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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Thats a new members wagon... keanukealoha510
  2. In the additional info tab, it lists a location.
  3. What are the plans for the Miata engine?
  4. I have tried to navigate through the controls... It's the only reason I brought it up. I haven't seen how to do it in any of the screens associated with a classified ad. Just clicking on the "expired ad" tab gives errors. Standing by for word from the developer. Thanks Thomas.
  5. You can look through this thread, maybe its of some use: http://japanesenostalgiccar.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=19962
  6. Was there ever a finite answer on what to do about relisting ads?
  7. Just buy them for yourself and shave one leg... while youre sleeping you will think youre with a beautiful woman.
  8. Not in this thread... :poke:
  9. Fine, it was an early birthday present for you... caught me :blush:
  10. Youve been a member for how long, and you only put up one tiny picture?! Whats up with that?
  11. Only the non-American members though, because they dont count.
  12. Well I figured you were gearing up for Canby, so only sticker orders were happening... Install pictures might be a possibility. Uh, for science... or something.
  13. Yeah it sticks out way too far. Mine sat no where near that far out... even with a slightly tweaked front-end. Im sure it will get worked out though.
  14. Are you doing custom ordre spankies? I could use a GB one for my lady friend...
  15. Are you going to answer all his questions about how to swap it in?
  16. Ive never seen anyone have to return Cashiers check money before. There was a news article where a guy deposited one of those fake "Youve Won $10,000" checks and was awarded the money. He tried to return it multiple times and they wouldnt take it back... legal tender. Ended up being able to keep it.
  17. The cheese... Im a dick, but I wouldnt make the sick face to another female member :hug:
  18. Ive never seen printing directly on the air cleaners... I thought they were all stickers? Other than the "Made in Japan" stenciles with the Kanji.
  19. Youre more than welcome to my share... :sick:
  20. So I just did some research for myself on mobile payment methods. Id like to be able to accept CCs at shows and meets once these shirts come rolling in. Anyway, looks like the big three are PayPal Here, GoPayment Intuit, and Square UP. Paypal is the cheapest between all three for times when youre only looking for a single days worth of payments. Fees are 2.70% swiped and 3.5% + $.15 if you key in the card. The other two options are 2.75%. The one option that is possible is a $12 monthly fee for GoPayment that drops the fees done to 1.75% Thats really nice if you accept money daily and can make up for that $12. Youd have to bring in at least $444.44 a month to make up for the $12 to pay for itself in the 2.70% fees... after that, it becomes worth it. Just some thoughts. Ill be picking up the PayPal one since its cheaper per transaction and I already have an account set up with them. Makes it easy.
  21. I agree that this mostly American, but that doesnt mean youre allowed to exclude members opinions based on location. Like mentioned before we have a bunch of Canadian members and even a Canadian mod. Do you want to ignore them because they arent from the US?
  22. Find a sexy one and tell her you want to stick your dick in her sloppy wet storm shelter.
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