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Project Dajiban

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5 hours ago, Duncan said:

I try NOT to take any pain pills unless I have to.


Agreed.  One of the other prescriptions is Flomax, I believe.  It's supposed to expand, or relax, or somehow make the internal plumbing bigger so the stone will pass.  I was hoping I could get by on that and refused to take the codeine when I got up.  I made it about two hours before becoming a whiny little beeotch who needed pain relief.  I basically exist in one of two states:


Nauseated, dizzy and blind with pain, or high as balls!


NGL, I AM enjoying the HAB state!

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2 hours ago, dimlight65 said:

NGL, I AM enjoying the HAB state!


I was in the ICU for ten days, and they just kept pumping pain killers into me intravenously.  My wife came to visit and when I talked to her, I knew what I wanted to say to her, but I heard nothing but gibberish coming out of my mouth.  It frightened me a bit, to be honest. 


 My second trip to the table, I insisted they cut it way back.  By the end of second day, I had them stop the pain meds all together.  It was certainly manageable. 


The damn Doctors really over-prescribe antibiotics and pain meds these days.


Okay, back to Dajiban Adventures...



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On 7/30/2023 at 5:44 PM, Duncan said:

Okay, back to Dajiban Adventures...

Meester Duncan, would you please ask the wife to confirm Google translate's Kanji script of "Dajiban" for me?

Any other Japanese speakers (readers?) feel free to chime in as well.  


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15 hours ago, dimlight65 said:

Meester Duncan, would you please ask the wife to confirm Google translate's Kanji script of "Dajiban" for me?

Any other Japanese speakers (readers?) feel free to chime in as well.  



I'll ask her, but my wife is a 3rd generation Japanese-American.  She can speak some conversational Japanese, but her parents passed away years ago, and she hasn't used it in years.  If she ever learned any Kanji, she's likely forgotten it.  I will ask her, though.  



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3 hours ago, Duncan said:

I will ask her, though.


Thanks.  As an "Ugly American," I assumed something.  And the more I think about it, I was ok with the shift ball saying "Miso Soup," why should this be any different?

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1 hour ago, dimlight65 said:


Thanks.  As an "Ugly American," I assumed something.  And the more I think about it, I was ok with the shift ball saying "Miso Soup," why should this be any different?


Hey, no worries there at all.    People frequently ask what her nationality is, or similar type questions, and she takes zero offense.  I find a shift ball saying "Miso Soup" kinda funny, and I'm sure she would too..


And I did ask her about reading Kanji, and as I suspected, she's forgotten most of what little she did know.  While my wife is pretty apolitical, she leans to the (gasp) right side on the spectrum of things.  She's really very cool, and frankly, she'd have to be to hang out with the likes of me for all these decades.


Sorry I couldn't help out a bit more..





Edited by Duncan
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I'm a little frustrated.  After a totally crap week of sitting on my ass, alternating between blinded by kidney stone pain and stoned out of my head from the pain pills, I managed to accomplish almost nothing at the shop today. 


Oh sure, I installed the cap on the radiator bung that was preventing me from filling the cooling system, but now I have to wait for that silicone to cure before filling. 


What really has me bummed is the fact that the wiring is... being problematic. 


Oh sure, if I had actually put fuses in the relay box, those circuits probably would have worked.  But I came to that realization too late.  I may go back tomorrow to look at that.  


The ignition switch seems to be wired wrong (Or little Xi Qang at the sweatshop wired the fusebox wrong.  But what can you expect from an 8yo?  I digress).  I get nothing in the "On" position, but stuff (which shouldn't be) activated in the "Accessory" position.  That one may be on me... ok, that one is probably on me.


The wipers, brake lights, and turn signals don't work either.  Hopefully wiring the ignition switch correctly will fix that. 


On the plus side, the heater fan, gauges, park lights, and hazard circuits work. 


Oh, and we didn't burn the van to the ground when the battery was connected.  So... success?

Edited by dimlight65
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On 8/5/2023 at 4:14 PM, dimlight65 said:

Oh sure, if I had actually put fuses in the relay box, those circuits probably would have worked.


I put fuses in and now we have more functioning circuits...




On 8/5/2023 at 4:14 PM, dimlight65 said:

The ignition switch seems to be wired wrong


I took it out and had a look.  I did not wire it wrong.  Little Xi Quan didn't stake the retainers down hard enough...




It still doesn't work exactly right, but it works better.  I wired it back in but didn't install it in the dash again...




Just to show that at least some of my wiring works, here's the "submarine red" light in the back...




the "submarine red" cab light...




and the white light in the cab...




This final picture is supposed to represent "Man's Inhumanity to Man"... wait.  That's not it.  No, it's to show that the hazard flashers work...




Up next, a sudden burst of inspiration, and hopefully cool air!

Edited by dimlight65
Found the "submarine red" cab light picture
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I was looking at this whopping great hole in the dash where the wiring harness used to pass...






I thought, "I wonder if one of those vent registers would fit here."




Yes, yes it will.  So I screwed it down in place...




and had a look at the radiator support.  I hole-sawed through it...




And installed a duct...






Turning it on and off will be a challenge, but a stick ort to get it done.




Oh, and here's the silicone cap (filled with even more silicone) plugging the weird extra bung on the radiator.




I finished filling the cooling system and now we're waiting to see if it leaks.

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I felt pretty good about stuff, so I decided to go ahead and flip the breakers in the camper to try out those circuits. Here's a video of the stereo system and lights all working.



If you don't want to watch the video, here's a picture...






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So I "found" a faux Japanese subway ring somewhere...




I tried it on the Smart...






But decided it would be better on the Dajiban...








I also decided to ditch the Chinesium ignition switch for... a different Chinesium ignition switch.  I forgot to take pictures of it, but instead of having Acc-Off-On-Start, it just has Off-On-Start.  Once I wired that switch in, almost everything works now!  I'm 99.27631% certain that the windshield wiper motor took a shit on me and that's why it doesn't work.  I've gone over the wiring diagrams vs my wiring a dozen times, and the only thing I did "wrong" was send constant hot to the switch.  It should work!  I'll get a new wiper motor and I'm sure it will be fine.

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I have been agonizing over the wiper wiring, but after grokking this diagram...




I am 99% certain that I have it right... ish.


And after laying in bed thinking about what it does vs what it is supposed to do, I am 100% sure I have it wired right... but not for the switch I have.  I know how to fix it though... I think.

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9 hours ago, Duncan said:

After watching that video, I see you've turned the Dajiban into quite the Love Palace..


If I had a daughter, I wouldn't let her get within 20 feet of that thing.



The old Shaggin' Wagon... Stay away little girl!

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I finally got the wipers to work!  First off, I snipped the "Wiper Power" wire from the motor plug and re-routed it back to the wiper switch...




It's the greyish-blue wire looping around the greenish blue wire and going through the hole.  I then wired that to the switch in place of the constant hot I had there before...




Then I re-wired the motor plug to match this diagram which I drew up last night...




And that looked like this...




We plugged it all up and... immediately blew the fuse.  Apparently Dodge shunts the "Park" wire to ground when it is actually parked.  Back to the diagrams for some head scratching.  I re-re-wired the plug so that the green wire out of the plug back-feeds the low circuit and the green "Park" wire from the switch feeds the blue wire.  I thought that the switch would be quick enough to not shunt the "Low Speed" wire.  It wasn't.  We blew another fuse.  Back to the diagrams for some more head scratching.  I realized that a diode would prevent the "Low Speed" wire from back-feeding into the "Park" circuit.  I found a diode, figured out which way it flows, wired it backwards, and blew another fuse.  Eventually, I got the diode wired in...




And then taped it all up to look slightly less like ass...




I said "slightly"!  Anyhoo, with all of that done, the wipers finally work properly.  Low Speed-lows.  High Speed-highs.  And Off-Parks the arms.  I'm still going to replace the crusty 26 year old wiper motor, but that will have to wait until Wednesday.

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On 8/1/2023 at 7:45 PM, dimlight65 said:

Meester Duncan, would you please ask the wife to confirm Google translate's Kanji script of "Dajiban" for me?

Any other Japanese speakers (readers?) feel free to chime in as well.  



Not technically Kanji, but Katakana, which is the Japanese phonetic alphabet used to essentially spell foreign source words.  Hiragana is the other phonetic used for Japanese words, sounds and articles.


It looks correct to me.  Da is the first, the second is a small "Tsu" which makes the third, "ji" or "dji" a double consonant (so essentially daj ji).  The final two are Ba and a glottal "N" sound (sometimes also an "M" sound if needed).  So daj ji ba n.

Edited by iceman510
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2 hours ago, iceman510 said:


Not technically Kanji, but Katakana, which is the Japanese phonetic alphabet used to essentially spell foreign source words.  Hiragana is the other phonetic used for Japanese words, sounds and articles.


It looks correct to me.  Da is the first, the second is a small "Tsu" which makes the third, "ji" or "dji" a double consonant (so essentially daj ji).  The final two are Ba and a glottal "N" sound (sometimes also an "M" sound if needed).  So daj ji ba n.


I thank you from the bottom of my heart... or the heart of my bottom, whichever you prefer!

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