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  • Gender
  • Location
    Vancouver, WA
  • Cars
    1978 Datsun 620
  • Interests
    I'm 19 and have a Datsun an need to know what I can do to my truck. Please help

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  1. I need to replace my oil pan gasket, timing chain cover gasket, oil pump gasket, distributor gasket and possibly more. Can I or do I have to take off the head to do this? If so, is it easy? Thank you
  2. Okay, yeah I have a weber and it needs to be tuned bad.. But maybe I'll come by this week
  3. So if I just melt a copper penny to the hole it will work? Doesn't it have to be silver solder?
  4. Really thanks man! Are you close to Vancouver?
  5. Really? Mine is cracked and I am not trying to spend over $100 for one. And I need to drop my oil pump, check my timing and make sure everything is dead on. And my dad left my mom so I have only basic tools..
  6. I think some of them look stupid. Especially on dodge neons. I hate those damn cars.
  7. I need help with my truck. I need to dial in some stuff and also I need a new radiator for my 78 620. Please message me or comment. Thank you.
  8. Okay cool. Thanks guys, I tried to take it off yesterday but i could not unscrew the speedo and i wasnt sure what screws under the dash I needed..
  9. I need to take out my dash cluster to solder some stuff back together. How many bolts is it and how easy is it? Will just the speedometer and other stuff come out? or will the stereo have to come out also?
  10. Yeah! A couple people have asked to buy them. And I said you can or 5k and the guy laughed. But I said who else has them ;) haha
  11. They're actually pretty light, idk the exact weight but they aren't that heavy. I can lift one above my head
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