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Everything posted by Z-train

  1. The stuff that academies are producing today is embarrassing and frightening.Back in the day,if you were a screw up,you washed out.See ya!But today,they get "recycled".I know of a female that hired on with TPD that recycled FOUR TIMES.And they put her on the street.
  2. The vast majority of drug busts result from minor infraction pull-overs.
  3. Sorta gives new meaning to the phrase"bang away"-doesn't it?
  4. The garbage gas is what is doing it to you.Stihl sells gas that they GUARRANTEE good for TWO years.It is pricey however.
  5. Desert Datsuns.The meet floats around.Pavillions in Snottsdale is one of the spots.
  6. I don't see you wearing a belt either.ANd in this shot,you're much more man than I.
  7. With the exception of my Cobra or the Z(5-point),the last time i wore a seat belt was 1976-ish.
  8. Splitfires revisted.As bad a Flow Bastards and other automotive handjobs
  9. THis is for all of you.I think they might even publish them in Canadian..... http://www.lexisnexis.com/store/catalog/catalog.jsp?pageName=catalogProducts&catId=991&id=145 Get a book,know the laws.
  10. I need new strut cartridges.No-one makes them.I had a long talk with KYB going over numbers & things.The best answer we came up with was to use a 280Z cartridge and make a spacer to take up the remaining space in the tube.I even had a conversation with Mike Klotz about doing the machining,but this project is on a back-burner that doesn't have the same zip code as i do at the moment. No-one currently at KYB will know if they DID make them.But let's assume for arguements sake that they did.They would be nitrogen charged.Odds are that the gas has passed(pun intended).If so,they are worth-less.Do your homework real good. Edit: i just looked at the E-rape ad you referenced.I have major issues with his "wording".Talk to KYB and get the cartridge length from a 280Z.Then compare that number against the length of what he is selling.If it is the same,those cartridges WILL NOT work without a spacer that i mentioned above.
  11. WHere did you get new struts?No-one has ever made them for 77-79.
  12. I'm a fan of "studs where i can".Having said that,studs on the oil pan will make you want to shoot yourself if you ever have to pull the pan in the vehicle.
  13. ZX struts on a 510 is a regular mod-not the 810's.THere is a couple inch height difference.
  14. If the knuckle pattern fits,then all you do is cut teh ZX tube down low and stich on the upper part of the 810 tube.This is a backburner project for me.
  15. It is an open question right whether ZX tubes will bolt to the 810 steering knuckles.280Z SHOULD.
  16. Interesting how Datsun stretched the runners when they went to FI.
  17. Auto electrics 101-Stupid shit is ALMOST always a ground issue.
  18. CG was used in Viet Nam.
  19. Cpl Daniel C.Schaller -United States Army Air Corp.Chevleston,England.1944-45. 12 missions in a Flying Fortress over occupied Europe.This is a picture of him at his station on his 13th mission over Tucson on April,22nd 2001. My grandfather's Subchaser crew circa 1917. My grandfather on the 75MM deck gun
  20. Actually-yes.As he/she is no longer alive,they are not "a Veteran".SInce they are gone,they CAN NOT be honored on Veterans Days because they are not here any longer.
  21. Tristin-Today is also for those who came home and have since passed.
  22. Z-train


    POR down low would be the best option.
  23. Paint the hood to match the body.There shouldn't be a 327 on this planet getting 9 mpg.
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