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Everything posted by Z-train

  1. 1)No,you are NOT "allowed" to do what you want with it. 2)Nope-but they didn't run worse either. 3)Again,no you can't do whatever you want with your vehicles. 4)Bullshit. 5)You mean the ones of us that know what the fuck we're talking about? Your power/mpg improvement came NOT from removing SMOG gear,but from fixing a problem that existed. 6)Finally-you got something right. There is no state in this country where it is legal to REMOVE SMOG equipment. In-op SMOG gear is not the same as working SMOG gear.EGR valves when working correctly, have ZERO effect on the engines performance.
  2. Kins-I'll bet you money that you still are "required" to have it on the vehicle.SHould some Johnny Law get a bug up his ass,you could be in a jam.And other than looks-you are gaining nothing.
  3. EGR isn't SMOG crap".ANd I'll bet money that the law in Tejas says you still have to have it,regardless of inspection intervals.
  4. Let's be clear-I haven't said one word about PW.I have never seen any of his flicks. Having said that,there is a reason the WWII guys are the "greatest generation ever".
  5. I'll take credit for that.And you should have seen what I originally typed.
  6. I understand your point.And it's wrong.The last time I had a "failure of logic" was in the 70's.And I'll say it again,WWII vets are more important as a whole than all of the actors that ever existed. If you can read this-thank a teacher. If you're reading this in English-thank a WWII vet.
  7. Please show us where foreign WWII vets were mentioned in this conversation.I'll wait.
  8. Z-train

    620 rac and pinion

    1)Pay attention to this 2)See #1(both of them) A rack is the ONLY way to put A/C into a 620 with a KA motor in it.
  9. Read this again.After you're done-read it a third time.
  10. Did you really just say Hitler was a American WWII vet?
  11. 100% utter BULLSHIT.ANY WWII vet's life is worth more than any actor. This video some how got dropped from my other post.
  12. Z-train

    620 rac and pinion

    This would be true.
  13. Oldskool-I knew who Ed Heffron was. K-douche-Your head is so far up your ass,you need a glass belly button to see where to take your next step.You're a pathetic excuse not worthy of being shown as a bad example.
  14. I saw an interview with a friend of his who was at the event. Walker said they would be back in 5 minutes,but never came back(obviously). They were leaving to "get one off" and come back.It will eventually come out that there was another car involved.
  15. Yep.I didn't think they were there that early.
  16. Before you do that,get a new negative cable and route it to the starter bolt(shortest path thing).Then use a jumper from the battery to the starter to crank it. This will tell all.
  17. It has a "head casket".The motor must be dead.........
  18. Auto wrenches are in debt to the Snap-on guy from day one(expect to have 30K + in your tool box.).And it never stops. Most wrenches my age are broken-both body and mind. I see those adds for the tech schools with the Ford GT in the foreground and the first thing that comes to minds is BULLSHIT.
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