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Yes you make it so easy Jesus!


Sorry I don't speak "gangsta", what is a "homie"?


Stop trying to be smart, you are making yourself look even dumber. No, sorry, more fanatical. 


You only keep bringing up Trump and the Catholic Scandal. What is the deal here, the real deal.


Trump is the correction to 8 years of terrible crap hoisted upon us by the well meaning Liberal Left. 


The Catholic Scandal is a terrible thing, yet comparing this to Watergate is pretty bush league and easy. Just like Anti Abortion folks calling Abortion the Holocaust and Liberals doing the same with wild life every time a Gorilla or something gets shot. 


Liberals will only cover something if it meets their needs and furthers their agenda. They have a fierce hard on, should I explain what a Hard On is?, for anything that will tear down Christian based values. The only religions they leave alone a Buddhism and Islam. 


Most claim to be either atheist or Buddhist, you either don't believe or you pray to a head of cabbage. And if you call out Islam, you are a Racist Islamaphobe. Afterall, it is the religion of peace. 


So you call us Jaded and Cynical, how about tired of this shit and speaking up about it? No, we are not that capable, right?  


So keep smoking that shit! Comprende!?

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Jesus umm, you're kinda all over the place there I musta struck a nerve.


"Terrible crap", please define I would love to read what is so godawful in your reality that the big bad left did to you personally to make you suffer so.


I did not refer to anyone other than you, why are you saying "us", can't stand on your own two feet?


I never stated anything about your capabilities or lack thereof that is your own insecurity speaking.


If you want to wedge your head up President-Elect Trumps behind and follow him unquestionably than feel free to do so.


Isn't that what sheep do?


I am not going to and if that makes you uncomfortable I am very sorry snowflake.


I will just reiterate, if you can't stand the smell, get out of the bathroom.

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Jesus umm, you're kinda all over the place there I musta struck a nerve.


"Terrible crap", please define I would love to read what is so godawful in your reality that the big bad left did to you personally to make you suffer so.


I did not refer to anyone other than you, why are you saying "us", can't stand on your own two feet?


I never stated anything about your capabilities or lack thereof that is your own insecurity speaking.


If you want to wedge your head up President-Elect Trumps behind and follow him unquestionably than feel free to do so.


Isn't that what sheep do?


Some of us are not going to and if that makes you uncomfortable I am very sorry snowflake.


I will just reiterate, if you can't stand the smell, get out of the bathroom.

The hypocrisy and Irony of that reply.... Wow.... :rofl:

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Jesus umm, you're kinda all over the place there I musta struck a nerve.


"Terrible crap", please define I would love to read what is so godawful in your reality that the big bad left did to you personally to make you suffer so.


I did not refer to anyone other than you, why are you saying "us", can't stand on your own two feet?


I never stated anything about your capabilities or lack thereof that is your own insecurity speaking.


If you want to wedge your head up President-Elect Trumps behind and follow him unquestionably than feel free to do so.


Isn't that what sheep do?


Some of us are not going to and if that makes you uncomfortable I am very sorry snowflake.


I will just reiterate, if you can't stand the smell, get out of the bathroom.


Blah, blah, blah fucking blah


God you are getting boring. Sorry, Allah, Buddha, Cabbage......

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Lemme guess cynical and world weary but with a heart of gold am I right?


Anyway here's one;



Fuck me,never heard of him.From i what i read about him he's clearly a liberal journalist with an agenda.I said REAL reporter,someone unbiased that reports news without promoting an agenda.

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So this means nothing?;


"Miller's investigative reporting in Colombia uncovered that a contractor for an American oil company, Occidental Petroleum, had helped to coordinate the bombing of civilians by the Colombian Air Force of a small town in northeastern Colombia which left 17 dead. His coverage of the Santo Domingo bombing led to the U.S. suspending military aid to the Colombian Air Force  and to a judgement by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights condemning the Colombian government."


Is it more important that a journalist be "bias free" (whatever the f!@# that means in this case) than actually get positive things done then?

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 Gee Mike, I thought you would have seen the easy to see differentiation in my above posts between print/ electronic media.


Apparently not.


Preach on brother....


No it's not clear about print and electronic media. I guess the kids today think there were no TVs and radio back during Watergate. I think journalists are in both print and electronic aren't they?

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So. I was certainly one of those calling out TV news for being crap. But I woke up thinking about the death of news. The news, historically played a crucial role in the state. Even our constitution called on their role. We have seen them bring down governments, as well as make them possible. I'd argue they are best when they have no state affiliation, but rather a civilian duty. But what happens if they are irrelevant? If reality TV culture takes over, and there is no real news? I see consequences. Quite frankly, the presidents relationship to the people is not sure to benefit from tweet style communication. A presidents message has always been rehearsed, calculated, and filtered. I see both pros and cons in that. But a president reaching out to the masses while taking a dump is new ground that I am hesitant to embrace. (Broad statement for all future presidents).


Trump specific: a concern of mine with no media is that trump has very low humility. His Tweets have been, and will continue to have bad information. But he will never admit he was wrong (part of his view of what makes a strong leader). So to what end will he defend his mistakes? Defend his honor? Depending on the gravity of his spontaneous tweet, this could be a serious downward spiral toward a bad end.


I really don't like the role the media has taken these last few years, but I'm more concerned with their demise.

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No it's not clear about print and electronic media. I guess the kids today think there were no TVs and radio back during Watergate. I think journalists are in both print and electronic aren't they?


Don't think I can be much clearer than this-


"I have more than a little respect for print journalists whom are in it for the long run, not these vidiots whose only goal is upping their networks Q rating and trying to make themselves look smart by asking the most inane questions." 


-other than defining "vidiot"- a combination of the words "video" and "idiot" an insult directed at electronic media "journalists" who are as awful as agreed upon.

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So. I was certainly one of those calling out TV news for being crap. But I woke up thinking about the death of news. The news, historically played a crucial role in the state. Even our constitution called on their role. We have seen them bring down governments, as well as make them possible. I'd argue they are best when they have no state affiliation, but rather a civilian duty. But what happens if they are irrelevant? If reality TV culture takes over, and there is no real news? I see consequences. Quite frankly, the presidents relationship to the people is not sure to benefit from tweet style communication. A presidents message has always been rehearsed, calculated, and filtered. I see both pros and cons in that. But a president reaching out to the masses while taking a dump is new ground that I am hesitant to embrace. (Broad statement for all future presidents).

Trump specific: a concern of mine with no media is that trump has very low humility. His Tweets have been, and will continue to have bad information. But he will never admit he was wrong (part of his view of what makes a strong leader). So to what end will he defend his mistakes? Defend his honor? Depending on the gravity of his spontaneous tweet, this could be a serious downward spiral toward a bad end.

I really don't like the role the media has taken these last few years, but I'm more concerned with their demise.

The fact that it worked for the trumpet, proves you wrong, MSM is another big government tool to control the flow of info.

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