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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. Well were married, so don't gimmie no lines and keep yo hands to yo-self!
  2. Ummmmmmm this... :unsure: Hope to see you there!
  3. Additional Smart Ass Comment!
  4. got my new headliner in the mail today, thanks skib, victory, and keeper!

    1. Skib


      sorry if parts of it are stuck together ollz

    2. bananahamuck
  5. C.R.E.A.M.

    1. skyblue


      dolla dolla bills

    2. nismo dr

      nismo dr

      Though I don't know why I chose to smoke cess, I guess that's the time when I'm not depressed

  6. I dont give a Hoover Dam!

    1. Logical1


      But I'll take one!

  7. Was kinda planning on being a GG prefunk, will have tools and space to tune on shit if needed!
  8. I will start setting up at about 10am on Sunday the 18th, BBQ to start around noon. Will be there all day scrwin around on cars and whatnot so feel free to stop by most the day. The address will be disclosed closer to the date, but its close to Puyallup High School.
  9. Just got 4-8ft floreschents fer mah shop, winning!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. 420n620


      and let their be light. Are they the HO's or the standard florescent, just asking. :)

    3. RedBanner


      I have 12+, wish I could unload them on someone lol

    4. Pumpkn210


      Bring em up banner...


      And they ate single prong...

  10. Cars like these were towed for thousands of miles behind motorhomes with tow bars that mount to the bumpers. They are plenty strong enough to pull the thing onto a tow rig :rolleyes:
  11. Just put one of the Bumper mounts in it, they are plenty strong(bolt thru the "frame")
  12. Now in great tasting oral spray!

  13. I have a heater core for it, and am overdrive 4sp fom 73 duster....
  14. Next months meet will be on a sunday and at my garage in puyyallup. Plan on having a BBQ and whatnots.. More details to follow...
  15. Started My Datsun on Fire Today! But its ok I found the Problem! To another 45 Years!

  16. I just wanna tell you both good luck, were all counting on you!

  17. is needing a 620 steering column and box....

    1. bananahamuck


      620 steering columns seems like alot.

    2. bonvo


      get me a few pics of the steering box if its close i have a 610 box

  18. Pumpkn210


    fuck it indeed :rolleyes:
  19. Tarping up the roof in the morning and organizing the new workspace! Super happy time celebration!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pumpkn210


      Gonna have the pierce county monthly meet and BBQROFL here next month!

    3. dat521gatherer


      Cant wait to see the place.

    4. collision and customs

      collision and customs

      Shoot me a reminder and i'll bring the 620 bed hooks to the bbq at your place next month

  20. Willl be at it again in the morrow...

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