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Covid-19 Prepared?

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Another way to look at where we are in this world today.............when I lived in Michigan, my car buddies & I would "brainstorm" with our thoughts & theories on cars & situations involving cars (that's just what we did!).  It was awesome & we often came up with solutions!  And guess what?  MY thoughts & theories were not often correct!  It was awesome!  Did some stand up & cuss at a certain situation & say "F that, F them"??  Yup.  It was part of the process.  I hope you are correct, Mike!  But I also have my thoughts & theories, that I will stand behind!  The beauty (and sometimes curse) of the open social media!! 😁

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I'll say that perhaps there were some injuries and deaths from the jap. But Tim making a living fear mongering is the worst bullshit. Best thing to do is don't buy anything Phizer. Note what Dr. John? said right at the start about going to a shop and getting less than helpful information and saying he wouldn't shop there any more. Good advice.

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Just now, datsuntech said:

Agreed fuck Pfizer, but I would include almost all pharmaceutical companies. What does it matter who made the complaint? The CMPCA ruled that Pfizer broke 5 rules and have continued to do so multiple times. Of course no actual consequences.. Bad boy, don't do it again. 


One of my reservations with Vivek Ramswamy, was that his wealth came from HIS own pharmaceutical company.  Has anybody ever studied WHAT his company did & how they did or did not protect the consumers??  I have not......... 

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4 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

I'll say that perhaps there were some injuries and deaths from the jap. But Tim making a living fear mongering is the worst bullshit. Best thing to do is don't buy anything Phizer. Note what Dr. John? said right at the start about going to a shop and getting less than helpful information and saying he wouldn't shop there any more. Good advice.


Absolutely & that is why I & others (you?) keep coming back here!  We all get varying thoughts & theories, ideas!! 😎

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

First... FUCK Pfizer ... now, he called it a report of a complaint and almost said who but who???? who made this complaint and is it really valid? or hearsay?


The big issue today, is companies or people screaming "HE SLANDERED ME!" Waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh 😭 This guy is always careful naming people.  I promise you, it was not just one person, making this claim...................🙄

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Do YOU? trust Pfizer????? or Timcast or even Elon? Fuck their celebrity opinion. I try to apply my fuck you's indiscriminately to those who deserve it. I may disagree with you John but correct me if I'm wrong, I have never said fuck you to you. I value your opinion even if wrong (I mean different) than mine because I don't think you have an agenda or wear a foil hat. 


...and yes I was a good little Canadian and got some jabs. I did my part and that's that. I've never advocated getting it or not and have never run anyone down for their reasons for or against in their choice. I like to give out humorous jabs.


Flu shots are not the same thing. Though I highly recommend getting them at any age. I will say that the last two flu shots they asked if I wanted the latest covid booster included. The last time I just gave him 'that look' and he said OOoookay then, flu shot only. Like I said, done my part and came out the other side, I'm good.


I trust myself.

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23 hours ago, datzenmike said:


Flu shots are not the same thing. Though I highly recommend getting them at any age. I will say that the last two flu shots they asked if I wanted the latest covid booster included. The last time I just gave him 'that look' and he said OOoookay then, flu shot only. Like I said, done my part and came out the other side, I'm good.


No one in my family has ever taken a flu shot (parents, siblings, grandparents) and we rarely ever get sick. I've gone 2 years without getting sick in the past. When I do happen to get sick I get over it lightning fast. I'll wake up with flu like symptoms. By the time it's bedtime I'm already feeling better. And by the second evening I'm almost 100%. It might extend a little over to the 3rd day. But It's super rare if I'm sick for 4 days. 


Your body is the most miraculous machine on this planet. If it is attacked it automatically makes itself stronger. There is really no point to the flu shot other than to give pharmaceutical companies a reliable steady income.


The same with the covid shot. Again noone in my family took it. My parents are both up there in age. We all got covid once and then that was it. We haven't gotten it a second time. I have friends who didn't want to take the jab but were forced to do so by their employers. Two of them have gotten covid 3 times each already. Natural immunity is no joke. The fact that the US gov refused to acknowledge or give folks the option to opt for natural immunity. Should've raised some serious red flags for the pro jabbers. But they chose to hand over their trust and bodies over to the gov to experiment on them. I feel bad for those that were forced to choose between the jab and their family's lively hood. Thankfully I work construction. It was completely different for me. I told the boss I had covid and he says. "So I'll see you here on Monday?" Haaa I was like ok, sounds good. I don't get paid if I don't work.

Edited by IZRL
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On 4/17/2024 at 5:47 PM, IZRL said:


No one in my family has ever taken a flu shot (parents, siblings, grandparents) and we rarely ever get sick. I've gone 2 years without getting sick in the past. When I do happen to get sick I get over it lightning fast. I'll wake up with flu like symptoms. By the time it's bedtime I'm already feeling better. And by the second evening I'm almost 100%. It might extend a little over to the 3rd day. But It's super rare if I'm sick for 4 days. 


Your body is the most miraculous machine on this planet. If it is attacked it automatically makes itself stronger. There is really no point to the flu shot other than to give pharmaceutical companies a reliable steady income.


The same with the covid shot. Again noone in my family took it. My parents are both up there in age. We all got covid once and then that was it. We haven't gotten it a second time. I have friends who didn't want to take the jab but were forced to do so by their employers. Two of them have gotten covid 3 times each already. Natural immunity is no joke. The fact that the US gov refused to acknowledge or give folks the option to opt for natural immunity. Should've raised some serious red flags for the pro jabbers. But they chose to hand over their trust and bodies over to the gov to experiment on them. I feel bad for those that were forced to choose between the jab and their family's lively hood. Thankfully I work construction. It was completely different for me. I told the boss I had covid and he says. "So I'll see you here on Monday?" Haaa I was like ok, sounds good. I don't get paid if I don't work.


Agree 100%.  Last time I got the flu shot, was 2007.  Yes, I get sick once or twice a year, but short term & mellow.  I too, did not get the jab & never will.  I firmly believe in our body's natural immunity, especially when managed with supplements.  Yes, I have had Covid, I think twice, both times short lived.  I knew people that died from Covid.  I know people that are currently struggling with what I firmly believe to be "Covid injuries".  So sad to watch them continue to suffer, cuz they will not even consider a homeopathic potential recovery, using detox methods................they can not fathom, that our gov't (and around the world, but I believe it stemmed from here in the USA, thru f**king Fauci & his NIH) used them & lied to them.  

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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, Dguy210 said:



Jesus.... I knew this experimental vaccine was gonna be dangerous. I tried to talk some of my young relatives who wanted the jab out of getting it but some of them got it anyway. The true tragedy of this is that those SOB's in this Administration forced this on many including my sister and brother & law. They put the lying piece of shit weasel (Fauci "Mr. Science") who helped fund the virus, in charge of deciding what we could and couldn't do. Then they silenced everyone who apposed the vaccine, including experts in the field. They were releasing false/inflated data on number of deaths & infected people. And they refused to acknowledge the time tested fact that if you got covid, acquired immunity would do the trick and it was better than any jab. Some countries did the research on immunity and decided it was good enough. They left it up to the people to decide immunity vs the jab.


I know this is all just a recap of what I've already said on this thread. But I'm telling you guys these pieces of shit knew exactly what they were doing to us and they did it intentionally. Turns out we the anti vaxxers, weren't just crazy conspiracy theorist after all ey?

Edited by IZRL
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So... wouldn't they also be doing this to themselves also? their families? So what was the end game here? thinning the herd? Or is this just stupidity at it's best. Fucking around with something they shouldn't.

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

So... wouldn't they also be doing this to themselves also? their families? So what was the end game here? thinning the herd? Or is this just stupidity at it's best. Fucking around with something they shouldn't.

 They did thin the elderly herd, and they were doing things they should not have and still are.

If you look at the age ranges of those that died its very heavy on the the over 50 crowd.


 307,000 died over 85 years of age, how many beds did they free up in old folks homes and how much money does that save to now spend on 13 million illegals. California is on the cutting edge again by coming up with a law that mandates illegal immigrants be hired for taxpayer-funded state jobs.


 All of this really belongs in the destruction thread its all tied together now and intertwines


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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

So... wouldn't they also be doing this to themselves also? their families? So what was the end game here? thinning the herd? Or is this just stupidity at it's best. Fucking around with something they shouldn't.


Did you personally see the elites take the Jab? And I'm not talking about mid level politicians either cause those jackasses are expendable like the rest of us, they just don't know it yet IMO.


I've mentioned what I believe the end game is on here & on destruction before and part of it is thinning the herd. By way of virus, starvation, and freezing to death due to taking fossil fuels from the poorest countries.


It can't be carelessness or stupidity in my eyes. The U.S was funding wuhan and their gain of function research knowing a leak could happen. What good could come from making viruses stronger, more contagious, and deadlier? Ask yourself, how come lesser countries than the U.S handled the situation better. With less resources? Even average folk like myself with minimal knowledge of how vaccines and medications are made could figure out that their was nothing they could whip up in even 4 years, nevermind 1 or 2 years, with minimal testing. That would be safe for human use or know that it would even work. All the information was out their if you were willing to look. They shut the experts up that had done all that research (NOT AN ACCIDENT)!!!!

Edited by IZRL
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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

So... wouldn't they also be doing this to themselves also? their families? So what was the end game here? thinning the herd? Or is this just stupidity at it's best. Fucking around with something they shouldn't.


No political critters died of Covid and the rich and connected didn't seem to take it all that serious behind closed doors. 

I would be very surprised if they really got the jab, or the same jab as the public. Not that hard to just publicly give saline in the needle. 

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Lack of proof does not prove something to be true.


Ever meet someone you immediately don't like, don't trust, perhaps find creepy? Well that how I feel about Fauci. Maybe this is some evolutionary advantage to protect you from strangers, I don't know, but I instantly disliked him and found him very false, shifty. In a hunter gatherer society of the past, if he showed up at the encampment, I would set the dogs on him.


I wonder just how many Chinese died from this??? 

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

Lack of proof does not prove something to be true.


Stay paranoid folks! You'll be way better off living by the "I need to see it to believe it" motto when it comes to trusting people you don't know. Than to flip a coin in trying to decipher if you can trust a stranger to tell you the truth.


The thing I trust least on this planet is the gov. As soon as I found out that this virus had been modified and had been leaked from a lab. I knew the US gov was involved in one way or another. This was before they had made it public that the US gov was funding wuhan. I mentioned this to people and everyone looked at me sideways.


This paranoia is what led me to question everything they told us about the virus from day one. Which is why I immediately started doing research on the amount of time it normally takes to produce and test a vaccine. How long it takes for it to be given the green light that it is effective and safe. Hint... It's not 2 years. 

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I think flu vaccines are made up in less than a year in advance. The take the most likely strains (3 to 5?) from this past flu season and combine them for this next season. Now dat2guy may have something to say.


As for staying paranoid, thank-you for your service to the human race. It's invaluable to have someone say "Wait a minute!!!"

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On 6/5/2024 at 9:16 AM, IZRL said:


Stay paranoid folks! You'll be way better off living by the "I need to see it to believe it" motto when it comes to trusting people you don't know. Than to flip a coin in trying to decipher if you can trust a stranger to tell you the truth.


The thing I trust least on this planet is the gov.


Ronald Reagan said the nine most terrifying words are  "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."


On 6/5/2024 at 11:21 AM, datzenmike said:

I think flu vaccines are made up in less than a year in advance. The take the most likely strains (3 to 5?) from this past flu season and combine them for this next season. Now dat2guy may have something to say.


As for staying paranoid, thank-you for your service to the human race. It's invaluable to have someone say "Wait a minute!!!"


Flu vaccines are the type we were all familiar with, a dead virus or particles of the virus that are not able to infect, and its the same process each year not a new invention

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Different, they use mRNA technology , messenger ribonucleic acid mRNA that is picked up by the cells and it instructs them to make the spike protein which was supposed to show the body enough information about the covid virus to boost the immune response.

 We don't know all of what it really did, but give it time the experiment is still playing out.

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On 6/6/2024 at 11:17 PM, Ooph! said:

Different, they use mRNA technology , messenger ribonucleic acid mRNA that is picked up by the cells and it instructs them to make the spike protein which was supposed to show the body enough information about the covid virus to boost the immune response.

 We don't know all of what it really did, but give it time the experiment is still playing out.


Those of us from the control group are watching...

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