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Everything posted by Kirden

  1. For the price I'd grab it back. it has gremlins but you know that going in. If nothing else it's always good to have a beater around and the old mazdas are fun. My first attempt at mini truckin was an 89 B2200 with a harsh static drop. Loved every minute of it :)
  2. Well if I document pulling my B210s engine and said simple green and scrubbed engine bay (may or may not be wearing a two piece...) can I skip to tool getter? Maybe beer fetcher? I'll bring along the two piece... So how much longer till you make circly marks on black stuff and fill the air with smoke? Really pulling for you on this one.
  3. That is a really nice looking 411. It's nice to see some of the older datsuns popping up on the east coast. If it were closer you would have some competition on the listing. Well that and if my seven year old hadn't claimed all my money for his christmas... Just from what I've seen, the asking price is lower than the actual value of the parts and body. The only question I would have is about the other engine. Get some pics of it and make sure it is the correct engine. There was a guy down here selling a 411 in much worse shape with a "spare" engine that was an A12... If eveything is good, great score and good luck on the rebuild.
  4. You got bum rushed by three cars? You guys know how to party in OR.
  5. I've been ratsuning too long. Starting to understand jrock...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. jrock4224
    3. Kirden


      I was reading through snack shake for the first time and it just hit me. Its the one where someone else (maybe farmer) said something about it being the most well written post you have done :P

    4. Kirden


      Nope, it was Mrbig, 5th post down page 45 of snack shack

  6. Back to the truck though, any luck on the pulley? $800+ is a lot for a pulley imo, but then again I'm not mrbig...
  7. Is the rear inlet made into the casting or can it be replaced as well as the pulley snout? I tried looking over this information but it seems the the M62 and M45 get mixed up a lot and that they both have quite a few different castings. For instance, one of the Mercedes M62 castings uses a short pulley snout setup like the one I posted. To save money, you could probably snatch that from a PnP rather than buying aftermarket. However, I have no idea which mercedes uses which casting or the M45 vs the M62. I'm really interested in this build though and will continue searching for info. I've been wanting to supercharge my 620 for a long time but 90% of the SC14s I find are so worn out that it hasn't been worth it. Another member on here used a mercedes kompressor with the electronic clutch, but I can't remember which build it was. If I find anything helpful I'll send it your way.
  8. That's crazy. I guess atleast now you can flintstone it around your shop...
  9. Start a donation thread for mrbig's turbo VK56VD 510 project :thumbup:
  10. That charger is pretty long. The outlet is at the rear? Could make for some very interesting routing. What if you were to swap the long snout with something aftermarket like this: https://jonbondperformance.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=26_15_123&products_id=565&zenid=dmlsja7bnqcb8ik9dsblgiqck1 It might make routing easier and you could choose whichever pulley you want to change your boost level. Just a thought.
  11. Nice but now we need pictures :) The 320 is growing on me. I really want to find one and make it into a 4x4, but that is a big dream. Do Want :wub: What are the plans for your new toy?
  12. Awesome story. My longest single trip is ~550 miles and I've put about 8K miles on it since I got it. PO was rough on maintenance and rigged up the carrier bearing so it has put me out a few times. Twice the bolts broke on the alternator mount due to the vibration from the driveshaft, then the driveshaft bolts broke from the rear end. Sadly the vibrations weren't noticeable from the cab so it took all of that for me to figure it out. The PO decided rather than replace the carrier bearing he would wrap the isolator in duct tape and keep going. Since figuring it out I have broken a tranny mount and the distributor bolt cause the 620 was my only running vehicle. It's been down for about two months waiting on parts and trying to find a shop to fix the driveshaft. I hope to make the long journey to Canby in it next year, but there is a long way to go.
  13. WTB better selection of Datsun parts local to me... Why did I end up on the wrong coast :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kirden


      LOL! I should bitched and started a thread bashing the awesome parts I got. Here I was expecting pieces of junk and I got working units. WTF BRO!!!!

    3. Eagle_Adam


      sry man, i dont keep broken shit around

    4. jrock4224
  14. You should be fine with the single weber, and if youare going straight to using the draw thru setup you won't have to worry at all. The problem with fitment comes from using dual DCOEs or SUs in a NA or blow thru setup. The dual carbs hit the master when using a dual carb manifold, so you have to remove the brake booster and mount the master to the fire wall. Draw through setups are generally compact because you don't want to route fuel filled air any further than you have to. Some people even use the stock intake manifold for the down draft and just route the charge to the original carb mount. This probably isn't the most effective solution, but it works for budget builds.
  15. 610 is a perfect fit (B210s use the 610 front suspension setup) 510s fit but without 510 LCAs you have to do a lot to have it aligned properly, and I'm not sure about the 710. Wish I could be of more help but I figured I would share what I have. I was looking at a possible KA or L20 swap into my B210 and got this information between datsunfreak here on ratsun and the datsun1200 wiki. Good luck with your build. Should be a screamer :)
  16. Most of the idle issues I've had came from vacuum leaks. Check the condition of all the vacuum hoses, particularly the one that goes to your brake booster. With the worn out brackets and old metal, pressing in the clutch may put just enough pressure on the brake pedal to seal a small vacuum leak and cause better idle. Hope you figure it out and good luck.
  17. It's time for another swap. Just think, if you start now you will have it done in time to do another swap before Canby.
  18. Bah who needs a muffler. Straight pipe it :P
  19. I think the disc brake 200SX diff is stronger (H190 maybe?) and you can use one of the RX7 rear ends to get discs and LSD. I've been looking into toyota rear ends though and I'm thinking of going with a corolla setup. There are quite a few places around here that will build custom setups around the corolla rear ends because they are so popular. You can get pretty much any gear set you want, LSD, disc brakes, 4 or 5 lug ect. It just has a lot of options.
  20. No fair... On a more topic related note, the photochops look decent, but personally I'll stick with my old school cars. Overall it reminds me of a more pointy lancer the more I look at it, and it's actually an improvement over the lancer imo. Maybe mitsubishi should have went this route. Lets toss a 2jze in it like jrock said and see how many tired we can go through.
  21. Oh, forgot something that may or may not be important. one of the POs cut the exhaust so I haz straight pipe! :blink: And is this thing right here needed? Below the engine under where the radiator should be. Looks like a skid plate or guard of some kind. Feels like pretty heavy grade metal. Its thicker than the tabs on my 620s frame EDIT: Proof of said straight pipe
  22. So, car shows up today 15 minutes after the fedex guy drops off the matchbox for my 620. What do I do? Decide to tear into the car :P Before we get into this, sorry for horrible cell pics, but atleast I had a camera this time. Pulled the radiator cause I wanted to make sure I wasn't dreaming when I checked the engine last time. Had to see if it was seized. Found some interesting stuff... My thoughts? The car was possessed and this is ectoplasm In all reality, this stuff was a really oily ge3l. probably some antifreeze residue. I didn't happen to get a picture of the bottom hose coming off cause I had to find a bucket for the antifreeze... Could have swarn we drained this thing before. And wiggle the breaker bar behind the fan, hook it to the crank and a very light pull: Houston, we have movement. Actually, we have very smooth movement with no scrapes, crunching, cracking, or any other unwanted noise. Hurray! Then out of the blue I noticed something I had never noticed before... Maybe others have noticed it in previous piucs (over even the pic above), but I was sorta struck. As you know if you have read, my B210 has an A15 with H89 head. It was rumored to be a true JDM swap from a few POs ago and that's all good, but the only vehicle that came with this configuration was a C120 (datsun van). Of course there are plenty of explanations, but maybe, this will help or hurt the rumored story: Going back to digging into parts now. Please feel free to debate :P
  23. Eagle Adam, I just want to say you are awesome man. Somehow, even though delivery said next monday, fedex just dropped my entire matchbox setup at the door. This is the second time you have gotten me the parts I need just in time. I think I want to have your babies o.O

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. danfiveten


      Adam the rip off king, only thing he rips is his pants ;) Great guy

    3. cruznude


      okay,thats enough! Do I always have to do the walk of shame!

    4. Eagle_Adam


      Don't take it personally, you have already redeemed yourself in my eyes :)


      It's nothing more than a funny joke

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