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whats wrong with kids these days?!?

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First, The parents are the biggest problem. Everyone these days thinks their kid is some kind of god/genius, and therefore spoils them to death, and let's them get away with anything. The parents never assume their kid is wrong, and blames everything on anything except for the kid. Heaven forbid, you kid IS actually wrong. They say it's the teachers fault, if the kid fails. Or if the kid acts up in class, the parents will say, "he's just expressing himself". People really need to f@#king start holding their children accountable.


Agreed 1000% All to often in modern society kids are not taught responsibility. None of them understand the VALUE of a firm handshake and a mans word.


Case in point. My wife and three sons (6 and 9 yo) were sitting home the other night watching TV at about 2200 when a frozen orange came crashing through our window. Scared the living shit out of them but to make a long story short the cops caught them and it turned out to be some young kids out having fun by throwing oranges at doors. Well they missed mine and hit the window. Oh well I say just kids having fun and it was nothing malicious right?


The kicker is that I had to pay for the window out of pocket and never so much as recieved a "sorry" or "we'll pay for it" from the parents. They just kept crying broke to the juvenile court. Even though when it happened they were in San Fran on their anniversary celebration! Kids will be kids but what does that teach them when they arent taught to own up to their mistakes. My dad would have payed for my mistake and had my ass working off the money.

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LoL. The ad was totally readable, so what if there is a few spelling and punctuation mistakes, big deal. Some of you guys complaining about spelling should become grammar teachers so our youth would learn to spell properly. I`m 38 and can spell some words no problem but other words I have some trouble with. My 15 year old son does all my spell checking which is kind of frustrating. You have to ask your self are we here to talk about spelling or Datsuns? LoL Cheers everyone.

Edited by datzenmike
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Are you seriously commenting on how someone else's spelling or grammer is?


1. wireing

2. imma

3. prolly

4. adn

5. cant


There are probably more but I know I cringe when reading a dwnshfter post...


the wireing word is one i have an issue with, i know its wiring, but it just doensn't come out like that. imma is just a faster way of saying i am going to, the and i cause of the way i type, its not on purpose, i think i can handle a 3 letter word, and cant......a fucking '....are you serious?!?

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LoL. The ad was totally readable, so what if there is a few spelling and punctuation mistakes, big deal. Some of you guys complaining about spelling should become grammar teachers so our youth would learn to spell properly. I`m 38 and can spell some words no problem but other words I have some trouble with. My 15 year old son does all my spell checking which is kind of frustrating. You have to ask your self are we here to talk about spelling or Datsuns? LoL Cheers everyone.


Yes it was readable but poorly written. How much poorer must it be till you say this is bull shit and I don't see why I have do more than my share to figure out what this idiot is trying to sell me. If you were selling some thing wouldn't you want a buyer to understand perfectly what you are saying? Without confusion? If for no other reason, just to not look like an illiterate tool? All I'm saying is we have on line dictionaries and spell check and 15 year old sons :D and we should be using them. Complaining won't help, your right, but accepting it isn't right either. Perhaps a moment to go over a post and put it in order is all it takes.


And now, here I am up on a damn soap box, apparently bitchin' away when I would much rather be talking Datsun. Always absolutely detested literature classes at school yet love to read books.

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I think that it's funny that this comes up here. This is one of the most relaxed forums that I frequent, so the grammar is pretty bad some of the time. I personally try to keep it together, just so my posts make sense.


It is just hard to read posts that have no capital letters (or worse ALL CAPS), way to many ellipses...and some of the stupid slang that is used by people (I hate lol!)


Just sayin'

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I think that it's funny that this comes up here. This is one of the most relaxed forums that I frequent, so the grammar is pretty bad some of the time. I personally try to keep it together, just so my posts make sense.


It is just hard to read posts that have no capital letters (or worse ALL CAPS), way to many ellipses...and some of the stupid slang that is used by people (I hate lol!)


Just sayin'

It does make it hard to take people seriously, though, and sometimes I won't bother reading someone's problem thread if they can't make at least a somewhat intelligent post about it.


(Not directed at you, Duke)



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I wish I had more time for it. Well this week looks slim for work and i might get my wish. Got caught a couple of times reading novels in school.:D Had to turn in 10 book reports in gr. eight, did 50. I remember reading a biography of Richard Bong. Does anyone know of Mr. Bong without looking it up? America's highest scoring air ace and recipient of the Medal of Honor, Distinguished Service Cross, Silver Star. I read that story in the early 60's, and one day in the late 90's while passing through Deluth, passed over the Richard Bong Memorial Bridge and realized I was near his home town. The stuff you remember

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you know, i was looking over all my early post on this forum after i posted this and i had a lot of issues too. most of it was typos, but there were some poorly written sentences in there. i speak VERY well, but when i get on here and im in a hurry that all goes out the window.

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i was talking to a friend who is works at a local car dealership, and i mentioned to him that many the gofers don't seem to speak english very well (if at all). my friend admitted the dealership has a hard time finding any hardworking white kids, and most of them end up getting shitcanned. my friend has a comfy desk job now, but he started years ago as a lot attendant. always kept himself busy, arrived early, left late. really impressed his bosses and was rewarded

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Agreed, a good strong work ethic should be instilled at an early age by parents or you could spend decades not learning it later. Not everyone gets a reward but it is the right thing to do. Generally (white) kids got it too easy compared to minorities and no offense intended to anyone, but I grew up without a paper route, cut a few lawns and stuff, but once out of school... Bang! Suddenly pressure to get a job and support myself. Had to learn and re-learn some very basic lessons I should have already known.

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I remember reading a biography of Richard Bong. Does anyone know of Mr. Bong without looking it up? America's highest scoring air ace and recipient of the Medal of Honor, Distinguished Service Cross, Silver Star.

i didnt


but this is what i did get when i google dick bong...



2eDeYe;99992'']I used to read books...now I read ratsun :lol:

reedin, riten, rithmatec...aint dat whut dey teechn deez dayz???

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