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On 9/6/2024 at 10:00 PM, paradime said:


Funny, your meme made me laugh, and in this case, that's the truth. 


Definitely funny, mostly if not totally true. Why half the voters (women) would voter their reproductive rights away amazes me. Why the other half (men) would vote their wives, mothers, sisters, aunts, daughters, nieces' reproductive rights away amazes and troubles me also.

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On 9/6/2024 at 10:03 PM, frankendat said:

A friend of mine was killed helping Ukrainians fight, we were roommates for a few years. He was an American citizen and veteran. (He was recently (posthumously)  awarded the Ukrainian medal of honor) I am not opposed to involvement in Ukraine and believe that Putin's actions demonstrate mental instability. No one has been able to provide a good military, economic or strategic rationale for the Russian invasion. 

My reservations about war with Ukraine e.g. Russia, is it would be a real war. I do not think the USA has the stomach or budget for it.  

Nothing was gained in the Middle East because my nation lacked spine and resolve. Making that mistake with Russia would be fatal, or more likely, China and Russian become frenemies, destroy the economy, America enters a depression and eats itself, the United States is divided into territories mostly Hispanic. 


Historically Russia wants and has, or has tried to maintain border buffer states to it's west and south for it's own 'protection'. Probably started after Napoleon sacked Moscow.

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On 9/7/2024 at 2:15 AM, tr8er said:

That’s awful about your friend.  No good rationale for bloodshed.  Sorry.  


Actually I think there is. Defense of your loved ones, freedom from aggression, way of life and more and probably better ones. It isn't just doled out it has to be fought for and maintained and someone has to pay the price for this. It's regrettably.... true.

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On 9/7/2024 at 9:15 PM, frankendat said:

I fail to see the big picture, which undermines my willingness to die. So many things are 100% different from far away, rather than up close. I have worked with illegal aliens, many times, gleened potato fields with them as a child and would never be a narc. I would also man an M-60 on the southern boarder and kill anything that crossed the line.


Putin proved his lunacy by invading a country that he already owned. So, we have a lunatic with control of a massive army and a nuclear arsenal. There is much behind the scenes, or that is what I hope. Otherwise, why is America fucking around and not taking him out? The USA is poking the bear, we could even agree that Russia poked (the world) by attacking the Ukraine first--but, Ukraine wasn't part of NATO--so who is stepping over the line? 


My friend saw destruction and pain of innocent people and could not, not help. Is that a luxury available to a nation? How far are you willing to go to stop Russia? I believe Putin is willing to go at least tactical nuclear if not global thermal nuclear war, sanctions, sternly worded letters from the UN mean nothing. Only the USA has the power to hold Putin back, but the cost would be extreme, maybe the earth. Would you feel like your country and by extension you lived with honor and not feel bad, if the USA stopped the invasion of Ukraine, Putin launched against America we retaliate and you sit with your children and your friends watching the sky go from orange to black, the last time.


And I am not even completely opposed to that scenario, I have much respect for my friend. I try to step out from the shadow of the flag and be a bit pragmatic. In the event, the "final battle" fails to materialize, bills will still come due and life will continue.  I want my government to have a plan to insure the USA benefits in actual, physical, tangible ways, from risking the lives of Americans and the fate of the world. When lady liberty was inscribed "give us your tired......" it was understood those in such straits did not wish to remain, in that state. In the same way, support and loyalty from those benefited from aide was a given. At present, neither are guaranteed. I want these former "ideals" in writing and benefits for America assured. Actually, it is a bit sick and sad, that typing out such things is necessary that America is villain and the butt of world satire, the flag burned without repercussion. Before I,  or I advocate for others, put their ass on the line, I want to know there will be payback. 


If that is too much to ask--fuck 'em 



Again Ukraine had thrown off the yoke of Russian dominance when it collapsed on the 90s and got a taste of freedom and a measure of independence. What give that up??????


A direct attack on Putin would not be a good idea but controlling his expansion is critical. Let him wear himself out bashing his head against a combined strength wall of resistance. Kick his ass repeatedly and show him the door. Appeasement has historically only asked for trouble (later)

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12 hours ago, gh0stwerx76 said:

She can't win. Gonna get slayed during the debates. Tulsi gabbard obliterated her when she ran for P and now Tulsi is working with trump on the debate stuff.. It's gonna be Peewee Herman Vs Tyson level embarrassing. She's gonna get riled up and come unravelled. The world is going to see her not be able to defend the last 3.5 years of runaway economics, poor defense planning, abandoning her post as boarder authority, abandoning our troops in Afghanistan, zero policy on fighting phentnyl soaking into every corner of our country, education system that lets kids graduate without being able to find their own state on a map, her health care plan has no logical or economic sustainability. She risen to this level solely from external support not merit or capability. She's sat back doing nothing but taking pay checks from us with no real responsibility or accountability so far but shits about to get real. Even Hillary shit her panties trying to debate trump and she can actually handle business. I Have $100 says she goes down in the first 20 minutes. another 100 says there will be tears! Its go time and trump is seasoned.



$10 says she will first laugh at the question(s)

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2 hours ago, Madkaw said:

Do you guys ever really listen to his rally’s ?

Hes incoherent at best .

Multiple bankruptcies 

Social media company - going bankrupt 

No Fortune 500 companies endorsing him though they have endorsed every other Republican candidate . Why? Because his financial policies will make the economy doesn’t work . 
Ranting hate doesn’t make policies 

And I’m a moderate common sense guy . Don’t care for the crazy left stuff . 
How about some normal stuff . 
if not - enjoy your cult 🙂

How original. Never heard anything like that before. Vote for Harris then "moderate common sense guy"  We don't have a choice for "normal" this time do we ? I figured I'd chime in and break up the monotony of 7 straight posts from the moderator. Does he still hate Trump ? 

Edited by john510
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37 minutes ago, Ooph! said:

A lot of stories coming out about Haitians invading Ohio eating pets and ducks, could things be any crazier?





What do chickens go through to become a McChicken sammich? Yeah different cultures will clash.

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17 hours ago, gh0stwerx76 said:

She can't win. Gonna get slayed during the debates. Tulsi gabbard obliterated her when she ran for P and now Tulsi is working with trump on the debate stuff.. It's gonna be Peewee Herman Vs Tyson level embarrassing. She's gonna get riled up and come unravelled. The world is going to see her not be able to defend the last 3.5 years of runaway economics, poor defense planning, abandoning her post as boarder authority, abandoning our troops in Afghanistan, zero policy on fighting phentnyl soaking into every corner of our country, education system that lets kids graduate without being able to find their own state on a map, her health care plan has no logical or economic sustainability. She risen to this level solely from external support not merit or capability. She's sat back doing nothing but taking pay checks from us with no real responsibility or accountability so far but shits about to get real. Even Hillary shit her panties trying to debate trump and she can actually handle business. I Have $100 says she goes down in the first 20 minutes. another 100 says there will be tears! Its go time and trump is seasoned.


You don’t see a problem in wanting your candidate to tease and ridicule their opponent?  You want him to make Harris cry?  The fuck is this to you?  They should be debating strategies in the many major world issues we currently face.   The winner has the most thought out strategy.  This is not a game show

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50 minutes ago, tr8er said:

You don’t see a problem in wanting your candidate to tease and ridicule their opponent?  You want him to make Harris cry?  The fuck is this to you?  They should be debating strategies in the many major world issues we currently face.   The winner has the most thought out strategy.  This is not a game show

That looks to me like he's just pointing what might happen in the debate. I don't see any "want" there. That just might happen naturally if Trump can keep his cool. Besides that you make it seem as if dehumanizing Trump and berating him at every opportunity hasn't been a left wing strategy for eight years now. 

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3 hours ago, Ooph! said:

A lot of stories coming out about Haitians invading Ohio eating pets and ducks, could things be any crazier?




My town is now having some problems with these foreigners. I'm not sure if they're Haitian or Somalian but they aren't Americans. We've had some nut walking our main three lane road through Santee randomly causing trouble acting like he wants to get run over. This is a 40 mph road with stop lights. The wife has had to change lanes twice to get away from this asshole and I saw him the other day try to kick a car that swerved to miss him. It's been over a week and they finally arrested this asshole in the middle of the busiest intersection we have. This vermin Biden has brought into our country isn't doing anybody any good. These animals need to be rounded up and sent back to where they came from. This is just one example of what we DIDN'T have issues with a few years ago. 

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36 minutes ago, john510 said:

My town is now having some problems with these foreigners.  This is just one example of what we DIDN'T have issues with a few years ago. 


I spent a few days in San Diego last week, and I can tell a big difference in the homeless count, general trash in the streets, abandoned cars, and the roadways FULL of potholes and general disrepair.  I'm not picking on San Diego, but it's like that in most of our big cities.  They've really gone to shit, yet the State Government always has money for some program to give benefits to non-citizens.  I don't hate anyone, but I'm tired of welcoming people into our State that put a constant drain on all our social services that I pay for.  I find it hilarious that cities like Chicago and NY are complaining that over loaded border States are busing illegals to their States, and they are complaining about it..



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And You say it's not being racist when "I'm just stating facts". Other then being black, and without knowing anything about this guy's place of origin, or immigration status, you refer to him as "This vermin" and "These animals". Wether you realize it or not, it was the same exact rhetorical language that Hitler used to describe Jews.  




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7 minutes ago, paradime said:

And You say it's not being racist when "I'm just stating facts". Other then being black, and without knowing anything about this guy's place of origin, or immigration status, you refer to him as "This vermin" and "These animals". Wether you realize it or not, it was the same exact rhetorical language that Hitler used to describe Jews.  




Act like an animal and I'll call you one. Lighten up on the Hitler crap, it's gotten old and over used. I'd say the same thing about a white person. I get it you support the side that created this crap. Be upset with them over it. 

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

Rape gangs. London is fucked with them.

Girl gang members in London are the rape victims, used as retaliation against rival gangs.


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16 minutes ago, john510 said:

Act like an animal and I'll call you one. Lighten up on the Hitler crap, it's gotten old and over used. I'd say the same thing about a white person. I get it you support the side that created this crap. Be upset with them over it. 


I am upset with them over it, and I've said as much. What I don't do is demonize immigrants with dehumanizing hate language. History tells us where that goes. 

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43 minutes ago, john510 said:

Act like an animal and I'll call you one. Lighten up on the Hitler crap, it's gotten old and over used. I'd say the same thing about a white person. I get it you support the side that created this crap. Be upset with them over it. 

Lighten up on the Hitler crap, it’s gotten old?   I think that’s what the left has been saying for years now.  Stop with the Hitler crap.  Please.  Please denounce the KKK who I expect have 100% support for Trump.  Denounce white supremacy.  This is embarrassing on a global level.  

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Question for all.  I’m curious about responses.  

there’s a test that I like to apply to people.  The shopping cart test.  Do you think MAGA or LIBS would be more likely to return shopping carts to the cart return?  

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1 hour ago, tr8er said:

Question for all.  I’m curious about responses.  

there’s a test that I like to apply to people.  The shopping cart test.  Do you think MAGA or LIBS would be more likely to return shopping carts to the cart return?  


I always return the carts to their cribs but I give them one hell of a shove to make as much noise as possible. MAGA??? so basically you're asking if Trump would return the cart. That's easy, NO! That would be below him for a German/American narcissistic Nazi bastard. Libs are more likely to think they would return them



Here's your Nazi pal John:





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1 hour ago, tr8er said:

Lighten up on the Hitler crap, it’s gotten old?   I think that’s what the left has been saying for years now.  Stop with the Hitler crap.  Please.  Please denounce the KKK who I expect have 100% support for Trump.  Denounce white supremacy.  This is embarrassing on a global level.  

Who here has ever showed support for Hitler ? Seriously. The KKK ? I've seen nobody here support them. They don't even exist except in peoples minds do they ? Now let me make this perfectly clear for you since you continue to have misconceptions of what some people support. The KKK was an evil, vicious group of people that had nothing to offer society. I'd say they're as bad as Hitler was, they just picked on a different group. Clear enough for ya ? 

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1 hour ago, tr8er said:

Question for all.  I’m curious about responses.  

there’s a test that I like to apply to people.  The shopping cart test.  Do you think MAGA or LIBS would be more likely to return shopping carts to the cart return?  

I always return my cart ! Always. I'd say an entitled lib would be the one not to. The store hires people to find the carts right ? Kind of a dumb question.

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