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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Other than the hood blemish, thats really nice. Would be better as a 4dr. That would make someone happy... wheres Flat? He still need a Datsun?
  2. You dawg I heard you liked the Craigslist thread so I posted the thread in your thread so you can browse while you browse.
  3. No, right section. You just posted a picture with no information. Didnt know if we had to answer a question or what... Edit: heres the picture so others dont have to click the link
  4. Its a semi-popular SL-M body kit. Cant really explain flat orange, but then again people that put body kits on the luxury sport cars are usually a little off kilter.
  5. All years. You can swap the whole dash over, but most just want the metal pad.
  6. Haha I wouldnt even pay $4k for a 510 in that condition, let alone a 210 fastback. Pass!
  7. 520 pads are harder to come by. Everyone wasnt a 520 pad because they are metal and dont crack.
  8. I could always slide a couple burgers your way... could be a late payment for that L16 block you sent my way :) Its only fair that people get to eat when you have meets at a restaurant. Thats half the fun! Plus Zelda will feel bad if shes eating in from of Auntie Jenn and Uncle Bromaho.
  9. Whats going on in here? Selling these? Want to know if they will fit? Showing off what you have?
  10. No I bought mine from Izzo awhile back.
  11. Thanks. I just think your priorities should be with helping breath new life into the vehicle and driving it around to enjoy everything it has to offer. If that means a stock restore, some basic mods, or a complete swap so be it. I just think its silly to throw money at any hobby just so you can flex your wallet at people. But whatever... enough of that, back to the project :) Im not happy at all. I picked up some relays to wire in for better power to the lights, Id like to upgrade to a larger alt so my shit doesnt flicker, and eventually Ill buy some new sealed beams. Im thinking that Ill do maybe a Hardbody alt when I swap in my L20. Probably easiest. Im only rocking two lights right now, so I have to make them count. Trying to button up a few things to make a couple hour trip up to snag a rear seat. CarterB is hooking me up with an amazing condition cream backseat. Now Ill look a little more respectable when you peer in the windows. :thumbup:
  12. I would recommend making a build thread to encompass the projects and you can post your questions and document your progress in there. I would also hit up the search bar heavily as Im sure most questions you have will be well documented here. A build thread will help you keep all your stuff straight and we can help out along the way. Once again welcome and cant wait to see what kind of cars you picked up. Im a pre-70 guy myself, so Id love to see that 69 2dr.
  13. Understood. Hope it went to a good home.
  14. As a last resort you may have to cut some of the door out. I wouldnt be too worried if you have a door panel. It wouldnt be the best route, but could save you from having a permanently shut door. As Adam mentioned, I was explain myself to a locksmith. Sometimes they have some weird flexy tools to get in and around that they may be able to pop the door open.
  15. Is it really that big of a deal for you? Its just a contest for a sticker... Ill happily concede the win to Green.
  16. Sounds like an enjoyable drive. Next time for sure then... I just cant get the car ready in time. I hope some pictures are taken along the route. I havent been out of the Western areas much so its nice to travel. I did some traveling with my grandparents when I was young, but I dont rememeber any of the trip and just the destination.
  17. Well, looks like we have all been duped. I was looking for more pictures of this build since I rather do like it a lot and I stumbled upon some sad news. Its a photoshop :( Here is the original:
  18. Do you know how much? Im sure we are all interested to see what it went for... such nice condition.
  19. Looks great! Glad to see this turn into a real car and not how these types of threads normally end up. Is there a price associate with this car?
  20. Such language. No need for that, Ive been nothing but civil.
  21. Haha very well. Like I said, have fun with the build.
  22. Who said I didnt like your build? Why the name calling?
  23. You must be if someone makes a comment and you instantly think its you. Have fun with the build.
  24. Maybe you just made him switch branches... then he would be the same rank. An Air Force captain is the same rank as a Navy lieutenant :D
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