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Stolen yota in Seattle

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My friend had a Honda accord with a flat tire. He didn't want to put it inside since it will damage the tire and it was to late to change it. He woke up in the morning with the car gone. he found it in the impound lot 3 days later with a new tire and the wack sound system gone...

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Im glad we don't have major theft issues around here. The only time i really ever take the keys out of my Datsuns is when i go to a store. I dont think i ever take the keys out of Fred(F250) since im really the only one that knows what to do to start it.

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THat might be a good way to stop people from getting to far in your truck! put a valve in your radiator hose and just close it when your not using it so when people steal your shit it overheats on them :)


umm... or maybe a hidden kill switch or two that won't ruin your engine?!

oh, and an alarm.

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My friend had a Honda accord with a flat tire. He didn't want to put it inside since it will damage the tire and it was to late to change it. He woke up in the morning with the car gone. he found it in the impound lot 3 days later with a new tire and the wack sound system gone...

Sounds like the towing company stole themselves a Honda. Easy money $$$ :mad:

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2eDeYe;121645'']Problem with kill switches is you have to use them...right Nuff? (he has a couple on that truck) :P




i have one on for my truck..just been too lazy to install it..


mmmm gotta love fuel shut off's..


they will make it only as far as the fuel in the carb lets them..

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i have multiple kill type switches.



truck will only idle for about 2min without the pump on and just barely pull out into the streeet.



but you do have to USE them, big time emphasis on USE EM.



as promised some "recovery pics" from earlier this morning.










you can kinda almost see that the head gasket blew on the exhaust side, #1, 2, or 3





note: 90% of the damage was already there, really just the windshield and grill got broken along with the wing vent.

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i have a vent window and a grill for you, and also a set of headlight buckets.


give me a call and ill figure out what i have that you need.im going to be killing my truck soon to build my new 4runner so my truck is as good as a parts truck. if its not something i need or want for a spare its free game for a great deal bud.


just give me a call tomorrow(later today) :cool:

206 234 2685


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thanks for the offer, but i got more then enuff parts to "fix" it.




thanks ted you saved my ass, comin through with rims that fit for free, your one cool M'F'er and you all should recognize



ment to bring that up sooner, but ive been busy at werk.




so now that ive had time to really go through the truck the details of this story have changed a bit...


i had a lil time today before i started working so with a new optima in hand i went to the truck to put some water in and see if she would move on her own. turns out it was only 1/3 gal low :mellow:


ok, well lets see if she starts...


turn the switch, turns over just fine but no start. after a lil investagating i find no gas in the carb...


check my fuel cut switch, and it was engauged :D



so now i think they brought a ignition switch, it started with the gas in the carb and didnt drive very far. they got pissed and punched the windshield and stabbed the dash with a screw driver a few times and knocked the rearview off in the lil tantrum they had. must of towed it to where they took the rims off.


then as im cleaning it i find a safeway receipt with debit info on it from a federal way store. will be submitting evidence on monday maybe, i now have a 3mi search zone, and things may solve themselves this weekend...



anyways, back to the truck.


so i flick the switch, wait for the carb to prime and it fires right up. :cool:



as for how it runs ill let you decide, btw ted these tires seem to take a bit of abuse.



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wtf is with the one tire fire on a WHEELER!!!!!! :blink: FAIL! :lol:


btw, nuff give me a call man, i wanted to talk to you about a few things...


glad to hear she's possibly doing alot better than expected! :cool:

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2eDeYe;123558'']He won't let me weld it up...he's afraid he'll break something :lol:


pussy.... all of my rigs are welded... and i have a lock-rite for the fronts on my truck and my 4runner:fu:


its cheap and it works great.. just eats tires a little faster than i would like... :blink:

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