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Everything posted by FoxyRoadster

  1. Thats why I lot of race cars armor that area, same with bellhousings.
  2. so still gonna supercharge the roadster, question is intercooler ? yah or nah?

    1. Logical1


      Hell yes! Cooler air = better fire!

  3. at least the main body isnt rusty, I think you have a really good starting point with the fact it only has surface rust in spots. Any engine upgrade plans or are you going to run it vintage class?
  4. The other half seems to have an obession for Salukis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saluki, I wanted a great dane but I'm alright with what she wants :lol:
  5. I've pretty much given up on it, I'm a vet student even so dog care is one of the things I have to follow by ethics and well the little guys deserve to be treated better then they had been. Not to mention do own the house now.. I think its cool what they do but I think they turn away a lot of good people.. So I'll be seeing a breeder when I finish the datsun to go get my partner the breed she wanted, which is actually kinda hard to find..
  6. Did the car meet the expectations you had of it? If yes then I'd not sell it. If no, then you could sell it with no worries. I've only had a few cars, and honestly I miss them (though both I lost I had no choose on loosing them, thieves suck.)
  7. for some reason every time I try to get a dog through one of these rescues they turn me down or make me jump through more hoops then I'd have to go through buying a dog at a breeder for.. its kinda annoying cause the other half ones special breeds and apparently my kindness and love aren't good enough?
  8. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Mikuni-44-side-draft-carburetors-nissan-intake-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem415413d5a3QQitemZ280583460259QQptZBoatQ5fPartsQ5fAccessoriesQ5fGear This would be awesome in a roadster with the KA
  9. looks kinda like mine, I got one from the 70's meant to go into the back of a truck! I've got it on a trailer so I can pull it with the roadster lol
  10. does the 240 at least have an sr swap or rb one or some other thing that makes it special like coming with the sylvia front clip or something? if not :poke:
  11. okay, turns out the 4 door 510 I was looking at only has 8 miles on the rebuild not on the body but no rust at least!

    1. H5WAGON
    2. poopie


      my 4 door is for sale and has no rust. has 0 miles on the rebuild. gotta wire it up yourself though :P

  12. from another member on 311s.org
  13. got my new hardtop in, was cheaper then buying a soft top and I figured since the car will be finished up this winter it will help keep me warm in it.
  14. is it a vinyl one? anyhow you might try asking on 311s.org they should have a big list of people to do tops on that coast.
  15. hardtop is here finally, I'm happy cause means I can drive the datto in the winter too!

  16. are those oldsmobiles on that track? lol!
  17. found a 4 door 510 in a field, has 8 miles on the clock going to try to buy it if I can!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sealik


      Was backed in.....:)

    3. FoxyRoadster


      somehow the engine blow'd within 8 miles, that or it rolled over on the mileage once already lol

    4. sick620


      or twice, 208. thats my area code its mine!

  18. hardtop on the way for the roadster, now I can drive year round when its finished.

  19. man, not even the roadsters go for that much...
  20. I like the first gens better myself, plus you can install the sc14 on one and get the nice whine of a sc.
  21. if its cheap I'd nab it up but otherwise eh get a kick ass datsun for the same money
  22. Just passed into Missouri from OK, yay for 3g internets.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FoxyRoadster


      I dont know yet lol

    3. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      may the schwartz be with you !



    4. FoxyRoadster


      dont worry I have my ring!

  23. I'd say most of us here have a soft spot for animals. I'm even trying to figure out how to make a seatbelt for my gfs pup in the roadster so he'll be safe in it.
  24. It is an awesome swap! But boo and hiss for MG is my mortal enemy! :lol:
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