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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Drift. Meh. I just like car shows... And yes, I remember your issues I won't razz you for missing this one.
  2. Although still not interested in a grille, it looks like you're doing some great. Impressed with the quality so far... I hope all goes well for the project.
  3. Good thing my car isn't fast enough to need any emergency stops like that... Not unless its because I'm doing 45 in a school zone. I guess I should register for this. I need to register for Forum Fest as well... Just a bit busy lately.
  4. Yeah, real sexy :sneaky:
  5. Its not gay if its underway... only queer when youre at the pier.
  6. Lol I knew he meant emergency signaling/warning flares. It would make no sense to have emergency fender flares. Hence the laughing smilie face :)
  7. Hmmm maybe if the mags were black and the tires weren't ginormous.
  8. +1 Lowered on caps or maybe some sort of mesh would do.
  9. Why would you bring flares? Is that so you can change to deeper dish wheels along the way? :rofl: No real experience with elevation changes for carbs, but I would recommend a cigarette lighter cell phone charger if you don't have one. Would suck to be on the road with a dead phone and no way to call for help. There was a member who drove from Seattle to Long Beach and broke down a bit along the way. Posted to Ratsun from the roadside for advice and even got a member to show up and help wrench. Good luck on your journey.
  10. Maybe if they were 15s and not 17s... but otherwise I love the car. Always been a fan of Colt/Galants. Maybe you will finish your swap before Tim does :rofl: Cant wait to see what you do.
  11. Why are you in Cali?! Ugh I want it. Ratty and green... fucking perfect. God dammit.
  12. We hope so. We just like seeing forward progress. Im sure that if/when he comes back it will be a great build... tell him to post pictures!
  13. VG30 swap http://seattle.craigslist.org/sno/pts/3717427585.html
  14. Why didnt you just report the posts like the rest of us did? Those go straight to the mods...
  15. What if I already sent him all your contact info? Oops.
  16. Tristin

    Post 510's

    Coupe tails... and Coupe tails dont ever have a center garnish; they are two pieces, but they extend into the middle of the taillight panel to fill the gap. These dont have any so they had to have been cut. Weird.
  17. Tristin

    Post 510's

    More Thai 510s... And anyone notice whats weird about this last photo?
  18. Haha I was right on both accounts. Its Super Clean and it comes in a purple bottle. I bought like a gallon of it at Oreillys for about $8.
  19. I think it was Super Clean... possibly Purple Power. I cant remember which. I think I posted about it in my build thread and the purple bottle rings a bell. Ill go check.
  20. A little bit of cleaning solution for the bay and a powder coated valvecover/air cleaner and its magic:
  21. Would you be willing to take some hi-res shots of the stickers on the air cleaner? It looks like they are pretty decent... better than most Ive seen. If youre interested, I may have a freshly powdercoated air cleaner for sale. Its the original blue... Ill be switching mine out to something different if you want to keep the stock look, but clean your bay up.
  22. Unfortunately no, '89 was the earliest. The issues with e85 and gas tanks is that if the tanks are exposed to the e85 its possible they could rust due to ethanols hydrophilic nature, though these days ethanol is pretty good about not attracting water. If youre worried about the condition of your tank, a good coating of POR-15 should do you right.
  23. Rick Astley will let you borrow any movie from his Pixar collection except one. Hes never going to give you Up.
  24. Maybe because hes a proven mechanic who puts out good work and follows through on his deadlines all while providing ample pictures for us to drool over. Its just all too common people come on here and say they are going to V6 swap this and V8 swap that, then we never hear from them again. Or god forbid they hack into the vehicle and ruin it after they see its too much work. No one is saying that the OP has done that, but he was super into it in the begining and kept saying it was suppose to be done by a certain date... then we never heard from him again. Its safe to assume that hes like 99% of the guys we get all the time. If he had content to provide us to draw a different conclusion, we would all love it no matter what engine he puts in there.
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