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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. Love my Scooter! Its Yellow!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pumpkn210


      Will get pics up tomarro. Rode the shit out of it last couple days, and gettin it inspected on the 8th!

    3. Pumpkn210


      1980 Honda C70! Its the SHIT!

    4. elmerfudpucker


      Noob...you staggered by it a couple of times at Canby....

  2. Sup mang, Welcome to Ratsun!

  3. Pumpkn checkin in, no 510s just 2 badass 210s and an 80 honder C70! Need anything drop me a line!
  4. Will be taking donations for the youth center aswell. Kelly, pic a date!
  5. Nice Truck Mang! Will have to come over this week and take a lookie! :P
  6. Never know what you can do till you try!
  7. Got any Pennies?

    1. freaky510


      sorry nuthin but nickles and dimes

    2. Pumpkn210


      dimes would be a cinch, but nickels....

  8. Oh Shit, he said Bitch! The Fuck is really gonna Ass the Cunt now! ;)
  9. Yep, talk to the guys at the metal shop and they will find the right stuff for the job! We brazed it with a torch and some fluxcore electric rod!
  10. I went round cause its less likely to pool fuel!
  11. More Torque! Needs shortened!
  12. Busy weekend, but Daddy Likes! :cool:
  13. Sweet, 79ish 210 you say? Cool makes mine more rare-er!
  14. Hella! You dont need a bigger tank, just like two more of them so youll have a whole bank of valves! :cool: maby take out the main tank and just have like 5-5gal tanks! was watchin the road warrior yesterday and it made me think of you! Sweet car, and I say keep the Gash! ;)
  15. Tryin to get your fuel system working eh Max? :lol:
  16. That is so true Mike! I happen to remember that a certain 2 Ratsunners won an award for thier accomplishments! Maby talk about that! ;)
  17. Takin the Pumpkn car over to Pappys Slab for a modifacation day with dad! There is nothing like sharing a passion for cars, wierd stuff, and hilarity with my father! Best wishes to all fathers out there this weekend! :D
  18. Cruze in, puyallup WA tonight at 5. Mrs Turners restaraunt! Join me?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. lilblackwagon


      That was fun! The only car there that got both looks of dismay and huge shit eatin' grins! Def got the most attention!

    3. skunk


      if from the east, not enough datsun parts east. im stayin in the north west. move to portland pumpkin, ill meet you there lol

    4. metalmonkey47


      I need a place out west to go to :P

  19. If its points I know how to put an Aseries matchbox dizzy in it! :cool:
  20. Oh Im watchin this thread!
  21. Nice mang! Get it, erryone loves a KC! I mignt-could need a truck someday...
  22. Thanks for the helpfull information! I will Definately look into getting a turbo!
  23. Sounds like a good start! Maby get the pistons shaved if you can and ceramic coated? Not sure of any other cheap ways to lower the CR. Make your own intake mani! Get some big tubing and some flat plate cut out and drill a flange. If you dont have the technology, you can prep it all up and take it to a fab shop and they will weld it up! Make sure to take a head with you and all the hardware to bolt it up so they can weld it straight! Cant wait to hear more, I may have to do it aswell!
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