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The new President

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I apologize for anything I may have done to stir up so much anger and hatred but what sense does it make to tell some one to shut the F up and call them names because we have different opinions. I never made ANY statements about how I felt about anyone,just their opinions. I never attacked anyone I just stated some theories and some of what I believed was fact and got the biggest FU I have ever recieved.

Rubberman I quoted you right next to Z train and I appreciate that we can agree to disagree and you not attacking me for my point of view. I am a liberal but I love my country as much as anyone.

I honestly meant no offense to anyone but I do believe some have shown their true colors and they are certainly very ugly...


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I apologize for anything I may have done to stir up so much anger and hatred but what sense does it make to tell some one to shut the F up and call them names because we have different opinions. I never made ANY statements about how I felt about anyone,just their opinions. I never attacked anyone I just stated some theories and some of what I believed was fact and got the biggest FU I have ever recieved.

Rubberman I quoted you right next to Z train and I appreciate that we can agree to disagree and you not attacking me for my point of view. I am a liberal but I love my country as much as anyone.

I honestly meant no offense to anyone but I do believe some have shown their true colors and they are certainly very ugly...




I agree on that. The one bad thing I hate about typing, it's so hard to get what your trying to say across. Things can be taken to many different ways. It's much easier talking to people face to face. Peoples facial expressions, the tones of their voice, and their attitude can make a world of difference. This is not a political site. But like everyone else, I want to jump in and give my opinion, the key word is opinion. I've been tempted to be mean with the words, but it wouldn't do any good but make me look loke an ass. So, sorry if I've sad anything to piss anyone off. If Obama can better America, then great, time will tell.

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how about this for and opinion datsun datsun datsun datsun datsun datsun they are my blood my world my life and yours as a ratsun website we must join together and be as one side by side neck to neck well not really neck to neck some u dudes about 6 ft taller then me less someone gets me a small ladder to stand on anyways we must be as one or as many would work lets join webbers and rock this place can i here a vrooom vrooom oh yah ratsun ratsun ratsun :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:blink:

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...what a pity. please no censorship:) it defeats the purpose of actually having a opinion.



An opinion is not a fact, because opinions are either not falsifiable, or the opinion has not been proven or verified. If it later becomes proven or verified, it is no longer an opinion, but a fact. Opinions are like Datsuns, everyone here has one. No one runs another down for preferring a HL over a PL or a 720 over a 620. In fact it makes it more interesting to see and be exposed to such variety. Should not opinions be seen in the same light? Can you call someone a fool because he prefers Yellow over Green?

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i would have to disagree with your opinion on the 720 and the 521 the personal reason being is the 720 has comfort power and styling verses the 521 that has styling but the 620 is were the real stylin begins the picturous bullet side with all the power u need plus the comfort of and old wooden wagon were talkin the ultimate in design

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i would have to disagree with your opinion on the 720 and the 521 the personal reason being is the 720 has comfort power and styling verses the 521 that has styling but the 620 is were the real stylin begins the picturous bullet side with all the power u need plus the comfort of and old wooden wagon were talkin the ultimate in design


Lets arm wrestle over it. I get to use both arms though:D

Nah I dig 720s. I had one once and it was mighty comfy but my back hurts from driving the 620 all day. And just wait,my 521 will soon whip you and Dougs 620s...:fu:.

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Back up your views with facts not bullshit...


Fact' date=' Anyone whose skin is not white must be bad. Just saying. White Power. I'm tired of all these people saying that it's time for change. What it's time for is racial cleansing. And while we're at it let's take care of the homosexuals and we might as well put them women folk back in their place too.

Does that not sound FUCKING STUPID?


How does the color of someone's skin have any bearing over their competence as a human, or their ability to govern our "great" nation?


I never thought I would see the day where I would meet someone on Ratsun who I could truly never appreciate as a fellow Datsun owner. Frankly I am ashamed to be in the company of such bigotry.


Love always,


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Amen Kiz...This is general DISCUSSION not General Call People Names.


Politics are fine...but personal attacks, I don't care who the target is, are completely uncalled for.


I'm also not gonna edit shit. If someone feels like they said something outta line (you should know who you are) they are free to apologize. I'm not Big Brother and if I were to edit posts, people would not know what is and is not acceptable around here.


Now play fawkin nice, I'm goin wheelin :fu:

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I think its time for sum humor. I no, theres a thread for jokes but hope this puts a smile on your face....:D here it goes ... called lost wallet


A guy was traveling through Mexico on vacation when, low and behold, he lost his wallet and all identification. Cutting his trip short. He attempted to make his way home, but was stopped by a Mexican Customs Agent at the Tijuana border.


'May I see your identification, por favor, se

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I hate no one specifically, but everybody in general.



Anyone interested in the weber 45's I may have for sale? I dont know what a fair price is to ask for them. I have an intake mani for them as well, modified from a 6 cyl I was told.

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Robert Powell Drove a 510

"I figured my first duty was to put my family in the best engineering my money could buy, so I traded in for a Datsun 510 (I couldn't afford my first choice BMW 2002). It was a truly great car--fast, safe, excellent handling, and cheap to run. I drove it for ten years, coast-to-coast several times. I rent "American" cars, but would never buy one."
Best engineering money could buy!
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My thoughts on the new President, whoever it was going to be. It WAS all planned. Listen closely to this song:




Especially around 02:45 into the song. Yes, We will ALL be affected in one way or another with the "darkness" that lies ahead. It didn't matter who won. George Harrison couldn't have said it any better. The AIG execs are still going to the opera and staying in "a little" better than Motel Sixs while We will have to take up the slack. So listen very closely to a song that was written about 40 years ago...... has anything really ever changed??????




Love one another, that's all We really have.

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Amen to that.


Remember the pardon of former president Nixon? Safe to say that justice was denied. By all civilized countries and the signers of the Geneva convention there are several engineers of the Iraq war who could easily merit standing trial for war crimes in the world court. How will this all play out in the coming dark times I wonder?

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