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A new Ratson philosophy?

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there's another word for philosophy......




Funny, I was just thinking you guys might be suffering from philosophical constipation. Might I recommend some marijuana for that.

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Potty talk is safer than exploring the deeper meaning of "shit". If people could just let go of their defensive reaction, they might find this shit stuff makes for interesting conversation. 

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Potty talk is safer than exploring the deeper meaning of "shit". If people could just let go of their defensive reaction, they might find this shit stuff makes for interesting conversation.

Shit=shit, simple as that.

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Ok, you made me put down my beer, get off my comfy couch and get out my keyboard to respond to this.


1) I am not a piece of shit.  I am far from perfect but have come to terms with the fact that I am human and make mistakes.  Sometimes those mistakes hurt/piss off other people.  Sometimes I am on the receiving end.  That's life.


2) I have nothing, nothing to do with 20,000 people dying in another country.  Nor do I have control over the cultural prejudices practiced in other countries. When I hear women cant vote, albinos are hacked up for their valuable body parts, girl babies are killed by their own mothers, animals are poached to the point of extinction, warlords rule countries with impunity I am saddened and reminded that I am blessed to be born in North America where I am considered to be in the top 1% of worldwide wealth just because I own two beds.  Some folks get riled up when they find out that sweatshops pay $.03 per pair of jeans manufactured in third world countries.  Its called Capitalism!  That's how much those people agreed to work for! If they want more they can do what our ancestors figured out 200 years ago and rebel!  Yes it sucks, yes there will be government retribution but a government can not exist without the people allowing it to exist. And just for the record, no, I do not think our government is fantastic but it is less shitty than most other ones.


3) I don't stress myself out by buying new cars and worrying about scratches.  That's why I drive a datto.

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Potty talk is safer than exploring the deeper meaning of "shit". If people could just let go of their defensive reaction, they might find this shit stuff makes for interesting conversation.


Sorry, it just doesn't make for interesting conversation. Yes, people can and will do bad things but being a piece of shit is a conscious decision. Dude in the video is a piece of shit for telling his kids they're nothing special, that shows a lack of support to inspire them to do great things. I'm sure Einstein's parents told him he was a piece of shit, or Newton's, or Ben Franklin's. I'm quite frankly sick of this bullshit apologist mentality that's become en vogue lately, it's dragging America down and detracting from its status. What we are is members of nature, we are wired like the rest of the animals, look out for ourselves and our families. Survival of the fittest, anyone that thinks we are ''civilized'' and above that is Fucking delusional.

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What if I accept myself, and I dont consider myself a piece of shit?


This guy just has a negative attitude; If you have a positive attitude its pretty easy to feel good.all the time.


I had to resist stopping the video to watch the whole thing, guy just irritated the shit out of me with his point of view. It could have been the coffee too.


Im grabbing a beer.

Also, Micro wins in this thread.

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Sad truth is that people that think of themselves as godly gifts to mother earth tend to go farther in life. You think Mariah Carey see's herself as a pile of shit, 51% of the world might...........................but the other 49% are standing in the concert line as we speak.


most actors, musicians and politicians are self centered piles of shit but they can flip it around into YOUR best interrest 

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