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I'm hoping that Big Mike's inherent dislike for this country "all this for a fucking flag?", and the fact that the pecker-checkers would be out in force making the current memes a walk in the park will keep it out of the race, but as pointed out the lure of power and easy money is a very strong appeal. 

They could be lulling everyone with denials, and running out the clock and stating that the campaign war chest would have to go to Kamala, and then swoop in and do a bid-snipe at the last minute, and take all the loot as well.  You need to remember that rules only apply to republicans, dems do whatever the fuck the want, and get away with it.  They know that no matter how egregious they get, the worst they'll get is a strong Father Ted-esque "Down with that sort of thing" response, but nothing further,  otherwise Merrick Garland would be sharing a wing with Steve Bannon, for the same thing.

Speaking of, the whole Alec Baldwin thing - given that there was prosecutorial misconduct on such a level, the outcome pretty much had to be the way it was.  For everyone that is upset by this, you should insist that the same rulings be applied to the J6 political prisoners, who were subject to far, far more malicious evidence withholding and trial jiggery-pokery than the Baldwin case.

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It appears Trump's been shot at ! Edit. It appears he was actually hit but is just fine. That certainly won't help the Democrats win an election. 

Edited by john510
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1 minute ago, paradime said:

While you guys are busy ganging up on Mike, today Trump was shot in the ear by a would be assassin. Unfortunatelythey couldn't shoot for shit.

You know I thought you had more class than this. I was wrong. You're pathetic and full of hatred. I can't stand Biden and most of his party but I don't want them assassinated by some deranged lunatic.

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1 hour ago, john510 said:

It appears Trump's been shot at ! Edit. It appears he was actually hit but is just fine. That certainly won't help the Democrats win an election. 


So the would be assassin is a Democrat? and the democrats are behind this??? image.png.d42ea0d0882d3a8d6d22b0af82a2b768.png Maybe he's a disgruntled GOP?


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1 hour ago, john510 said:

It appears Trump's been shot at ! Edit. It appears he was actually hit but is just fine. That certainly won't help the Democrats win an election. 

Wow....I will say it again. How do people still believe the gov would never do anything to hurt us intentionally to further their agenda. 


9/11 "conspiracy", Covid "conspiracy", JFK "conspiracy" and now Trump assassination attempt.... What more do people need to finally wake up and smell the roses? You, I, and everybody who's in the way of this Ultimate plan is expendable, and they will step on you like a roach. A few thousand American deaths to keep us in the middle east "small price to pay". If a current/former president's life doesn't mean a damn thing to them, what do you think you're average joe life is worth?


With the little info I googled. They're saying the bullet went through an attendee's head and then hit Trump in the ear. This is the only reason the shooter missed. $20 says this guy was a trained shooter possibly ex-military. If they dig deep enough I'm betting they find ties to either the CIA or FBI. 


But of course they'll cover it all up, throw another one into the "conspiracy pile", and move on to the next one. Leave it up to those "conspiracy deniers" who believe everything the gov tells us no matter how ridiculous it might be. To call us crazy and to convince us the gov "would never🫢".


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1 hour ago, john510 said:

You know I thought you had more class than this. I was wrong. You're pathetic and full of hatred. I can't stand Biden and most of his party but I don't want them assassinated by some deranged lunatic.

Funny that you'd get triggered by a snide remark. Dude's safe, so relax.

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2 minutes ago, IZRL said:

Wow....I will say it again. How do people still believe the gov would never do anything to hurt us intentionally to further their agenda. 


9/11 "conspiracy", Covid "conspiracy", JFK "conspiracy" and now Trump assassination attempt.... What more do people need to finally wake up and smell the roses? You, I, and everybody who's in the way of this Ultimate plan is expendable, and they will step on you like a roach. A few thousand American deaths to keep us in the middle east "small price to pay". If a current/former president's life doesn't mean a damn thing to them, what do you think you're average joe life is worth?


With the little info I googled. They're saying the bullet went through an attendee's head and then hit Trump in the ear. This is the only reason the shooter missed. $20 says this guy was a trained shooter possibly ex-military. If they dig deep enough I'm betting they find ties to either the CIA or FBI. 


But of course they'll cover it all up, throw another one into the "conspiracy pile", and move on to the next one. Leave it up to those "conspiracy deniers" who believe everything the gov tells us no matter how ridiculous it might be. To call us crazy and to convince us the gov "would never🫢".


It wouldn't surprise me but I'm not going down the conspiracy road just yet. I read that the bullet hit a teleprompter and it was flying glass that hit Trump ? I believe nothing yet except that somebody tried to off him. I'm surprised it's taken this long. The conspiracy to off him is somewhat believable only because everything else they've tried has failed and actually made him more popular. Or some crazed lunatic with a serious case of TDS and the paranoid delusions that Trump will ruin us finally caused the guy to lose it. It's like a suicide bomber thinking he's fixing something. Either way it's crazy we had to have this happen.

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16 minutes ago, john510 said:

It wouldn't surprise me but I'm not going down the conspiracy road just yet. I read that the bullet hit a teleprompter and it was flying glass that hit Trump ? I believe nothing yet except that somebody tried to off him. I'm surprised it's taken this long. The conspiracy to off him is somewhat believable only because everything else they've tried has failed and actually made him more popular. Or some crazed lunatic with a serious case of TDS and the paranoid delusions that Trump will ruin us finally caused the guy to lose it. It's like a suicide bomber thinking he's fixing something. Either way it's crazy we had to have this happen.


So the bullet went through an attendee's head(R.I.P), then it hit a teleprompter, and the glass hit Trump's ear? This is starting to sound eerily familiar 🤔. All we need is for the bullet to have made a u-turn at some point and we'd have ourselves a typical gov cover up story for all the conspiracy deniers to believe and preach as if it were the word. 


Edited by IZRL
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3 minutes ago, IZRL said:


So the bullet went through an attendee's head(R.I.P), then it hit a teleprompter, and the glass hit Trump's ear? This is starting to sound eerily familiar 🤔. All we need is for the bullet to have made a u-turn at some point and we'd have ourselves a typical gov cover up story for all the conspiracy deniers to believe and preach as if it were the word. 



Need a pristine bullet

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5 minutes ago, IZRL said:


So it hit an attendee's head(R.I.P), then it hit a teleprompter, and the glass hit Trump's ear? This is starting to sound eerily familiar 🤔. All we need is for the bullet to have made a u-turn at some point and we'd have ourselves a typical gov cover up story for all the conspiracy deniers to believe and preach as if it were the word. 

I honestly don't know what hit Trump's ear. I'm just seeing this stuff on various news sources. I'm sure we'll find out what cut him. You should see the Trump hating nuts on Twitter claiming this was all staged. People are nuts.

Edited by john510
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4 minutes ago, datzenmike said:



Sez it all right there, bro Mikey. GOD bless UR little 'Pea Pickin' sole !! Nope, I spelled sole that way for a reason. Don't take this wrong or personal; Ur sharp as a tack !! I've had that Sam Elliot meme saved for my own purposes for a bit now. Forge on ahead; fight the good faith !!

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As expected, twitter is an absolute shitticane of rapid fire info, way too much to take in.  I tend to agree with Alex Jones when he says that this was a deep state plot, and their next move will be to take out Biden since he won't go willingly.  Then they can declare marshal law and let rip all those policies that the America hating dicksuckers have been wanking themselves dry over for the past few months.

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I have not read these, but Mike's last post tops it for me.................maybe YOU should bow out for a while................💩

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They were rather good, thanks. I particularly liked "bring yer memes and foil hats to Destruction".  Christ the shit rational people believe. Instead try laughing at the absurdity of it all.

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23 minutes ago, yenpit said:

I have not read these, but Mike's last post tops it for me.................maybe YOU should bow out for a while................💩

Yea just when you think he can't type anything dumber than his last post he lowers the bar. Of course that's just my opinion. 

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