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I've been noticing more MSM reporting on wikileaks. Maybe not CNN.. cause I refuse to watch that shitshow any more. But politico has a bunch of stuff on their website.. Washington Post is reporting on it.. and a bunch of others. A lot more that were previously. However, TV is a different story.. probably all groping stories over there.

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This was tweeted about 15 minutes ago from Wikileaks:



Julian Assange's internet link has been intentionally severed by a state party. We have activated the appropriate contingency plans.
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This was tweeted about 15 minutes ago from Wikileaks:




Julian Assange's internet link has been intentionally severed by a state party. We have activated the appropriate contingency plans.

Amazing what the Hillary camp can achieve through established influences.

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I've been noticing more MSM reporting on wikileaks. Maybe not CNN.. cause I refuse to watch that shitshow any more. But politico has a bunch of stuff on their website.. Washington Post is reporting on it.. and a bunch of others. A lot more that were previously. However, TV is a different story.. probably all groping stories over there.

NY Post (never quite as biased as NYT) ran a very good article on Hillary's emails.


Leaked emails reveal Hillary Clinton's life of deceit


On favors


“[Qatar] would like to see WJC [William Jefferson Clinton] ‘for five minutes’ in NYC, to present $1 million check that Qatar promised for WJC’s birthday in 2011.”


— Ami Desai, director of foreign policy for the Clinton Foundation, wrote in a 2012 e-mail.




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Matt Drudge posted on fb a few days ago that MSM can't comment on the wikileaks because the Podesta emails prove that they are colluding with the dnc for Hillary; they are in the shit up to their necks.

A caller to Joe Pags show on Friday related how he was trying to get some ID theft shit removed from his credit report, and a bogus federal loan required help.  Then senator Clinton's aide said that the problem could be solved, then added, "so, how much will you be contributing to the senator's reelection campaign?"  Pay-for-play anyone?

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Another bomb released today:




"To be clear, there are and will likely remain only two parties who can release the full 55k: State and us. Nobody else will have them. Gowdy will only end up with what’s relevant to his committee, which won’t grow that much beyond what he has. Probably not get anywhere close to 500."

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This was tweeted about 15 minutes ago from Wikileaks:



Julian Assange's internet link has been intentionally severed by a state party. We have activated the appropriate contingency plans.




We can confirm Ecuador cut off Assange's internet access Saturday, 5pm GMT, shortly after publication of Clinton's Goldman Sachs speechs.

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Note from Project Veritas/James O'Keefe


"I want to thank you all for spreading the word about our first video. The Internet has exploded with people sharing it and talking about it. You guys helped do that.

According to my sources, media corporations are not touching the story due to fear of retaliation by the DOJ. We have more videos coming this week. The truth is going to come out one way or the other.

PLEASE spread the word.

EDIT: FOX just booked, then cancelled on me."

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Note from Project Veritas/James O'Keefe


"I want to thank you all for spreading the word about our first video. The Internet has exploded with people sharing it and talking about it. You guys helped do that.

According to my sources, media corporations are not touching the story due to fear of retaliation by the DOJ. We have more videos coming this week. The truth is going to come out one way or the other.

PLEASE spread the word.

EDIT: FOX just booked, then cancelled on me."

I posted this video on Peter Defazio's FB and immediately I was deleted and temporarily blocked ha ha ha ha

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