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bad news


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I got a call that my cousin was in put into the intensive care unit last night. she was at a club and some guy hit her friend so she jumped in to defend her and then only remembers waking up in the ambulance. she got messed up pretty badly.


keep your fingers crossed and give a prayer or two if your religious :(

Edited by datzenmike
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thanks Hugh




remeber to make him a woman once your done. Stomp on those nuts.


lets just say hes a lucky fuck that im not 21 for another 4 months and cant get my 1911 Colt .45 yet :mad:

jail is the only safe place for this mother fucker

Edited by Skib
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dont ever pick up a gun when your mad like this.


Now are you planning on going to jail? if so ignore this.


if not make it look like a mugging or a bar fight. that got a "little" out of hand.


dont frickin kill him (if he ever says stop your killing me then stop or he can cry attempted muder(fellony)) dont ask how i know.


remeber law suits can be avoided by aninononimty! (yea spell it yurself)



Good luck my friend and Godspeed with the punishment.


p.s. i hope your sister is ok and tell her to call a lawer and prepare to own his ass in the monitary sense.

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dont ever pick up a gun when your mad like this.


im furious but im a very sensible person even under tense situations, theres clips of hollow point within my reach but i wouldnt ever go as far as shooting someone (ok maybe just the pinky toe:fu:). but as mike edited; i shouldnt make any claims in a public forum but lets just say its like the saying goes, what goes around comes around.... karmas a bitch :mad:

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That really sucks man, kinda reminds me of what happened at The Zone a couple weeks ago (if your local, you know)


for thos of you that arnt there was a guy in his early 20s with mental problems who opened fire out front of an under age club in portland and then shot himself :(

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Guest jaimesix

Sorry to hear such a bad thing.

It is beyond believe to have a guy beat up women. If a woman hits a man, the man, if he is a man, has to allow her to vent, or else run away, never, ever, even consider hitting back.


Good to know that scum is in the slammer, hope the rest of the thugs in there learn soon that Mr toughy is in reality a sissy that beats on women.


He will get his comeuppance! That is for sure, and it will start inside his new quarters, in jail. Plus, he will have to pay for his actions, punitive and financial restitution.



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Good, I'm glad they at least got him. Now hopefully our legal system (as up and down as it may be) will give him a proper punishment, then after he gets out, someone else will teach him what hitting a girl really feels like.


I'm really a nonviolent person, but sometimes actions need to be taken. (there are many ways to make someones life hell, without actually touching them, lol)

Edited by Creepy Cruiser
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