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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. I dont know what happened guys... Here are some more to make up for whatever happened earlier:
  2. I love Corollas. I almost bought a TE27 before I bought the Dime. KE35 Corolla. Yep. I love the body style, but hate the front end. Those sunken headlights kill it for me... same with Coronas. If it wasnt for the one designs aspect, Id like them.
  3. Man, I drove by there today... cant believe I missed that.
  4. http://www.youtu.be/EcSNuIAqfCk
  5. Id have to ask for a color name, but here is some powdercoat on mine:
  6. You want to post the image code. [ IMG ] URL TO IMAGE [ IMG ] Or if you have the direct link to an image, you can click the green polaroid icon in the reply box and paste the URL in there.
  7. Exactly... Im confused.
  8. Soon to be red, white, and blue.... 'Merica Mobile.
  9. Once the car was warmed up, did it run fine?- that would tell you if it was stumbling because it was cold. The way you have this phrased it sounds like car didnt run at all. You put in a little Seafoam. Car now starts, but stumbles when given gas. Is that accurate? We might need some more details on whats going on with your car. Seafoam works great with what its intended to do. It really will clean out all the gunk in your system, but sometimes its more than you want with older engines. Sometimes that gunk seals up your rings and once you clean them out, you start having blow by or similar. Putting a "tiny bit" probably did nothing for your engine and the hard idling issue would have been present without the Seafoam additive.
  10. When I was a kid I used to play soccer (like little league). Each of the teams had a specific color uniform so that it was easy to tell all the teams apart. We had orange one year and the voted name for the season was "Orange Hot Bullets." Even as 5y/o I knew that sounded stupid...
  11. The guys in the Emirates blow my mind sometimes... those guys have so much money to just waste. There was just a guy who was paying a WoW player to watch him quest. He had gifted him something like $50k over a few months. If they just want to give away money, Id gladly take some... I should get the Navy to send me to the UAE and Ill just start petitioning for cash over there. Come home with $100K, a gold plated AK-47, and a 12y/o wife.
  12. I saw the post, quoted you that it was the wrong type, but as the page loaded the quote you edited it. We were both typing at the same time haha.
  13. Your link is messed up... here is a working one: http://seattle.craigslist.org/see/pts/3965705939.html
  14. Damn, that means we will have to find our own shade. Your truck umbrella came in handy last year.
  15. Whats your fluid level? You may be getting some noises with really low fluid.
  16. I do not know of anyone reproducing the stock airbox sticker. There are a few of us that would like one though... did you happen to take a picture of the decal before you sandblasted it off? None of the Stateside pieces have had nice enough decals.
  17. Its not a wrecking yard... its a parting yard.
  18. Yeah that thing is awesome, I really want it. Trying to scrounge up the skrilla to bring it home.
  19. Should have put all those wheels on your rack... thats what all the cool kids do.
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