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Status Updates posted by red76datsun

  1. picking up a 5 speed this week. super stoked!

  2. anyone got a 620 passenger fender in the kitsap-tacoma area?

    1. tdaaj


      What happened? I might have one left.

    2. red76datsun


      well mine has always had a slight crease and is flared out bad. I think the previous owner hit something or got hit. figured if I put new rims on should just do it all up front. ill PM you


    3. tdaaj


      New wheels uh?

  3. sanding down blasted rims and polishing them will be the death of me.

  4. thanks beebani for the disc brake bracket. stoked to stop well!

  5. Anyone know and Seattle-tacoma shops that can rebarrel rims? If not ill ship them but local is best

    1. red76datsun
    2. moparvwfreak




      hes been making custom 3 piece wheels from stock stuff.


    3. red76datsun


      thanks man, just e-mailed them

  6. buy my rims truck guys :)

    1. plumb420


      Why you selling?

    2. red76datsun


      gonna rebarrel some other steelies to 15x8


    3. plumb420
  7. anyone in/near kitsap county WA have 3 620 stock rims they dont want or sell for cheap? dont neeed caps and dont need to look good.

    1. Hooligan


      I have a spare from my 620 and 521. Both look different through

  8. new years... lets get krunk off woof chicken..?

  9. new floor jack! thanks santa

    1. bananahamuck


      Jack not name, Jack job.

    2. red76datsun


      could've tricked people..." new floor, jack?"

  10. christmas robs me of my datsun play money....

    1. H5WAGON


      Trying to hold onto this last $100 bill.....I know where a factory Tach and good speedo is, but need another 100. :( and I need a Barke master cylinder also FUCK!

    2. Kirden


      Yea bump that, my son gets one game and a road trip :P

  11. winter break mofos! time to break sleep records

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. jrock4224


      Or get some shit done

    3. jrock4224
    4. Kirden


      Or work 54 hours in 4 days, cuz fourth quarter...

  12. thanks hooligan for the exhaust. appreciate it and recommend him to anyone looking for pipe work.

    1. Hooligan


      anytime man.... thats what I am here for


    2. tdaaj


      Can you build headers?

  13. extra hours have saved me. might not need to sell the 620! pretty stoked and thankful

    1. j_boy_619


      all bless the datsun gods!

    2. Eagle_Adam


      good for you and your datsun!

  14. if anyone is interested in my truck let me know. under the "red rocket build" can add some extras. or trade for just about anything datsun or any 4x4. need a grand for some legal help though. sucks but message me if interested

    1. red76datsun


      a grand on top is what I meant

  15. just picked up a a87 peanut head

    1. bananahamuck


      lift with your legs not your back.

    2. red76datsun


      you clever bastard.....

    3. Eagle_Adam


      it will be a fun motor when your done man!

  16. thanks for the l20 eagle adam!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. red76datsun


      For sure. Awesome guy. Also thanks to red banner and drakor for help loading it!

    3. danfiveten


      Both adams are awsome guys, i got a tranny from him last weekend. Its still in the back of my pathfinder because i cant lift it :(

    4. Eagle_Adam


      Happy to help! Thanx for Gettn em outta my storage unit!

  17. tired of flakes on my 620...

    1. Hooligan


      Thats a sign you need to keep it


  18. anyone wanna trade me a different datsun for my 620?:)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dattokai


      Had two 620's, several 510's, one 521.. still want a 620.

    3. red76datsun


      i have a 521 craving now. and 510

    4. plumb420


      I have some sweet Datsun hot wheels if you wanna trade lol

  19. should i put my lil hustler stickers on my truck below the door?i just have them laying around....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. red76datsun


      thinking about doing that


    3. bananahamuck


      Normally i would say "do it" but your truck is pretty clean so not so sure i can agree with putting them on..



      if completely removable





    4. red76datsun


      Yep just stickers so I can take then off

  20. i need to sell my 620.... im on the 510 train lately...

  21. 720 leafs and 2in blocks in. still not low enough.....

    1. plumb420
    2. red76datsun


      havnt lowered the front yet, that comes tomorro maybe. riding cholo status


  22. man.... i love my 620 but lately i just have a 521 feddish.... i just cant control the dato love

    1. oldskoolvws


      seems to me everyone's jumping on the 521 train. choo-choo bitches, get on board!

  23. just scored some 720 leafs!

  24. new build thread. comment feedback and thoughts thanks!

    1. INDY510


      feedback and thoughts

    2. red76datsun


      im gonna give you that one.... mostly cause i have no comeback haha

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