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Bush dodging shoes

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wow, i still cannot believe this happened!


What the hell's there NOT to believe? Why not? The world events that have happened since 2000 have happened on his watch. Is there anything more that could go wrong with this administration? Its the presidential equivalent of a perfect storm. History will write about this as the perfect ending. You couldn't make this shit up!


I heard the reporter like many there had lost relatives and was understandably pissed. And struck out. He was detained and, if under Saddam's rule wouldn't have gotten out of the room alive. He was arrested but I don't know how severe the current laws are and there is a huge following of support for him. Because of this support he should be safe for now. I think it was ballsy and funny. Like mooning him only better.

Edited by datzenmike
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I'm no brain surgeon..... but ya got to figure these guys must have had a plan, something, but maybe not the obvious one. Pretty sure that fucked up. But they must have had some goal. Something. Like securing an American oil supply for the future.

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"W" again shows he is not that smart. And like always knows how to duck. He only has a month left, why in the heck would you risk your life over there! They are already telling us to leave their country. Several days ago, he admitted that the intelligence he got was faulty about WMD and $700 billion later, we are trying to find an honorable exit strategy. We should have gone to Afghanistan when we had a chance while Bin Ladin was there. Oh by the way read an article that, get this we owe Iraq 18 billion dollars, so I go what the heck! Do you know who I feel bad for, the soldiers who are doing their duty, their families and relatives and also for the civilians who have loss their lives. All for what - to spread democracy. They have been fighting since Jesus' time, no technology or military might will destory them. Their style of figthing is unconventional and look at what happened to the Russians when they invaded Afghanistan. All we have to do is study history and you will see that a people can't be conquered, specially if their values or religion is being challenged, i.e. Vietnam, Iraq, Cuba and so on. One of the ways to beat them is to introduce Western cultures like Mcdonalds, Levis, Coca Cola and so on. It mayt take a few generations but eventually the younger ones will forget about their tradition. Look art what's happening in China. It's not a pure Communism anymore more like Captitalism mix with ol skool communism, similar to Russia.

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