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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Well if were going to do that, we might as well add 1 and 2 together and do 3 inches in the front, but that would make it uneven so you should do 3 and 4 inch ;)
  2. You should actually just run those Budlight flares.... looks like youre done. Next mod.
  3. Ha! Now were talking... great images. Looks like a nice swap you got going on there.
  4. Uhmmm I think theres something missing.
  5. Thats they way mine was. Mostly cracked and held on by like 1 thread. If I have one, its yours for shipping.
  6. See... you need to plan ahead. You purchase a 4dr. so that when you do have kids you dont have to get rid of it.
  7. Ha yep. Those are my garage Toms...
  8. Yep, good luck :) Edit: Now that I think about it, I might have an extra black OEM knob floating around. I just moved all my parts into storage these last couple days, but I will be going there tomorrow. Ill check if youre interested.
  9. It will also depend on tire size and how low you want to go. The lower you are, the more negative camber you will be (unless you manually correct it) which helps tuck.
  10. 4drs. fit more whores. No 2drs. in this household. 4drs for life ^_^
  11. Im really surprised that SR threads still pop up like this... its like the most swapped newer engine. How do people not just look at other builds? :confused:
  12. If you even read the title, you should know there is never any hope for this question...
  13. Until I can get the right dash fascia installed for an auto, this is how I have to drive around: It keeps the ignition away from the brake. Luckily its not too terrible on the actual switch. I still dont like it so once I move I will make other arrangements for the ignition switch.
  14. I think it was just a figure of speech...
  15. I wasnt planning on it... but if thats the only choice to keep POTD alive, then sure. Maybe we can message bleach and see whats up.
  16. I havent seen him post in awhile... he also has no updates on his website so Im not sure. Someone may have to step up to keep POTD going.
  17. My comment was by no means an attack on any members... its not their fault posting and storing with PB is such a pain. My comment was in regards to how fucked up the PB is that it requires so many threads and discussions on posting photos. It shouldnt be that hard. It does, but the difference is the ease of the rest of the interface for the site. Personally I use Flickr and Ive never once had a problem with it. There are easily ten threads just on Ratsun about how much they hate Photobucket and how it works like shit. Then they always talk about having to adapt to the new updates that roll out and relearn the right way to post. Ive been using Flickr for something like 8 years now and with all updates Ive never had to readjust or do any work around to keep my workflow.
  18. Fred Meyer is like the only place I havent been checking...
  19. That seems like a pretty decent deal... body looks straight and although rust on the floorboards it looks to be surface. Great start for someone in that area.
  20. Man, its pretty sad when all these threads for Photobucket are necessary. How to navigate, how to post pictures, why doesnt this work, why doesnt that work...
  21. That looks fantastic Jenn!
  22. Frame is bent apparently, but Im trying to pick up all the other parts of it. Now that I have a nice storage unit I can hoard parts...
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