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the very liberal magazine, "The Nation" ran a story twenty years ago entitled, "Hillary, the ice queen" that strongly suggested she was a lesbian. rumors have circulated for forty years that she and bill met when they were dating the same girl in college. on the other hand, WikiLeaks recently suggested that neither she nor bill like LGBT folks so.......I don't know.


I do personally believe that Bill has a son with a black woman (below)




and that Chelsea's father is Webb Hubble (below)





I would wager the Clintons have not engaged in maritals with one another since right around the time the A10 Datsuns were introduced. I'm guessing the abortions were actually Bill's little wigglers in Hillary's bat cave. I think she probably took some distinct, sadistic delight in telling him she'd had his potential pups put to sleep. She strikes me as that type.

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I sent a message to Represent.US a non profit that is supposed to be all about ending government and election corruption. They said they saw the video but wouldn't post the video because they only post information from reputable sources.. Then linked me one of their videos as an example of those sources. Guess which ones they are....CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS.....They said the PV video was partisan and would alienate half of their support base...... WTF so only the left gets to point out what's corrupt then?


I asked them how they could see the MSM as reliable when current wiki emails have proven that these "reputable sources" are working deliberately with only one side of the political establishment.


They are a fake organization as far as I am concerned. 

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Thanks to milo making some videos.


Here is an image of one of the clinton agitators bragging about deliberately trying to incite violence during the chicago Trump rally..




here is the same woman at the rally yelling at a Trump supporter.




She brags about traveling the country deliberately trying to incite violence as a paid hillary operative.

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I don't think infowars has this wrong....it makes too much sense and its fucking scary if you really think about it and connect the dots...


War for these fuckers always seems to be the default to try and save an economy. Just a war of this magnitude wont save shit. 

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Chaffetz is a pro. See this memo from him today. He's locked in.. and so is Gowdy



Might be too late for this... but at least someone is trying!!!

never heard of Jason Chaffetz but he's exceptionally skilled at nailing slimy Jell-O to the wall. fucking Comey is accountable to congress whether or not Hillary still has the receipt where she purchased his ass.

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