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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. How many times are you going to post your own ad?
  2. As soon as that Z part is installed you can be a real member here instead of the wannabe you have been ;)
  3. Im going to remember to bring sun screen this time haha. Hopefully I will be bringing a sun shade this time to chill under instead of stealing Ricks.
  4. I totally forgot this thread even existed. Good call CJ :) It only took me a year to get off my ass, but shirts are on their way and per UPS will be here monday. Im just happy to contribute to the community and hopefully likes the work I do. Ive thought about making a Ratsun design as well with a little forum kickback if any are sold. We will see. 71 has a good thing going with these, so I might just stick to Datsuns in general. Thanks again for the reminder on what I posted.
  5. Mikes just an old man and his mind is a little fuzzy :rofl:
  6. Naw he wouldnt beat me up, but he is a big grouch. Though, just because he wouldnt beat me up, doesnt mean he wouldnt sick Paco on me.
  7. I had plenty of vegemite when I was actually on "the bloody big island" in 2010 ^_^ Just not my thing.
  8. I think thats DatMos issue and not an issue with OP haha.
  9. I dont know too many places that are referred to as "The Bay Area" other than San Fran.
  10. Im pretty sure he is flying from Ohio out to Cali to look at a car around the Bay Area (San Fran, Salinas, etc.) since Ohio sucks for 510s.
  11. Why am I not surprised that exists? We need Skib to chime in with his Datsun paper towel holder.
  12. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/44198-canby-2013-where-wet-dreams-come-from/
  13. This is the most ridiculous thing I've heard in awhile. Why are you so desperate to get camber? Because hellaflush? You might want to do some reading up on what camber is, what's affected when it changes, what a solid axle is, and what IRS.
  14. Its probably some shitty roadside breakfast place... Banana is good at finding those.
  15. Yeah thats what Ive noticed with leaving feedback as well... sometimes its a bit awkward to dumb down your comments for the deal.
  16. Yes the resistor will step down voltage but only once the car is running. To aide getting the car started, that resistor is bypassed so the full voltage reaches the dizzy. Once its running, its no longer bypassed and the lower voltage will adequately keep the car firing.
  17. Ran into a Bremerton Fred Meyer today and spotted this in the parking lot. A fine ass honey was driving it, but unfortunately she was getting out of the car as I was still parking so I could get a shot of her. Anyway, great looking car:
  18. Spotted this outside my school the other day in Belltown (Seattle). Turns out we have a class together, but wasnt able to catch up with him in time to chat: Seen at the Bremerton ferry terminal. Ive seen this once before, but had a dead phone. Its a Z with Corvette tails, some ridiculous body kit, and square headlights. Wasnt sure if Sightings or Ricer Sightings, but whatever: (Sorry for the poor photos, I had a messed phone case that was obscuring the lens) Spotted in Bremerton outside OC:
  19. 4th Gen Eclipse... bright pink, "racing wheels", and altezza taillights:
  20. Remove the dizzy (not just the cap) and while youre at TDC, make sure the shaft is at 11:28.
  21. Check your plug order and when you adjusted timing did you remove the dizzy at all? Make sure that its not 180* out .
  22. https://www.google.com/search?q=headlight+visors&oq=headlight+visors&aqs=chrome.0.57j0l3j62l2.2767j0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=headlight+visors&safe=off&source=univ&tbm=shop&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=SEKwUbmgDOKDjAK9mIDgDQ&ved=0CDAQsxg&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47534661,d.cGE&fp=d1b72d04d0521783&biw=1362&bih=651
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