4. R.I.P. Joe Cocker. You will be missed.

    1. nismo dr

      nismo dr

      lulz... 2 days, no fucks


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. captaingamez


      I dont follow


      But I hear that gum some of us like is going back in style.

    3. CrazyHawaiian760
    4. captaingamez


      Ok, I was talking about twin peaks. note, the hashtag?


    1. bananahamuck


      Sometimes it's the only thing separating a good morning from a crappy one for sure.

  7. TWIN PEAKS IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I guess you dont know how much something means to you until its gone. Rest in peace Robin Williams.

    1. jrock4224


      or what was truly important to you that you took for granted ... and robin williams too

  9. Holy shit another one!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. wow, Ann Coulter is a pretty tremendous moron, and a representation of why we have no good conservatives.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. laotsu


      the thing is, Coulter is an entertainer not a journalist. She's the equivalent of Andy Dick trying to portray herself as the equal of Bob Woodward. That is to say she's a chimp attempting to pass herself off as a brain-surgeon.

    3. bananahamuck
    4. Raggleflaggle
  11. $5200 dentist bill

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. bananahamuck


      And traded him for a nubile young minx???

    3. pondking


      never heard that one before

    4. Raggleflaggle


      If you haven't heard if it, you can't afford it.

  12. Maybe if you all actually HAD a racing license (which is required for real track days by NASA and/or SCCA) then I wouldnt have to hear a bunch of internet educated drivers tell me how TERRIBLE Front wheel drive cars are in turns, LMFAO.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fat510


      He has a Nissan post 1983

    3. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      you see what I did tharrr.

    4. nismo dr

      nismo dr

      lawnmower races don't count

  13. Ignorance is hilarious, Where did you geniuses get your race license? cause you sure know your drivetrains and car setups!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. bananahamuck


      I will make it easy ,,you won't even have to turn right one time.

    3. captaingamez


      NASA or SCCA racing license, its a requirement for going on most tracks for track day. Its not that expensive and you will all learn alot, like you will learn how to get passed by a FF car with its ass end sliding. No but seriously you should all go get it. Its like $5-600 at most, then in addition to going to track days you can actually enter sanctioned race events if you have a car that will pass tech inspection.


      Why are you still reading this? GO DO IT!!!!...

    4. captaingamez


      Real racers race around right AND LEFT turns.

  14. FR means that Power+Turning=Drifting (slow, slow = boring), FF means that Power+Turning=Overtaking (fast, fast=fun)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. flatcat19


      Honda-Tech is thatta way---->

    3. captaingamez


      All your responses prove that you have never tracked a FF car setup for actually driving and not getting groceries.


      Congrats, you all bit at me essentially proving you have little track experience and regardless of how much you have...


      I have more.

    4. captaingamez


      So theres this thing called LOGIC, try using it.


      And if you drove an FF that oversteers, I am sorry, that car was setup WRONG.


      My Civic essentially drifts if you turn hard enough, and so does every single track FF I have ever driven, go out and get yourselves some experience instead of believing everything on the interwebz.


      And by the way guys, I switched from an EVO to drive FF, thats a step up if you again, actually have EXPERIENCE as a driver.

  15. Another day another few dollars.

  16. Ugh, why did people replace the stock dampers with inserts.....

  17. What car has a really long power antenna?

    1. heretic


      long as in tall?

    2. jrock4224
    3. captaingamez


      Like the third fourth gen maximas?

  18. 30 year old, working cruise control.

  19. shortening ugly 80's bumpers...

    1. arizonajones


      posting pictures?

    2. captaingamez


      posted in my build thread

  20. Anyone ever fiberglass plastic? My center console needs some work....

    1. ArchetypeDatsun


      Would be cool if some had a 3D printer and make new parts.

  21. My favorite Ghostbuster is dead. RIP Harold Ramis.


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