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It might have prevented a collapse of the dollar. Well, prolonged the inevitable might be more accurate.


Anything that affects the financial security of the USA is defined as a National Security threat and that's quite logical and sound.


The White House would've better to go with that in the 1st place than the other bullshit about Saddam etc. 

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Anything that affects the financial security of the USA is defined as a National Security threat and that's quite logical and sound.


The White House would've better to go with that in the 1st place than the other bullshit about Saddam etc. 


my only question is DO THEY HAVE SWEET POTATOES IN TERRA AUSTRALIAS ?????????????


Thanks a local Polynesian ancestor if they do,


/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ -Dog fight! /\/\/\/\! 




This is the retarded SF Folsom street fair^

not a place for totlers. 


Give the Rainbow flag back to the children.!!!!!!!!!!

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This is rich LOL

As in, you don't agree?


That's interesting. Considering the amount of importance you give to Hillaries emails, and I expect time you've invested into reading them, I'd have thought you'd agree. Please do tell why we went all out with our balls out to the Mid East.

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As in, you don't agree?


That's interesting. Considering the amount of importance you give to Hillaries emails, and I expect time you've invested into reading them, I'd have thought you'd agree. Please do tell why we went all out with our balls out to the Mid East.




Go back and look who bit (liked) this troll bate. The true believers. 


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Here's the actual quote.


"a garden of children instead of a disorderly back lot overrun with human weeds" and "we do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea"


She may have been a bad person, maybe good. I don't know. But that quote is bullshit and is disrespecting the dead. That I don't care for.

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Here's the actual quote.


"a garden of children instead of a disorderly back lot overrun with human weeds" and "we do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea"


She may have been a bad person, maybe good. I don't know. But that quote is bullshit and is disrespecting the dead. That I don't care for.


here is more disrespect for you.




These are not my opinions.

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Neither Hildy, or Trump are fit to run the country I wish we were. The fact that two piles of human excrement are our choices truly underscore how back assward we Mercans are. 

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Neither Hildy, or Trump are fit to run the country I wish we were. The fact that two piles of human excrement are our choices truly underscore how back assward we Mercans are. 


is the reason i'm sitting this out for the first time in my life.

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I doubt I'll be able to sit out.  But I can't imagine voting for Hillary, or Trump.  If hillary is on the Dem ticket, this will be a very interesting campaign.  She will be slammed with all kinds of shit.  Trump will shit all over himself.  America will shit their couches.  And then most likely change the channel and pretend the country will just continue without them.    

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The sickest thing is the election may hinge on the VPs they select, so in reality Mercans would be voting for the second in command. Damned if that doesn't take the cake.

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