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11 year old girl defends herself‏

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I just renewed my concealed weapon's permit. Maybe I should add another shotgun to my arsenal!



Shooting in Butte, Montana


ShotgunIN preteen vs. illegal alien Home Invaders :


Butte, Montana November 5, 2007


Two illegal aliens, Raphael Resindez, 23, and Enrico Garza, 26, probably believed they would easily overpower home-alone 11 year old Patricia Harrington after her father had left their two-story home.


It seems the two crooks never learned two things: they were in Montana and Patricia had been a clay shooting champion since she was nine.


Patricia was in her upstairs room when the two men broke through the front door of the house. She quickly ran to her father's room and grabbed his 12 gauge Mossberg 500 shotgun.


Resindez was the first to get up to the second floor only to be the first to catch a near


point blank blast of buckshot from the 11-year-old's knee crouch aim. He suffered fatal wounds to his abdomen and genitals.


When Garza ran to the foot of the stairs, he took a blast to the left shoulder and staggered out into the street where he bled to death before medical help could arrive.


It was found out later that Resindez was armed with a stolen 45 caliber handgun he took from another home invasion robbery. That victim, 50-year-old David Burien, was not so lucky. He died from stab wounds to the chest.


Ever wonder why good stuff never makes NBC, CBS, PBS, & MSNBC, CNN, or ABC news........an 11 year old girl, properly trained, defended her home and herself.... ...against two murderous, illegal aliens ......and she wins, she is still alive.


Now that is Gun Control!


Thought for the day:


Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented


immigrant' is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist' -Amen




Have a good day !

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Sort of an "I want to believe" story.


We all want to believe that our girls can defend themselves, that criminals deserve a permanent punishment, that illegals deserve what they get (hey, I'm an American, damn it. If I get robbed, I want a American robbing me!!!), that finally someone stood up (even if an eleven year old), that there's justification for a gun society.

Edited by datzenmike
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For the sake of argument, I wonder how a native american would have reacted to this story when the first white men came over on the boat? Remember we were all illegal aliens at one time or another. Not saying I'm un-American, but I find a lot of views pretty darn hypocritical these days. And this story is certainly skewed toward emotion, even if it is true.


That said, if I see seedy assholes of any type in my alley, I go find out what they hell they're doing.

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Regardless if its true or not Iv been planning on getting my concealed weapons license for a long time and still intend to soon as I turn 21 in June. Based on the facts that Iv grown up in some seedy neighborhoods, my dads been robed at gunpoint and Iv had various knives, bats, ect encounters. Doesn't happen every day, but when it dose Ill be prepared.







hand over my what?

Edited by Skib
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Damn skib, I thought from the picture you were an older mustachioed ex-hippie alcoholic? :D I've had a ccp for about 2 years now. Not a bad idea when you're in certain areas of Spokane late at night.

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hahaha its not to far off.


I rode the bus in portland when I went to AI for a few years and they moved the bus stops to 3rd street, in china town. not so bad, unless your like me and got out of school at 10pm and had to wait almost an hour for the bus and your hauling thousands in computer/video/audio gear. not fun sometimes.

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thats why i play first person shooters:D

theoredically i could kill someone in midair with an rpg:lol:

in all seriousness, every batch of people has bad ones in it.

you cant say they were immigrants! all of them are like that!

bieng hispanic i get alot of this. i just say whatever. not all of us are like that

but we are made out to be sometimes

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I wonder how a native american would have reacted to this story when the first white men came over on the boat? Remember we were all illegal aliens at one time or another.

wish it were true. 1(buck)shot - 1 kill :cool:

they(illegal or not) broke into someones home in an effort to steal.

no sympathy. no remorse. dead men tell no tales.



since the US govt has broken all the treaties they signed, they technically still are.

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NO sympathy for those illegal MoFo's that haven't the respect to even bother learning the language of the land. I get tired of hearing Espanol being screamed down the street. Go to the Strip mall up the road from my house, 50 of 'em just hanging in the parking lot. Roll up the street, see another 75+ of 'em in various parking lots. ALL DAY. And guess what Mexico's #1 GDP is? Money sent there from Illegals!!


FYI, there are MORE illegals in the USA than in the ENTIRE world's standing armies. THIRTY MILLION at latest estimate!! 30,000,000!!!


No wonder I can't find a friggin' job. At my last one, I was told by an Illegal I "need to learn Spanish". AWESOME. TY for the disrespect. Maybe we should move to Mexico, and demand everyone speak only English? And they have the gall to have lawyers make everyone print bilingual price tags. Many are demanding rights close to US citizen rights? WTF happened to exhibiting a ability to read and write English? Just BEING here they are breaking the law. NO MERCY.


I know we crapped all over the Native Americans. IMHO, they truly lived as the Creator intended. But if you drive a car, and use electricity, you do as the white men do. Besides, not much we can do now about what happened from 400-80 years ago...


If you don't live in where you are a minority in comparison, you have no real idea even remotely of how bad it REALLY is.

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NO sympathy for those illegal MoFo's that haven't the respect to even bother learning the language of the land. I get tired of hearing Espanol being screamed down the street. Go to the Strip mall up the road from my house, 50 of 'em just hanging in the parking lot. Roll up the street, see another 75+ of 'em in various parking lots. ALL DAY. And guess what Mexico's #1 GDP is? Money sent there from Illegals!!


FYI, there are MORE illegals in the USA than in the ENTIRE world's standing armies. THIRTY MILLION at latest estimate!! 30,000,000!!!


No wonder I can't find a friggin' job. At my last one, I was told by an Illegal I "need to learn Spanish". AWESOME. TY for the disrespect. Maybe we should move to Mexico, and demand everyone speak only English? And they have the gall to have lawyers make everyone print bilingual price tags. Many are demanding rights close to US citizen rights? WTF happened to exhibiting a ability to read and write English? Just BEING here they are breaking the law. NO MERCY.


I know we crapped all over the Native Americans. IMHO, they truly lived as the Creator intended. But if you drive a car, and use electricity, you do as the white men do. Besides, not much we can do now about what happened from 400-80 years ago...


If you don't live in where you are a minority in comparison, you have no real idea even remotely of how bad it REALLY is.


sad but true. :mellow:

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For the sake of argument, I wonder how a native american would have reacted to this story when the first white men came over on the boat? Remember we were all illegal aliens at one time or another. Not saying I'm un-American, but I find a lot of views pretty darn hypocritical these days. And this story is certainly skewed toward emotion, even if it is true.


That said, if I see seedy assholes of any type in my alley, I go find out what they hell they're doing.



Technically thats not really comparable or true. When the 1st white men came over to this continent (few hundred years prior to the history books but lets say columbus and even then its not white is tan. SPANISH people fucked the indians when North AND south America was "discovered", white people didn't get to fucking them till the 17th century.) it was not a country. Indians placed no ownership value on land which is why it was acquired so easily. So they were not illegal aliens at all. Nor were we all at one time or another. My grand parents came through Ellis legally and then worked their ass off till the day they died so my rents could have a decent life and education.


Yes the indians got the shit end of the stick. Guess what, so did EVERY PEOPLE ON THIS PLANET at one time or another. No one in my family line was even thinking of coming here so I really don't care. After a few hundred years it's time to move on and just not let the same things happen again (which is bullshit they always happen again).


Yes there are many hypocritical views but there are also many wrong ones. These people steal across the boarder in the night. They work illegally/off the books, pay no taxes, their kids use our schools and they claim/scam benefits from the government which we pay for, then ship their pay back to their country instead of paying back into the economy. There is no comparison between that and the LEGAL way it was done a generation ago. Granted then America was welcoming people and now we are not but thats tuff shit, things change. America is not a easy way out for every person too lazy to fix their own damn country, or a tool for income for that matter. Maybe if so many of the modern day immigrant weren't too busy milking the system more of their brothers and sisters could come here legally....


I'm tired of America taking the blame for a bunch of scum bags, we do more then any other country.



I hope the story it true. Illegal or not doesn't make a difference. B&E is B&E and when you have children and firearms in the same house they should be aware of how and when to use them.

Edited by 72240z
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NO sympathy for those illegal MoFo's that haven't the respect to even bother learning the language of the land. I get tired of hearing Espanol being screamed down the street. Go to the Strip mall up the road from my house, 50 of 'em just hanging in the parking lot. Roll up the street, see another 75+ of 'em in various parking lots. ALL DAY. And guess what Mexico's #1 GDP is? Money sent there from Illegals!!


FYI, there are MORE illegals in the USA than in the ENTIRE world's standing armies. THIRTY MILLION at latest estimate!! 30,000,000!!!


No wonder I can't find a friggin' job. At my last one, I was told by an Illegal I "need to learn Spanish". AWESOME. TY for the disrespect. Maybe we should move to Mexico, and demand everyone speak only English? And they have the gall to have lawyers make everyone print bilingual price tags. Many are demanding rights close to US citizen rights? WTF happened to exhibiting a ability to read and write English? Just BEING here they are breaking the law. NO MERCY.


I know we crapped all over the Native Americans. IMHO, they truly lived as the Creator intended. But if you drive a car, and use electricity, you do as the white men do. Besides, not much we can do now about what happened from 400-80 years ago...


If you don't live in where you are a minority in comparison, you have no real idea even remotely of how bad it REALLY is.


Your final solution is to shoot them all??? They are here because there is opportunity. They mow your lawns, cook your food, clean your houses, look after your kids, collect garbage in fact many of the shit jobs people were too proud to do in the past for crappy wages. They filled a need and have their foot in the door and now you wake up and say WTF??? Little late to bitch. How many hire illegals knowingly because they are cheap? If you didn't want them you should have adopted strict immigration policies like Switzerland. Did you know that to become Swiss you have to live there legally for a min of 12 years. These people are xenophobes!!!! http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1229878/posts Much too late to bitch and past time to do anything about it but to deal with it.

Edited by datzenmike
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Your final solution is to shoot them all??? They are here because there is opportunity. They mow your lawns, cook your food, clean your houses, look after your kids, collect garbage in fact many of the shit jobs people were too proud to do in the past for crappy wages. They filled a need and have their foot in the door and now you wake up and say WTF??? Little late to bitch. How many hire illegals knowingly because they are cheap? If you didn't want them you should have adopted strict immigration policies like Switzerland. Did you know that to become Swiss you have to live there legally for a min of 12 years. These people are xenophobes!!!! http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1229878/posts Much too late to bitch and past time to do anything about it but to deal with it.


Not for nothing Mike but they don't mow my lawn, cook my food, clean my house, look after my kids or collect my garbage and those "shit jobs" were getting done legally before the surge of illegal immigration began in the 70/80s. So did they fill a need OR CREATE a need through their cheap ass wages, due to being off the books and illegal paying no tax? The latter.....


Ya 12 years to become swiss and the country happens to be the most stable country in Europe with fantastic health care, one of the lowest poverty rates, lowest crime rates and highest gun per person ownership rate in the world. Ya their system is all wrong........

Edited by 72240z
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I find it hilarious how some of you guys on here jump all over completely false forwarded emails/stories as the truth. I applaud pklotz70 for showing you that this information has been debunked but if it wasn't for him then you would have gone on and kept on thinking it was a true story. Sadly you would have probably convinced another person that it was true and eventually dehumanized illegals so much so that the idea of killing is some sort of solution to what many are seeing as scapegoats for our very hard economic times. This completely baseless story reminds me of a previous thread posted on here: http://forum.ratsun.net/showthread.php?t=7925


As for illegals taking jobs away from you, wow that's just amazing. I can't for one second see how someone who can't speak English, most likely can't read or write English can take a job of a skilled worker, maybe it's time to update/upgrade our skills? Just an idea. I know that there's no way in hell they'd take my job away but that's just me.


Saying that illegals are screwing up the economy because they send money back to Mexico or wherever (not all illegals are Mexican but I guess all brown people speaking Spanish must be Mexicans). So I take it they don't pay taxes for all thier purchases? I mean what's the difference between them and I buying gas, that's taxed. What's the difference between them and I buying groceries, that's taxed. What's the difference between them getting a paycheck and me getting a paycheck...oh that's right they use a fake social security number, but they're still getting taxed deducted from thier checks that guess what...they won't be getting a refund because since they're illegal they won't be filing a tax return. What's the difference between them sending $5K back to thier family in one year and me saving $5K in my savings account...it's the same amount that's out of our economic circulation.


Camparisons to European (Swiss or most others) is simply comparing apples to oranges. Sure there would be a lot better healthcare/less unemployment/crime/whatever but only if we paid up to 40% of our income to taxes. I don't know about you guys but this past year not only did I NOT get any 'stimulus' check like many of you probably did, but I paid $35K in federal taxes alone, over $4K in property tax and I don't want to have to pay a whole heck of a lot more to be in this Europian 'eutopia'. My job provides me choices of medical/dental/vison insurance options instead of a one stop shop like those governments would give you.


Bottom line is that sure illegals don't deserve services or rights that are meant for our citizens and/or legal immigrants but you can't continue to say 'no mercy' for the majority of hard working folks here just trying to provide a life for themselves or family. If you must lay blame on anyone then you can blame your councilperson, mayor, governor, congresperson, senator, etc. They're the ones that are allowing this to continue, not the individual illegal person you may run into on a day to day scenario.

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I was told by an Illegal I "need to learn Spanish". AWESOME. TY for the disrespect. Maybe we should move to Mexico, and demand everyone speak only English


they speak English in many cities in Mexico, not perfect English but they try.. many American tourists travel every year to key destinations in Mexico.

its hard for me to find a job too but I'm not trying to break my back for a few bucks either

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Where I am in Tx, there are a lot of illegals.... they DO take jobs here, concrete, roofing and the like. jobs I would HATE to do, but pay pretty well.... I would like to get that 15 an hour job, but when you have them doing it for 8 an hour and no taxes, well shit....

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I find it hilarious how some of you guys on here jump all over completely false forwarded emails/stories as the truth. I applaud pklotz70 for showing you that this information has been debunked but if it wasn't for him then you would have gone on and kept on thinking it was a true story. Sadly you would have probably convinced another person that it was true and eventually dehumanized illegals so much so that the idea of killing is some sort of solution to what many are seeing as scapegoats for our very hard economic times. This completely baseless story reminds me of a previous thread posted on here: http://forum.ratsun.net/showthread.php?t=7925


As for illegals taking jobs away from you, wow that's just amazing. I can't for one second see how someone who can't speak English, most likely can't read or write English can take a job of a skilled worker, maybe it's time to update/upgrade our skills? Just an idea. I know that there's no way in hell they'd take my job away but that's just me.

If you can't see then your not looking. I've done plumbing, I've done construction etc.. There is plenty of work for tradesmen who can't speak english. When the foremen or owners or contractors speak the same language you think they care if english is involved? No, they care about the quoted price and the fact the workers come from the same place, camradery. You can't even get a gov job in my area unless you speak Spanish so you really need to look closer if your not seeing how..... Also while your at it check unemployment rates in conjunction with illegal immigration, there is a very obvious and well documented trend. Can anyone guess what it is?

Saying that illegals are screwing up the economy because they send money back to Mexico or wherever (not all illegals are Mexican but I guess all brown people speaking Spanish must be Mexicans). So I take it they don't pay taxes for all thier purchases? I mean what's the difference between them and I buying gas, that's taxed. What's the difference between them and I buying groceries, that's taxed. What's the difference between them getting a paycheck and me getting a paycheck...oh that's right they use a fake social security number, but they're still getting taxed deducted from thier checks that guess what...they won't be getting a refund because since they're illegal they won't be filing a tax return. What's the difference between them sending $5K back to thier family in one year and me saving $5K in my savings account...it's the same amount that's out of our economic circulation.

I don't want to be insulting but you really don't know the difference between sales, state and federal tax? You don't know they they go to different areas to support different things? They pay sales tax, which happens to be the smallest tax paid, woop-te-do. Whats this about paycheacks? Their paychecks come in the form of cash, last statistic I read was only est 20% use ss numbers. So the obvious difference would be that you pay state and fed taxes and they don't. Whats the difference between them sending 5k back home and you saving 5k? That's a really dumb question. How about the fact you will eventually spend that 5k on something and the 5k they sent away won't? How about the 5k you save is still circulated and used for loans and the 5k they sent is GONE? How the hell anyone can defend this shit while our economy is tanked just blows my mind.


Camparisons to European (Swiss or most others) is simply comparing apples to oranges. Sure there would be a lot better healthcare/less unemployment/crime/whatever but only if we paid up to 40% of our income to taxes. I don't know about you guys but this past year not only did I NOT get any 'stimulus' check like many of you probably did, but I paid $35K in federal taxes alone, over $4K in property tax and I don't want to have to pay a whole heck of a lot more to be in this Europian 'eutopia'. My job provides me choices of medical/dental/vison insurance options instead of a one stop shop like those governments would give you.

Yes I agree apples and oranges 100%. Mainly because many of this countries policies are ass backwards where as theirs are progressive. 40% is an ass figure as in you pulled it from your ass. A single person making over 350k is taxed 33%, the average is 21%. 21% is actually only what? 5% (on average) more then us and its all inclusive. They choose their providers, not the government. In actuality they have MORE of a choice then you as you choose a provider off an approved list if you don't genuinely good for you but you have to know that's not even close to the standard. For convos sake say screw europe, look to the north and you will see a VERY FINE example. Not just for tax and or health care but for everything.


Bottom line is that sure illegals don't deserve services or rights that are meant for our citizens and/or legal immigrants but you can't continue to say 'no mercy' for the majority of hard working folks here just trying to provide a life for themselves or family. If you must lay blame on anyone then you can blame your councilperson, mayor, governor, congresperson, senator, etc. They're the ones that are allowing this to continue, not the individual illegal person you may run into on a day to day scenario.


The real bottom line is that over 50% of the world lives below the poverty line, that's making less then 1$ a day and they all can't come here. So just the ones who break the law and make the touch down over the boarder get to stay? People need to stop taking the easy way out and improve their own situations. That blame statement is so... I don't even know the word. By your logic if some kid gets a gun and shoots another kid you would blame the establishment and not the kid for his own actions. The LAW is the bottom line I don't care who is from where or what bleeding heart story book excuse they have. You break the law, you are wrong that is what it is.



I want to say I'm no bigot. I have worked side by side, hand in hand with immigrants both legal and not. I have called them my friends. I have loved them. Some of the best people, hardest workers I have ever seen. They are human just like me or you or anyone in this world. That does not change that simple fact there are serious consequences to 30 million illegal residents living in this country and millions of legal residents are the ones feeling them.

Edited by 72240z
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Nowhere am I condoning crime, so I don't care who's breaking in, shoot them I don't care but the fact that this obvioulsy made up story is being passed around as pardon the pun, 'ammunition' to those that need to feel better about hating all illegals is lame.


I hate to break it to you but I didn't pull any number out of my ass, simple research provides that they (Swiss) have up to 40% taxes. Not my numbers...I don't make it up.



I know I won't change your mind but I'm not out to try. You'll have your anti (insert scapegoat at the time here) so we'll all go on thinking the same way. I don't want to get into the whole jobs situation but as for myself and most everyone else I know aren't in any trouble of losing our jobs to anyone but I guess it really depends on your skill set to differentiate yourself from the next guy.


If you know of employers hiring illegals to undercut wages, then by all means report the employer. Again it's the system you guys seem to be upset about and what it results in but hating and blaming the people who are not only taking advantage of what's available to them is not the same thing as being rightfully upset with the system that takes advantage of them doesn't seem like the right place to place blame.

Edited by 71DIMER
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This is how it see it. Illegals take jobs that no "American" wants to do. Go pick grapes from the fields for less than minimum at 100+ deg temperatures. Most immigrants do the hard dirty jobs like refineries/tire shops/ dumps/ construction/ janitorial/ etc. Most Illegals don't have the proper language to work at a fast food restaurant or the proper education to be a teacher or a doctor etc. They come just for this simple reason of either working or stealing. Let me explain.


Over there in Mexico there is nothing but hunger! You have to be a crook to make a living over there in Mexico. You just cant open up an innocent little shop over there and sell stuff. NO! The government will tax and narcs will ask for money and kill innocent people! Drugs are king over there! Honest people just give up of always working and not making a living to support their family. These honest people come to America the land of opportunity were they can work safely and support there family. They rather work in the fields in 100+ deg temps all f'n day than to be doing the same job over there in Mexico but with no money to own a home or to buy a car or food. Fuck that! I rather work my ass of here In America and at least support myself and my family with a good education and a roof on there heads.


Of course those fucken crooked mother fuckers, who fuck over the Honest hard working Mexican over there will come over here too. They don't give a shit who you are. Money is all they care for. That and the easy money of selling/making drugs... But those types of people are everywhere. No mater what race you are. Crooked fuckers are crooked. No mater were you are from.


My mom/dad who were illegals can honestly say they never abused uncle sam... They worked hard and now own many homes around LA... My parents were thinking of going back to Mexico but why? Why send money there? Everything you need is right here! Schools/hospitals/healthcare/jobs/etc.

So there money now stays here.


Most people who send money to Mexico is so they can bring the whole family over. Or to support a love one like a father/mother. Once the family member dies or jumps over... They stop and the money stays here and circulates...


U.S currency is being used everywhere! The American dollar is all powerful compared to other currencies. American money/currency is being sent to Asia by the billions and especially the middle east. So think about that before you say that A Mexican is send away 500 a month to support a family... Not some fucked up shit over there in the middle east...


I'm tired. I would love to hear some opinions.... Peace!

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BTW! Most Mexicans dont even want to bother to come over here anymore... The bush administration fucked it all up... Some are even going back... They are saying that America is not America anymore. Supposedly it was a land were "dreams" come true! Now they are saying that America is were a person keeps "dreaming" of making it big and never do... Mexicans don't have the power to work in the Goverment. The US natives fucked up this great land with there own greed. I really hope this new president can take care of that and bring back respect and wealth back to this great nation. Dont blame the immigrant people. Blame the greedy crocked MF who were raised here and ran for president and high Gov positions... We need change!!!

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Over there in Mexico there is nothing but hunger! You have to be a crook to make a living over there in Mexico.Drugs are king over there! Honest people just give up of always working and not making a living to support their family. That and the easy money of selling/making drugs.

Most people who send money to Mexico is so they can bring the whole family over. Or to support a love one like a father/mother. Once the family member dies or jumps over... They stop and the money stays here and circulates...



I'm tired. I would love to hear some opinions.... Peace!


so let them stay there! we dont need the problems here! we dont need the drugs (I know people make it here too) we dont need the "extra theft" cause we will have it even without them, but any more than we have is too much. we dont need ANY of it. If you can speak GREAT english, fine, if not, GET THE F$#K OUT!

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