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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Tristin

    Post 510's

    Its like you could fit another set of rims in there.
  2. DGuy210... I like the packing you sent down under. Are you selling those 1600/1600 SSS badges? Id like I pair for a project. If you dont have an extra set, Id be willing to rent them from you. Im not looking to do anything destructive to them.
  3. Thinking this is the one... Welcome to the site. Its interesting that you decided to buy something to work on after you sold all your cars and you bought a motorhome... not just a plain truck. Do you have something else to daily still?
  4. Glad to see this bumped back up the priority list for you... cant wait for updates.
  5. Have you driven on those struts yet? I debating which I want to shorten the next struts to... front or rear MR2 inserts. The low in my wants to go with what you have.
  6. Thats a true statement... congrats, but it doesnt negate the fact no one has posted pictures... hop to it.
  7. You may have limited options in Mexico though... I could have sworn you were in a different location when we first talked.
  8. And no one is treating you like a pain in the ass... LSDs can be troublesome to come by. If you know that your power will exceed the limits and cause something to fail, why would you run it? Sell the LSD to someone who can use it successfully and find something that will suit your needs better. If you have to blow something up, then use normal open diffs. You can find those almost anywhere. Grab an open R180 for cheap and run that until you can find an LSD version. Everyone wins. No need to break wanted parts. Running an open diff for awhile isnt going to hurt anything on your car... limited slip isnt a required feature. Youll be fine until you can find a suitable LSD to match your needs. You posted a thread asking about opinions. No need to be snippy when people give you options.
  9. Fine take it how you will :rolleyes: And yes, look somewhere else.
  10. No one is burning you, calm down. Just posing an alternate option where everyone wins. And I said I would contact you when I had more info from my friend. Did you send me something else?- I havent seen anything.
  11. Im all for making fun of ricers, but I think that might be a little crazy... Im not going to drive a Mac truck to pick up a loaf of bread. Though to be fair, it seems most shitty Civics these days have the same cloud of black smoke coming out their exhaust.
  12. Im not sure if it was brought up, but is there a way to re-list your items after they expire? My items are still availble for purchase and Im still looking for other items, so Id like to relist the ads. Clicking on the ads give me an error... now I cant even view my ads to list them again or even just copy the info/pictures to create a new ad. Do we really have to rewrite full ads from scratch? That seems a little bogus.
  13. I really want to do new felt and door seals, but Id like to paint the car... I think its just too much work and money to redo it. Im excited to see these seal threads though. Gives some good tips for the future. I need to get a second car so I can paint the Dime quicker.
  14. Not saying thats incorrect, but that doesnt even make sense. Maybe something is lost in translation. Here is something I just found after searching your comment... actually on JNC as well haha: http://japanesenostalgiccar.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=21621 Its hard to just "make up" a design like that. It has to come from somewhere... You cant just call something a Boso Stripe and it happens.
  15. Figured your design needed a C130 to spice things up :D
  16. Im just talking shit because I live too far away to join in the fun. Im just being a hater :blush:
  17. Thats kind of a shitty attitude. It would suck to ruin a perfectly (hard to find) VLSD just waiting for you to blow it. Might as well just do that to easy to find open R160s, sell the VLSD, and wait for an R180 to pop up.
  18. I had a '76 CVCC wagon as a first car... wish I had it as well. I hated it at the time, but looking back it was awesome. Id kill to get it back. After that I had a '91 CRX Si which was a big POS, but was a fun driver until I crashed it being an idiot. Theres a 1st Gen Accord hatchback in a yard up here that Im sure I could get back on the road if it didnt come with a junk title. More effort than its worth.
  19. Whatever you do with this, it will be epic. Ive seen your fab skills and with it being frame up... its going to be awesome. Cant wait for Snack Shack V2.
  20. Every time you post about "working" at Hans, it turns into playing with toys... every time you play with toys its always a catastrophe. Planes in telephone lines, planes in the lake, mid-air collisions. You two are trouble.
  21. Glad it went to a good home, but sad that you had to let it go... Hopefully when you get back east and are back on your feet with the new job you can pick up another 510 and get back in the game. When is the move?
  22. I know someone looking for a 521...
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